
2025 Google PhD Fellowship Program

Limit: 4 // Tickets Available: 0
Z. Chen (Electrical and Computer Engineering) 
M. Singh (Computer Science)
M. Pacenti (Electrical and Computer Engineering) 
I. Johnson (Pharmacology - COM-T)

Google PhD Fellowships directly support graduate students as they pursue their PhD, as well as connect them to a Google Research Mentor.

Nurturing and maintaining strong relations with the academic community is a top priority at Google. The Google PhD Fellowship Program was created to recognize outstanding graduate students doing exceptional and innovative research in areas relevant to computer science and related fields. Fellowships support promising PhD candidates of all backgrounds who seek to influence the future of technology. Our research teams impact technology used by people all over the world and we encourage people of a wide range of backgrounds to apply. We currently offer fellowships in Africa, Australia, Canada, East Asia, Europe, India, Latin America, the Middle East, New Zealand, Southeast Asia and the United States.

PhD students from Africa, Australia, Canada, East Asia, Europe, India, Latin America, the Middle East, New Zealand, Southeast Asia and the United States, must be nominated for the fellowship by their university. Applications must be submitted by an official representative of the university during the application window. Please see our FAQ for more information.

Universities should only nominate students that meet the following requirements:

  • Students must remain enrolled full-time in the PhD program for the duration of the Fellowship or forfeit the award.
  • Google employees, and their spouses, children, and members of their household are not eligible.
  • Students that are already supported by a comparable industry award are not eligible. Government or non-profit organization funding is exempt.
  • Past awardees from the PhD Fellowship program are not eligible to apply again.
  • Canada and the United States: students who have completed graduate coursework in their PhD by the academic award year when the Fellowship begins.
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

Strategic Prevention Framework - Partnerships for Success for Communities and Tribes

Limit: 2 // Tickets Available: 1

B. Rooney (Public Health)

A new applicant organization may submit no more than 2 applications; however, each application must focus on a different population of focus or a different geographic/catchment area(s).

The SPF-PFS-Communities/Tribes program is intended to build prevention capacity throughout communities and tribes and to strengthen the capacity of local community prevention providers.

The purpose of this program is to:

  • Help prevent and reduce the initiation and progression of substance use and its related problems by supporting the development and delivery of community-based substance use prevention services that strengthen protective factors, reduce risk factors, build resilience, and promote well-being.
  • Expand and strengthen the capacity of state and local community prevention providers serving communities and tribes and implement evidence-based, evidence-informed, and community-defined evidence-based prevention strategies.
Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) (T32) - May 2025 Deadline - PAR-24-128

The University of Arizona is ineligible to apply to this cycle due to an existing proposal.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

Department of Defense: Research and Education Program for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU/MI) - Equipment/Instrumentation

Limit: 3 // Tickets Available: 0

V. Yurkiv (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering) 
H. Xin (Electrical and Computer Engineering) 
R.J. Jones (Optical Sciences) 

An institution may submit no more than three (3) applications under this FOA. If a given HBCU/MI submits more than three applications, the institution will be required to withdraw applications that exceed this limit.

Program Description
The DoD is soliciting applications for the acquisition of equipment/instrumentation under the Fiscal Year 2025 Research and Education Program for HBCUs/MIs. The Research and Education Program is designed to enhance the research capabilities of
HBCUs and MIs and to strengthen their STEM education programs. The purpose of the funding under this FOA is to (1) support the acquisition of equipment/instrumentation to augment existing capabilities or to develop new capabilities in research areas of interest to DoD, and (2) attract students to pursue studies leading to STEM careers. Although funding provided under this FOA cannot be used for student support, in order to further DoD’s objective of attracting students to pursue studies leading to STEM careers, applicants must address the impact of the requested equipment/instrumentation on student participation in research.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

Nursing Workforce Diversity (NWD) Program

Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 0 

J. Young (Nursing)


Eligible applicants may submit only one application to this NOFO. Multiple applications from any single organization are not allowed.

The purpose of the Nursing Workforce Diversity (NWD) program is to increase nursing education opportunities for individuals who are from disadvantaged backgrounds (including racial and ethnic minorities underrepresented among registered nurses). The program uses comprehensive, evidence-based strategies to provide more inclusive and culturally aligned nursing education environments that will support students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Please refer to the Bureau of Health Workforce Glossary for program terms applicable to this Notice of Funding Opportunity (i.e., disadvantaged background, underrepresented minority).


Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

Henry Luce Foundation - American Art Program's Responsive Grants - 2025 Exhibition Competition

Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 0

O. Miller (Museum of Art) 

The American Art Program supports scholarly loan exhibitions that contribute significantly to the study and understanding of art of the United States, including all facets of Native American art. These grants advance the Program’s efforts to empower art museums to reconsider accepted histories, amplify the voices and experiences of underrepresented artists and cultures, and facilitate important dialogue with diverse collaborators and communities.

Program Requirements and Guidelines

  • Concept Notes must be submitted online by the originating institution and not by a participating-venue institution. (Letters are not accepted from individuals.)
  • Art of the United States, including Native American art, should constitute significantly more than half of the checklist.
  • The organizing institution’s permanent collection should not constitute more than half of the exhibition checklist.
  • A single, privately held collection should constitute no more than half of the exhibition checklist.
  • The holdings of a single commercial dealer should constitute no more than half of the exhibition checklist.
  • The proposed exhibition should not open before March of the year following your application submission.
  • Museums outside of the United States may submit appropriate projects for consideration only if they have proof of valid non-profit status provided by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.
  • Only one exhibition per year can be submitted per institution.
Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

V Foundation Adult Translational Cancer Research Award 2025

No Applicants // Limit: 2 (1 Translational nominee, 1 All-Star Translational nominee) // Tickets Available: 2 

The University of Arizona Cancer Center (UACC) can nominate up to two proposals: one Translational nominee and one All-Star Translational nominee (if eligible) for the V Foundation Adult Translational Cancer Research Award 2025. 

For more information please contact: UACC-PreAward.

Purpose of Award:

The UACC is seeking nominations for the Translational Adult Cancer Research Grant which advances basic laboratory discoveries towards clinical use, ultimately improving human health and is restricted to adult cancer research.

This Translational grant is restricted to adult cancer research in the preclinical or translational space with a focus on bench-to-bedside strategies. Research on ANY adult cancer type can be funded. Applicants may propose cancer research that moves a novel strategy from the laboratory into a human clinical trial or uses specimens from a clinical trial to test hypotheses, develop biomarkers, or mechanisms. The research must apply in a direct way to human beings within 3 years from the end of the grant. If biomarker research is undertaken, a validation set or independent clinical trial is essential. A plan for biomarker validation, if applicable, must be included in any proposal. The endpoint of the project should be the planning or initiation of a new clinical trial or conducting an investigator-initiated trial with laboratory correlates that test hypotheses. Research areas not included in this scope are epidemiology, behavioral science, and health services research.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Centers: 2025 Special Interest Project Competitive Supplements (SIPS)

Limit: 1 per SIP

K. Ellingson (Public Health) for SIP25-005 Understanding the potential of early childcare and education (ECE) centers in promoting childhood vaccines and RSV prevention products

S. Carvajal (College of Public Health's Prevention Research Center) for SIP25-006 Overdose Prevention and Treatment Research Network (OPTRN)

Only one application per SIP per institution is allowed (e.g., multiple applications for the same SIP (listed in Section VIII) from the same institution are NOT permitted).

This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) invites applications from CDC Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Centers (PRCs), selected for funding under RFA-DP-24-004, to apply for supplemental funding to conduct Special Interest Research Projects (SIPs) to inform public health practice. PRCs will conduct high-quality applied health promotion and disease prevention research projects in real-world settings to identify, design, test, evaluate, disseminate, and translate interventions (i.e., programs, practices, policies, or strategies) to prevent and reduce risk for the leading causes of illness, disability, and death in the United States.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

NSF 25-521: Materials Innovation Platforms (MIP)

Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 0
Q. Hao (Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering) 

One (1) per organization as lead institution.

The institutions that were awarded a MIP in the 2019 competition as the lead institution are not eligible to submit a MIP proposal as a lead institution in the 2025 competition.

Materials Innovation Platforms (MIP) is a mid-scale infrastructure program in the Division of Materials Research (DMR) designed to accelerate advances in materials research. MIPs respond to the increasing complexity of materials research that requires close collaboration of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary teams and access to cutting edge tools. These tools in a user facility benefit both a user program and in-house research, which focus on addressing grand challenges of fundamental science and meet national needs. MIPs embrace the paradigm set forth by the Materials Genome Initiative (MGI), which strives to “discover, manufacture, and deploy advanced materials twice as fast, at a fraction of the cost,” and conduct research through iterative “closed-loop” efforts among the areas of materials synthesis/processing, materials characterization, and theory/modeling/simulation. In addition, they are expected to engage the emerging field of data science in materials research. Each MIP is a scientific ecosystem, which includes in-house research scientists, external users and other scientists who, collectively, form a community of practitioners and share tools, codes, samples, data and know-how. The knowledge sharing is designed to strengthen collaborations among scientists and enable them to work in new ways, fostering new modalities of research and training, for the purpose of accelerating discovery and development of new materials and novel materials phenomena/properties, as well as fostering their eventual deployment.

The scientific focus of the MIP program is subject to change from competition to competition. Information about the existing MIPs, from two previous competitions in 2015 and 2019, can be found at The third MIP competition, in 2025, will accept proposals on alloys, amorphous, and composite materials. Given that the second MIP competition included an emphasis on biomaterials and polymer research, proposals mainly on these topics will not be considered in the third MIP competition.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type