
DoD 2024 National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-Cs)

 Limit: 1 // J. Denno (Cyber Convergence Center) 


NCAE-Cs may submit one proposal which provides a response to one or two focus areas identified below. The total proposal submission per NCAE-C may not exceed $250,000.00 ($125,000.00 for each project). Any proposals exceeding this limit will automatically be rejected. 

 Universities designated under the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C)  which includes  National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education and  National Centers of Academic Excellence – Research,  and  National Centers of Academic Excellence – Cyber Operations  (hereinafter referred to as NCAE-Cs) 


The Department of Defense (DoD) Cyber Scholarship Program (CySP) is authorized by Chapter 112 of title 10, United States Code, Section 2200. The purpose of the program is to support the recruitment of new cyber talent and the retention of current highly skilled professionals within the DoD cyber workforce. Additionally, this program serves to enhance the national pipeline for the development of cyber personnel by providing grants to institutions of higher education. The DoD Cyber and Digital Services Academy (DCDSA) will partner with the DoD CySP/DCDSA in 2024. 

Regionally and nationally accredited U.S. institutions of higher education, designated under the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C) and known as National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense, Research, and/or Cyber Operations (hereinafter referred to as NCAE-Cs) are invited to submit proposals for developing and managing a full-time, institution-based, grant-funded scholarship program in cyber-related disciplines for Academic Year 2024- 2025. NCAE-Cs may propose collaboration with other accredited institutions, and are encouraged to include accredited post-secondary minority institutions. NCAE-Cs must be in good standing with the NCAE-C Program Office and not be delinquent on any required documentation by the NCAE-C Program Office. 

Consistent with 10 U.S.C. 2200b, NCAE-C proposals to this solicitation may also request modest collateral support for purposes of institutional capacity building to include faculty development, laboratory improvements, and/or curriculum development, in cyber-related topics to providing a strong foundation for a DoD CySP/DCDSA/DCDSA. [Special note: Requirements for proposing modest capacity building support are detailed in ANNEX II.] 

To continue the development of a strong foundation for recruitment scholarship program during the Academic Year 2024-2025, students falling into one of the following categories may apply: 

  • • Rising second-year NCAE-C Community College students who will be transitioning into a bachelor’s degree program at a 4-year NCAE-C 
  • • Current individuals who hold a non-cyber related bachelor’s or graduate degree, cross training into cyber by pursuing an associate’s degree. 
  • • Juniors or Seniors pursuing a bachelor's degree (Sophomore's promoting to a Junior in Fall 2024 are eligible to apply) 
  • • Students in their first or second year of a master's degree; or 
  • • Students pursuing doctoral degrees. 


Traditional National Guardsmen and reservists are eligible to apply under the recruitment program. Current DoD civilians and active duty military members are only eligible for the retention program. Applications for the retention program are processed under a different memorandum. NCAE-C are not required to forward or handle retention student applications. These individuals may also participate in the retention community college program. 

Reserve Officer’s Training Corps (ROTC) participants are eligible to apply as long as they do not currently have a service obligation with their ROTC activities. 

Employees of non-DoD federal agencies are ineligible for either program. 

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

Arizona Commission on the Arts (AZArts): 2024 Lifelong Arts Engagement Grants, Festival Grants, and Youth Arts Engagement Grants

Limit: 1* // S. Soto (Public Health Practice, Policy, & Translational Research Department) - Lifelong Arts Engagement Grants


* Please note, while an organization or unit of government may be eligible for more than one grant program, the Arts Commission limits the number of applications that may be submitted across programs to one application per entity per funding period. 


UArizona is not eligible for the Creative Capacity Grant, due to surpassing the maximum annual budget of $399,999
Creative Youth Grant is open to individuals between 14-17.


2024 Lifelong Arts Engagement Grants

Lifelong Arts Engagement Grants support projects that foster meaningful arts learning experiences for adult learners of any age and/or intergenerational projects in community settings.

Lifelong Arts Engagement Grants support projects that…

  • focus on learners across the aging spectrum,
  • occur in accessible community spaces, and
  • center arts learning practices.

Such projects should also…

  • provide opportunities for creative expression in safe and nurturing environments, and
  • utilize the assets of the community being served.

Projects may take place in…

  • arts venues,
  • community or senior centers,
  • residential facilities, and
  • other settings that serve adult learners of any age and/or intergenerational projects.


2024 Youth Arts Engagement Grants

Youth Arts Engagement Grants support arts learning projects for young people that occur outside of traditional school hours.

Youth Arts Engagement Grants support projects that…

  • focus on young people, ages 24 and under,
  • occur outside of traditional school hours (before/after school and/or during school holidays/breaks), and
  • center arts learning practices.

