2024 Sloan Research Fellowships
Limit: 3 nominations per department.
- A. Favela (School of Plant Sciences)
- R. Shomer (School of Plant Sciences)
- M. Corty (Neuroscience)
- M. Wohlgemuth (Neuroscience)
- S. He (Systems & Industrial Engineering)
- T. Lawson (DPS, College of Education)
- F. Willomitzer (College of Optical Sciences)
The Sloan Research Fellowships seek to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise.
Successful candidates for a Fellowship generally have a strong record of significant independent research accomplishments that demonstrate creativity and the potential to become future leaders in the scientific community. Nominated candidates are normally several years past the completion of their Ph.D. in order to accumulate a competitive record of independent, significant research. The Fellowship amount is $75,000 for a two-year term.
- Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in chemistry, computer science, Earth system science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, physics, or a related field.
- Candidates must be tenure-track, though untenured, as of September 15 of the nomination year.
- Candidate’s faculty position must carry a regular teaching obligation.
*Due to the competitive nature of this funding program, the internal competition is run based on the anticipated September 15, 2024 nomination deadline.