Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

2024 Sloan Research Fellowships

Limit: 3 nominations per department.

  • A. Favela  (School of Plant Sciences)
  • R. Shomer  (School of Plant Sciences)
  • M. Corty (Neuroscience)
  • M.  Wohlgemuth (Neuroscience)
  • S. He (Systems & Industrial Engineering)
  • T. Lawson (DPS, College of Education)
  • F. Willomitzer (College of Optical Sciences)


The Sloan Research Fellowships seek to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise.

Successful candidates for a Fellowship generally have a strong record of significant independent research accomplishments that demonstrate creativity and the potential to become future leaders in the scientific community. Nominated candidates are normally several years past the completion of their Ph.D. in order to accumulate a competitive record of independent, significant research. The Fellowship amount is $75,000 for a two-year term.


  • Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in chemistry, computer science, Earth system science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, physics, or a related field.
  • Candidates must be tenure-track, though untenured, as of September 15 of the nomination year.
  • Candidate’s faculty position must carry a regular teaching obligation.

*Due to the competitive nature of this funding program, the internal competition is run based on the anticipated September 15, 2024 nomination deadline.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

2024 Creating Equitable Pathways to STEM Graduate Education

Institutionally Coordinated // Limit: 1 // F. Tax (Student Affairs, Diversity and Inclusion)




Contact RDS for more information


The Higher Education Program at the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is pleased to announce its third Call for Letters of Inquiry for the Creating Equitable Pathways to STEM Graduate Education initiative, continuing its investment in Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) and in the establishment of partnerships between MSIs and graduate programs nationwide.

Grantees awarded via this initiative will engage the expertise of MSIs—and the unique experiences of their faculty and students—to model effective systems and practices that remove barriers and create opportunities for equitable learning environments in STEM graduate education so all students can thrive. Grant awards will support sharing MSIs’ institutional know-how on equitable undergraduate and graduate education, as well as modeling that know-how to create systemic changes that enhance pathways from MSIs to master’s and doctoral degree programs in astronomy, biology, chemistry, computer science, data science, Earth sciences, economics, engineering, marine science, mathematics, physics, and statistics at partner institutions.

Three types of grants will be funded:

  1. Planning grants to support two or more institutions to conduct internal reviews of existing barriers to student success and for analysis and planning for a future partnership(s) (up to $75,000 for up to 1 year)
  2. Seed grants to two or more institutions that seek to formalize an existing partnership(s) and launch one or more pilot initiatives (up to $250,000 over 1-2 years)
  3. Implementation grants to two or more institutions that allow for the augmentation or scaling of existing partnerships/collaborations (up to $500,000 over 2-3 years)

In addition to establishing seamless pathways, successful projects will address policies, processes, and practices that reinforce existing systems that are barriers to student access and success in graduate education. These projects could include efforts to examine or redesign graduate recruitment, admission policies and processes, mentoring practices, departmental climate, or other gatekeeping (or gateway) structures to and through STEM graduate education.

Since the barriers to equitable pathways do not end once students are admitted to graduate programs, Sloan is looking for evidence that projects will promote and enhance existing efforts to reduce and eliminate policies, procedures, and institutional climates and cultures that prevent students from successfully attaining a graduate degree.

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

2023 Sloan Research Fellowships

  • C. Roman Palacios  (School of Information)
  • R. Schomer (Plant Sciences)
  • S. Sullivan (Chemical & Environmental Engineering)
  • J.Green (Environmental Science)
  • A. Mallik (Geosciences)
  • M. Taylor (Chemistry & Biochemistry)

UA may submit up to three candidates per eligible department. Please note the Department of Astronomy will hold its internal competition. Please contact the department head for more information.

The Sloan Research Fellowships seek to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise. These $75,000, two-year fellowships are awarded to researchers in recognition of distinguished performance and a unique potential to make substantial contributions to their field. Successful candidates for a Fellowship generally have a strong record of significant independent research accomplishments that demonstrate creativity and the potential to become future leaders in the scientific community.


  • Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in chemistry, computer science, Earth system science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, physics, or a related field.
  • Candidates must be tenure-track, though untenured, as of September 15, 2023.
  • Candidate’s faculty position must carry a regular teaching obligation.

In keeping with the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation's longstanding support of underrepresented minorities in the sciences, the Foundation strongly encourages the nomination of qualified women and minority candidates.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

2023 Sloan Centers for Systemic Change (SCSC)

F. Tax (Student Affairs, Diversity, and Inclusion)

Institutionally Coordinated.
Please contact RDS for more information

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is pleased to announce a new Call for Pre-Proposals for the Sloan Centers for Systemic Change (SCSC) grant program and to request that you share with your networks.
SCSC will fund institutional investments that catalyze and deepen systemic change activities in doctoral programs in mathematics, statistics, physical sciences, engineering, and computer science. Among other attributes, a systemic change approach seeks to identify and remove entrenched biases and barriers at the institutional, college, and departmental levels to dramatically increase diversity, foster inclusion, and close equity gaps—particularly for Black, Indigenous, and Latina/o/x students. Long-term Sloan investment will further support individual scholarships for eligible students in participating SCSC departments. 

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

2022 Sloan Research Fellowships

K. Thirumalai: Geosciences
M. Bhattacharya: Neuroscience
J. Su: Biomedical Engineering
T. Gianetti: Chemistry and Biochemistry
J. Galligan:
Pharmacology and Toxicology
M. Kupinski: Optical Science
E. Hamden: Astronomy
V. Paschalidis: Astronomy
C. Henderson: Mathematics

Contact RDS with questions

UA may nominate up to three candidates per department.