Such projects should also…

  • provide opportunities for creative expression in safe and nurturing environments,
  • honor youth voices, narratives, and perspectives, and
  • utilize the assets of the community being served.

Projects may take place in…

  • arts venues,
  • community centers,
  • school sites, and
  • other youth-oriented settings.


2024 Festival Grants

Festival grants support in-person, virtual, and hybrid festivals. For the purposes of this grant program, a festival is defined as a periodic celebration or gathering that…

  • happens in a condensed period of time,
  • features a varied and curated program of events, and
  • has an easily identifiable and unifying theme or specified focus.

Festivals eligible for Festival Grants must…

  • demonstrate a thematic emphasis on arts and culture in their programming,
  • last a minimum of one four-hour day, and
  • only span the duration of two consecutive weekends.   
Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

American Heart Association (AHA): 2024 Health Equity Research Network on Community-Driven Research Approaches

No Applicants  // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


An institution may submit only one Partner Hub (and related Projects) proposal or one Community Engagement Resource Center proposal. There are two (2) funding opportunities through this unique award mechanism; an individual may apply for only one of these opportunities:

  1. Health Equity Research Network (HERN) on Community-Driven Research Approaches – Partner Hub
    Required pre-proposals due by Tuesday, March 26, 2024

    The key outcome of this HERN is the establishment of new models for community-driven research that can be scaled and used as a foundation for shifting norms, paradigms and practices within all domains of health research. Each Partner Hub must have two research projects and be represented by a community-based organization and an academic institution. The collaborations between and among the Partner Hubs build momentum around both systems change and knowledge of a particular issue, making it an ideal mechanism to meet the interrelated objectives.  
  2. Health Equity Research Network on Community-Driven Research Approaches – Community Engagement Resource Center
    Required pre-proposals due by Thursday, March 28, 2024
    The Community Engagement Resource Center (CERC) will, under leadership of the Director, incorporate a multidisciplinary approach to provide capacity building, training, evaluation, and the management of a Community of Practice for the full Network. The CERC will facilitate engagement across the Partner Hubs and service as a coordinating center, facilitating capacity building, study optimization, communication, evaluation, and a Community of Practice. 

This funding mechanism will establish a collaborative, multi-center network with a specific focus on innovative methodological approaches for community-driven research and developing new scalable models for doing research differently, with greater shared authority with CBOs. The Network will create, implement, and make available to the broader scientific community a body of evidence- driven approaches that will support academic and community-based partners in working as equal partners to conduct research that meets the needs of the local community.  Specific deliverables will include a “playbook” of best practices for community-driven research and a compendium of published materials and key outcomes.  In addition, through opportunities provided to the program the training of trainees, this mechanism will help to develop the next generation of researchers and CBO staff who are experienced in working collaboratively to promote the health and well-being of all individuals in their communities.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
03/26/2024 - 03/28/2024*
Solicitation Type

NRC 31310024K0001: 2024 Research and Development Grant

No Applicants // Limit: 2 // Tickets Available: 2 


An applicant/institution may submit no more than two (2) applications in response to this announcement.


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is an independent agency, established by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, tasked with licensing, and regulating the Nation’s civilian use of byproduct, source, and special nuclear material to ensure adequate protection of public health and safety, to promote the common defense and security, and to protect the environment.

The program provides funding to support research and development (R&D) for nuclear science, engineering, technology, and related disciplines to develop a workforce capable of supporting the design, construction, operation, and regulation of nuclear facilities and the safe handling of nuclear materials. University R&D activities provide an opportunity to complement current, ongoing NRC-led research.

More specifically, the program shall be used to provide financial assistance for R&D projects relevant to the programmatic mission of the NRC referenced above, with an emphasis on providing financial assistance with respect to research, development, demonstration, and commercial application of new and advanced nuclear technologies. New this year, nontechnical research will be considered under this announcement (for example, projects that would foster the development of innovative community engagement strategies, including incorporation of principles of equity and environmental justice).



Award of these grants is contingent upon the availability of funds. The estimated budget for this program is $6,000,000.00. The NRC anticipates that there maybe up to twelve (12) grants awarded as a result of this NOFO. The number of awards depends on the number, quality, duration, and costs of the applications received.

This is a three (3)-year program. Research and development funds may be requested up to $500,000.00 total costs (direct costs and facilities and administrative costs) for the project period.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

DOE DE-FOA-0003264: 2024 Advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Science

 Limit: 15* // Tickets Available: 10

PO Confirmed DOE will accept 15 applications, 3 for each of the 5 research areas.


