Program Development

NIH RFA-NS-24-014: 2025 Blueprint and BRAIN Initiative Program for Enhancing Neuroscience Diversity through Undergraduate Research Education Experiences (BP BRAIN-ENDURE) (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Apply to the UA internal competition  // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1


The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The overarching goal of this R25 program is to support educational activities that encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups underrepresented in the biomedical and behavioral sciences, to pursue further studies or careers in research.

To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this NOFO will support educational activities with a primary focus on:

  • Courses for Skills Development
  • Research Experiences
  • Mentoring Activities

The fully integrated educational activities should prepare undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups underrepresented in biomedical and behavioral sciences, to enter Ph.D. degree programs in the neurosciences. To accomplish this goal, this initiative will provide institutional awards to develop neuroscience research education programs comprised of collaborative partnerships integrated across different educational institution types.

Each partnership must include:
a) one or more institutions that either: 1) have a historical and current mission to educate students from any of the populations that have been identified as underrepresented in biomedical research as defined by the National Science Foundation (NSF), see (i.e., African Americans or Blacks, Hispanic or Latino Americans, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, U.S. Pacific Islanders, and persons with disabilities) or 2) have a documented track record of recruiting, training and/or educating, and graduating underrepresented students as defined by NSF (see above), which has resulted in a historically documented contribution by the institution to the national pool of graduates from underrepresented backgrounds who pursue biomedical research careers;
b) a research-intensive institution that has an established neuroscience or neuroscience-related program;
c) integrated curriculum/academic enhancement and research experience activities designed to increase participants' preparation to enter doctoral programs in the neurosciences; and
d) well-described plans to provide early communication and interaction between participating students and graduate neuroscience programs across the country.

Components of Participating Organizations:
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
National Eye Institute (NEI)
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB)
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
All applications to this funding opportunity announcement should fall within the mission of the Institutes/Centers. The following NIH Offices may co-fund applications assigned to those Institutes/Centers.
Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR)

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
February 10, 2025
Solicitation Type

DOS DFOP0016763: 2024 FY24 EB ITSI Programs Costa Rica – Statements of Interest

Submit ticket request  // Limit:  2*  // Tickets Available: 2


Organizations may submit no more than two (2) SOIs and only one (1) SOI per category. The applicant must explicitly identify the category for each SOI submitted.

This solicitation is specific to Costa Rica and includes two (2) categories under which applicants may submit SOIs:
1) Workforce Development
2) Policy and Regulatory Reform

The submission of the SOI is the first step in a two-step process. Applicants must first submit a concise no more than three (3) page statement of interest designed to clearly communicate the program idea and objectives. This is not a full proposal. The purpose of the SOI process is to allow applicants to submit program ideas for evaluation prior to requiring the development of a full proposal application. Upon a merit review of eligible SOIs, selected applicants will be invited to expand on their program idea(s) by submitting a full proposal application. Full proposals will go through a second merit review before final funding decisions are made.  


EB administers a portion of the ITSI Fund, the “ITSI Promote” line of effort, to help expand international semiconductor assembly, testing, and packaging (“ATP” or “downstream”) capacity in key partner countries that will in turn diversify the global semiconductor supply chain. EB’s objectives under the ITSI Fund are to: 1) Expand and diversify the required workforce for semiconductor ATP facilities to ensure growth; and 2) Improve regulatory environments that will encourage private sector efforts that generate additional capabilities in ATP facilities. 



Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

DOS DFOP0016764: 2024 FY24 EB ITSI Programs Philippines – Statements of Interest

Submit ticket request  // Limit:  2*  // Tickets Available: 2


Organizations may submit no more than two (2) SOIs and only one (1) SOI per category. The applicant must explicitly identify the category for each SOI submitted.

This solicitation is specific to the Philippines and includes two (2) categories under which applicants may submit SOIs: 

1) Workforce Development
2) Policy and Regulatory Reform.


The submission of the SOI is the first step in a two-step process. Applicants must first submit a concise no more than three (3) page statement of interest designed to clearly communicate the program idea and objectives. This is not a full proposal. The purpose of the SOI process is to allow applicants to submit program ideas for evaluation prior to requiring the development of a full proposal application. Upon a merit review of eligible SOIs, selected applicants will be invited to expand on their program idea(s) by submitting a full proposal application. Full proposals will go through a second merit review before final funding decisions are made.  


EB administers a portion of the ITSI Fund, the “ITSI Promote” line of effort, to help expand international semiconductor assembly, testing, and packaging (“ATP” or “downstream”) capacity in key partner countries that will in turn diversify the global semiconductor supply chain. EB’s objectives under the ITSI Fund are to: 1) Expand and diversify the required workforce for semiconductor ATP facilities to ensure growth; and 2) Improve regulatory environments that will encourage private sector efforts that generate additional capabilities in ATP facilities.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

DOS DFOP0016767: 2024 FY24 EB ITSI Programs Mexico – Statements of Interest

Submit ticket request  // Limit:  3*  // Tickets Available: 1

  • Limit of three and 1 per category.

Van Dyke. M ( College of Engineering)- 1) Workforce Development
Van Dyke. M ( College of Engineering) - 3) Supply Chain Development. 

This solicitation is specific to Mexico and includes three (3) categories under which applicants may submit SOIs: 

1) Workforce Development
2) Policy and Regulatory Reform
3) Supply Chain Development. 

The U.S. Department of State Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs (EB) announces an open competition for organizations to submit a statement of interest (SOI) to carry out a program under the International Technology Security and Innovation (ITSI) Fund, created by the CHIPS Act of 2022. Please carefully follow all instructions below. 


The submission of the SOI is the first step in a two-step process. Applicants must first submit a concise no more than three (3) page statement of interest designed to clearly communicate the program idea and objectives. This is not a full proposal. The purpose of the SOI process is to allow applicants to submit program ideas for evaluation prior to requiring the development of a full proposal application. Upon a merit review of eligible SOIs, selected applicants will be invited to expand on their program idea(s) by submitting a full proposal application. Full proposals will go through a second merit review before final funding decisions are made.  


EB administers a portion of the ITSI Fund, the “ITSI Promote” line of effort, to help expand international semiconductor assembly, testing, and packaging (“ATP” or “downstream”) capacity in key partner countries that will in turn diversify the global semiconductor supply chain. EB’s objectives under the ITSI Fund are to: 1) Expand and diversify the required workforce for semiconductor ATP facilities to ensure growth; and 2) Improve regulatory environments that will encourage private sector efforts that generate additional capabilities in ATP facilities. 

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

NEH 20240912-CLI : FY2025 Climate Smart Humanities Organizations

Submit ticket request  // Limit:  1  // Tickets Available: 1 


An organization may submit only one application under this notice.


The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Office of Challenge Programs is accepting applications for the Climate Smart Humanities Organizations program. This program strengthens the institutional base of the humanities by funding operational assessments and strategic planning efforts to sustain and protect historical, cultural, educational, intellectual, and physical assets from the risks of climate change. Projects will result in a climate action, resilience, or adaptation plan including detailed assessments, measurable actions, and expected outcomes. Proposals must address how strategic planning for climate change will increase the organization’s resilience and support its work in the humanities over the long term. Projects are financed through a combination of federal matching funds and gifts raised from third-party, non-federal sources.

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

NSF 23-540: 2025 Pathways into the Earth, Ocean, Polar and Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences (GEOPAths)

Apply to the UA internal competition  // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


An organization may serve as sole submitting organization or as lead organization of a collaborative project on only one submission per cycle, regardless of track, but may serve as the non-lead organization of a collaborative project more than once per cycle.


The Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) supports the Pathways into the Geosciences - Earth, Ocean, Polar and Atmospheric Sciences (GEOPAths) funding opportunity. GEOPAths invites proposals that specifically address the current needs and opportunities related to education, learning, training and professional development within the geosciences community through the formation of STEM Learning Ecosystems that engage students in the study of the Earth, its oceans, polar regions and atmosphere. The primary goal of the GEOPAths funding opportunity is to increase the number of students pursuing undergraduate and/or postgraduate degrees through the design and testing of novel approaches that engage students in authentic, career-relevant experiences in geoscience. In order to broaden participation in the geosciences, engaging students from historically excluded groups or from non-geoscience degree programs is a priority. This solicitation features three funding tracks that focus on Geoscience Learning Ecosystems (GLEs):

  1. GEOPAths: Informal Networks (IN). Collaborative projects in this track will support geoscience learning and experiences in informal settings for teachers, pre-college (e.g., upper level high school) students, and early undergraduates in the geosciences.
  2. GEOPAths: Undergraduate Preparation (UP). Projects in this track will engage pre-college and undergraduate students in extra-curricular experiences and training in the geosciences with a focus on service learning and workplace skill building.
  3. GEOPAths: Graduate Opportunities (GO). Projects in this track will improve research and career-related pathways into the geosciences for undergraduate and graduate students through institutional collaborations with a focus on service learning and workplace skill building.


Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

NSF 23-577: 2025 Faculty Development in geoSpace Science (FDSS)

Apply to the UA internal competition  // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


An institution may submit only one proposal in response to this solicitation per target date.

The Geospace Section of the NSF Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) offers funding for the creation of new tenure-track faculty positions within the disciplines that comprise the AGS Geospace programs to ensure their vitality at U.S. universities and colleges. The aim of the Faculty Development in geoSpace Science (FDSS) is to integrate topics in geospace science including solar and space physics and space weather research into natural sciences or engineering or related departments at U.S. institutions of higher education (IHE). FDSS also stimulates the development of undergraduate or graduate programs or curricula capable of training the next generation of leaders in geospace science. Geospace science is interdisciplinary in nature and FDSS awardees will be expected to establish partnerships within multiple parts of the IHE.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

DOT 693JJ324NF00019: 2024 Highway Construction Training Program Grants

No Applicants  // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


The purpose of this NOFO is to solicit applications for the Highway Construction Training Program (HCTP) to award highway construction workforce development grants. The NOFO will result in the distribution of up to $4,226,871. The purposes of the HCTP as described in 23 U.S.C. 504(f) are to:

1) Develop, test, and review new curricula and education programs to train individuals at all levels of the transportation workforce; and

2) To implement the new curricula and education programs to provide for hands-on career opportunities to meet current and future needs.


As further described in 23 U.S.C. 504(f)(2), in making grants, FHWA may consider the extent to which the project will:

A) Develop new curricula or education program to meet the specific current or future needs of a segment of the transportation industry, States, or regions.

B) Provide for practical experience and on-the-job training.

C) Be oriented toward practitioners in the field rather than the support and growth of the research community.

D) Provide for new curricula or programs that will provide training in areas other than engineering, such grants as business administration, economics, information technology, environmental science, and law.

E) Provide programs or curricula that train professionals for work in the transportation field, such as construction materials, information technology, environmental science, urban planning, and industrial or emerging technology.

F) Demonstrate the commitment of industry or a State DOT to the program.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

DOJ O-BJA-2024-172090: 2024 STOP School Violence Program Competitive Solicitation

No Applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


An applicant may only submit one application in response to the solicitation. An entity may be proposed as a subrecipient (subgrantee) in more than one application.


The STOP School Violence Program is designed to improve school safety by providing students, teachers, and staff with the tools they need to recognize, respond quickly to, and prevent acts of violence. It provides funding to states, units of local government, federally recognized Indian tribes, public agencies (e.g., school districts, towns, cities and municipalities, individual schools, police departments, sheriff’s departments, governmental mental health service providers, and health departments), and nonprofit entities (including private schools). The program implements training that will improve school climate using school-based behavioral threat assessments and/or intervention teams to identify school violence risks among students, technological solutions shown to increase school safety such as anonymous reporting technology, and other school safety strategies that assist in preventing violence.  

With this solicitation, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) seeks to increase school safety by implementing solutions that will improve school climate. Solutions include school-based behavioral threat assessments and/or intervention teams to identify school violence risks among students, technological innovations that are shown to increase school safety such as anonymous reporting technology, and other school safety strategies that assist in preventing violence.

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

DOS PD-CJ-APS-FY24-01: 2024 U.S. Mission to Mexico - Annual Program Statement Ciudad Juarez Mexico Public Diplomacy

No Applicants  // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 



Applicants are only allowed to submit one proposal per organization. If more than one proposal is submitted from an organization, all proposals from that institution will be considered ineligible for funding.

The Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Consulate General in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico is pleased to announce that funding sponsored by the U.S. Department of State is available through its Public Diplomacy Grants Program. 


Please carefully follow all instructions below.

Purpose of Small Grants: U.S. Consulate General Ciudad Juarez PDS invites proposals for programs that strengthen cultural ties and mutual understanding between the U.S. and Mexico in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico through cultural, economic, educational, professional, and exchange programming that highlights shared values and promotes bilateral cooperation. All programs must include a U.S. cultural element, or connection with U.S. expert/s, organization/s, or institution/s in a specific field that will promote increased understanding of U.S. policies and perspectives. All proposals must state clearly the inclusion of American content. American content can include speakers who are experts in U.S. policy, academia, information, or economics; the use of U.S. training models or materials; exchanges with U.S. institutions; or promotion of U.S. best practices, culture and resources. Programs that include multiple cities and/or promote increased collaboration and networking between USG program alumni are encouraged. Examples of PD Small Grants Program programs include, but are not limited to:

• Academic and professional lectures, seminars, and speaker programs;

• Artistic, cultural, educational, and sports workshops, joint performances, clinics, and exhibitions;

• Cultural heritage conservation and preservation programs;

• Professional and academic exchanges and programs; and

• Promotion of entrepreneurship for indigenous and Afro-Mexican community programs. 


Priority Program Areas:

  • Economic Development
  • Workforce Development
  • Academic Exchanges & Education
  • Migration
  • Security & Human Rights
  • Climate Change Resiliency
  • Press / Freedom of Expression


Maximum for Each Award: $50,000. Minimum for Each Award: $ 10,000