NOTE: Faculty from the Astronomy Department should contact their Department Head directly regarding the process of selecting the institutional nominees.

The Sloan Research Fellowships seek to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise. The $75,000, two-year fellowships are awarded yearly to 126 researchers in recognition of distinguished performance and a unique potential to make substantial contributions to their field.

Open to scholars in eight scientific and technical fields: chemistry, computer science, economics, mathematics, computational and evolutionary molecular biology, neuroscience, ocean sciences, and physics, the Sloan Research Fellowships are awarded in close coordination with the scientific community. Candidates must be nominated by their fellow scientists and winning fellows are selected by independent panels of senior scholars on the basis of each candidate’s independent research accomplishments, creativity, and potential to become a leader in his or her field.

  • Candidates must hold a tenure track (or equivalent) position at a college, university, or other degree-granting institution in the United States or Canada. Tenure track faculty positions at the candidate's institution must include a yearly teaching requirement. Candidates must be tenure-track, though untenured, as of September 15, 2022.
  • Candidates must hold a Ph.D. (or equivalent) in chemistry, computational or evolutionary molecular biology, computer science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, ocean sciences, physics, or a related field;
  • The Candidates faculty position must carry a regular teaching obligation.

Successful candidates for a Sloan Research Fellowship generally have a strong record of significant independent research accomplishments that demonstrate creativity and the potential to become future leaders in the scientific community. Nominated candidates are normally below the rank of associate professor.

In keeping with the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation's longstanding support of underrepresented minorities in the sciences, the Foundation strongly encourages the nomination of qualified women and minority candidates.

Fellows are selected on the basis of their independent research accomplishments, creativity, and potential to become leaders in the scientific community through their contributions to their field.


Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

2022 Sloan Foundation: Call for Letters of Inquiry: Creating Equitable Pathways to STEM Graduate Education

UArizona may submit one proposal.

The Foundation’s Creating Equitable Pathways to STEM Graduate Education grants will support institutional pathways from MSIs to master’s and doctoral degree programs in astronomy, biology, chemistry, computer science, data science, Earth sciences, economics, engineering, marine science, mathematics, physics, and statistics. The intent is to facilitate the creation and strengthening of diverse, inclusive, and equitable pathways to and through STEM graduate education with the recognition that student pathways are too often disrupted by systemic racism, discrimination, and bias through prevailing institutional and departmental policy and practice.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

2021 Sloan Research Fellowships

UA may nominate up to three candidates per department. NOTE: Faculty from the Astronomy Department should contact their Department Head directly regarding the process of selecting the institutional nominees.

Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in chemistry, computer science, Earth system science, economics, mathematics, molecular biology, neuroscience, physics, or a related field. Candidates must be members of the faculty of a college, university, or other degree-granting institution in the U.S. or Canada. Candidates must be tenure-track, though untenured, as of September 15, 2021. Candidate’s faculty position must carry a regular teaching obligation.

Physics: M. Hassan
Biomedical Engineering: P. Gutruf
Electrical and Computer Engineering: Q. Zhuang
Optics: L. Fan
Optics: D. Wilson
Environmental Science: P. Carini
Neuroscience: M. Bhattacharya
Chemistry & Biochemistry: T. Gianetti
Astronomy: E. Hamden
Mathematics: L-M. Imbert-Gérard

Contact RDS to apply

Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

2020 Sloan Research Fellowships

UA may nominate up to three candidates per department. NOTE: Faculty from the Astronomy Department should contact their Department Head directly regarding the process of selecting the institutional nominees.

Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in chemistry, computer science, Earth system science, economics, mathematics, molecular biology, neuroscience, physics, or a related field. Candidates must be members of the faculty of a college, university, or other degree-granting institution in the U.S. or Canada. Candidates must be tenure-track, though untenured, as of September 15, 2020. Candidate’s faculty position must carry a regular teaching obligation.

Physics: M. Hassan
Biomedical Engineering: J. Su
Environmental Science: A. Babst-Kostecka
Environmental Science: P. Carini
Chemistry and Biochemistry: M. Marty
Neuroscience: M. Wohlgemuth
Molecular and Cellular Biology: B. Kacar
Lunar and Planetary Laboratory: K. Klein
Mathematics: L.M. Imbert-Gérard
Mathematics: B. Levin
Astronomy: E. Hamden
Astronomy: E. Krause
Astronomy: V. Paschalidis

Internal Deadline
External Deadline
09/15/2020 (nomination)
Solicitation Type

Sloan Research Fellowships 2019

UA may nominate up to three candidates per department. Candidates must be tenure-track, though untenured, as of September 16, 2019. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. (or equivalent) in chemistry, computational or evolutionary molecular biology, computer science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, ocean sciences, physics, or a related field. Nominated candidates are normally below the rank of associate professor. See the full guidelines for complete eligibility criteria.M. Ramirez - Environmentsal SciencesH. Cai - NeuroscienceA. Kielar - Speech, Language and Hearing SciencesJ. Su - Biomedical EngineeringP. Behroozi - AstronomyG. Besla - AstronomyE. Krause - AstronomyJ. Schaibley - PhysicsM. Hassan - PhysicsM. Marty - Chemistry and BiochemistryK. Klein - Lunar and Planetary Laboratory

Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type