L. Xuan ( Computer science) - Research Area 2: AI Innovations for Scientific Knowledge Synthesis and Software Development
M. Chertkov (Pharmacy) - Research area 3: AI Innovations for Computational Decision Support of Complex Systems. 
R. Tandon (Electrical & Computer Engineering) // Subaward Lawrence Berkeley National Lab - Research Area 4: Federated and privacy-preserving for foundation and other AI models for science.
S. Salehi (Electrical and Computer Engineering) - Research Area 5: The Co-Design of Energy-Efficient AI Algorithms and Hardware Architectures. 
M. Krunz (Electrical & Computer Engineering) -  Research Area 5: The Co-Design of Energy-Efficient AI Algorithms and Hardware Architectures.
T. Adegbija (Electrical & Computer Engineering) -  Research Area 5: The Co-Design of Energy-Efficient AI Algorithms and Hardware Architectures.



The DOE SC program in Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) hereby announces its interest in basic computer science and applied mathematics research in the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for science. Specifically, advancements in this area are sought that can enable the development of: 

  • Foundation models for computational science;
  • Automated scientific workflows and laboratories;
  • Scientific programming and scientific-knowledge-management systems;
  • Federated and privacy-preserving training for foundation and other AI models for science; and
  • Energy-efficient AI algorithms and hardware for science.
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
03/19/2024 ( Pre-proposal) - 05/21/2024 ( Full proposal)

NSF 24-537: 2024 General Social Survey (GSS) Competition

No Applicants  // Limit:1  // Tickets Available: 1


No pre-proposals were received in the internal competition.


The Research Infrastructure for the Social and Behavioral Sciences Program (RISBS) invites investigators who possess the theoretical, methodological, measurement and managerial skills, as well as organizational resources, to undertake a large-scale survey data collection project to submit proposals to conduct the General Social Survey (GSS) and the International Social Survey Program (ISSP) United States surveys.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
06/03/2024 (LOI) - 08/15/2024 ( Full Proposal)
Solicitation Type

PhRMA Foundation: 2024 Predoctoral Fellowship - Drug Discovery Targets and Pathways

No Applicants // Limit: one postdoctoral applicant per lab


The Predoctoral Fellowship in Drug Discovery Targets and Pathways provides support for promising students in advanced stages of training and thesis research in drug discovery research.


  • Applicants will have completed most of their pre-thesis requirements and be PhD candidates. 
  • Applicants should expect to complete their PhD requirements in two years or less from the time funding begins. 
  • Applicants enrolled in MD/PhD programs should not be engaged in required clinical coursework or clerkships while the fellowship is active. 

*Due to the competitive nature of this funding program, the internal competition is run based on the anticipated May 15, 2024 LOI deadline.

PhRMA Foundation: 2024 Postdoctoral Fellowship - Drug Discovery Targets and Pathways

No Applicants   // Limit: one postdoctoral applicant per lab


The PhRMA Foundation seeks to fund novel early-stage, exploratory drug discovery research with the potential for translation to humans, including biological validation of potential drug targets, signaling pathways, or mechanisms of disease. 



  • Applicants must hold a PhD, PharmD, MD, before funding can begin.
  • Applicants must be within their first five years of postdoctoral study at the time of award activation.

*Due to the competitive nature of this funding program, the internal competition is run based on the anticipated May 15, 2024 LOI deadline.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

PhRMA Foundation: 2024 Predoctoral Fellowship - Drug Delivery

No Applicants  // Limit: one postdoctoral applicant per lab


The Predoctoral Fellowship in Drug Delivery provides support for promising students in advanced stages of training and thesis research in drug delivery research, including basic pharmaceutics, biopharmaceutics, pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical biotechnology, or biomedical engineering.


  • Applicants will have completed most of their pre-thesis requirements and be PhD candidates. 
  • Applicants should expect to complete their PhD requirements in two years or less from the time funding begins. 
  • Applicants enrolled in MD/PhD programs should not be engaged in required clinical coursework or clerkships while the fellowship is active. 

*Due to the competitive nature of this funding program, the internal competition is run based on the anticipated May 15, 2024 LOI deadline.

PhRMA Foundation: 2024 Postdoctoral Fellowship - Drug Delivery

No Applicants // Limit: one postdoctoral applicant per lab


The Postdoctoral Fellowship in Drug Delivery supports individuals engaged in a multidisciplinary, collaborative research training program that will extend their credentials in drug delivery research, including basic pharmaceutics, biopharmaceutics, pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical biotechnology, or biomedical engineering.


  • Applicants must hold a PhD, PharmD, MD, before funding can begin.
  • Applicants must be within their first five years of postdoctoral study at the time of award activation.


*Due to the competitive nature of this funding program, the internal competition is run based on the anticipated May 15, 2024 LOI deadline.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline