Research in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering (DE-FOA-0003503)
Limit: 2 // Tickets Available: 0
M. Phillips (Optical Sciences)
B. Parent (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering)
Executive Summary
The FES Discovery Plasma Science: Plasma Science and Technology–General Plasma Science (GPS) program seeks new or renewal single-investigator or small-group applications to carry out hypothesis-driven frontier-level research in basic plasma science and engineering. This program aims to develop accurate descriptions of the complex behavior of the plasma state, to push it into new regimes that expand our concept of what constitutes a plasma, to design experiments and diagnostics to explore these states, and to validate theoretical models.
For more information, see GPS program science drivers in the CPP Report: A Community Plan for Fusion Energy and
Discover Plasma Sciences, 2019-2020. This NOFO is focused on fundamental research involving plasma including astrophysical, dusty, and low temperature plasmas. Research toward developing plasma-based technologies is out of scope of this NOFO.
Limitations on Submissions
Applicant institutions are limited to no more than two pre-applications (or lead applications), and PIs may only be named on no more than one pre-application (or lead application).
Individuals named as DOE/NNSA National Laboratory PIs, Co-PIs, or senior/key personnel must be an indispensable part of the laboratory with their effort closely integrated into the laboratory’s current plasma science research program and supported at least 50% of their time by the laboratory.
If a multi-institutional team is submitting collaborative applications, only the lead institution should submit a pre-application that should include all institutions, institutional Co-PIs, and all other personnel and relevant information.
DOE will consider the latest received submissions to be the institution’s intended submissions.
• Pre-applications in excess of the limited number of submissions will be discouraged.
• Applications in excess of the limited number of submissions will be declined without review.