Carnegie Corporation of New York

Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program

The purpose of the Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program is to support high-caliber scholarship in the social sciences and humanities, making it possible for the recipients to devote time to research and writing that addresses pressing issues and cultural transitions affecting us at home and abroad.

There are four broad topic areas that include a wide range of suggested subtopics:
Global connections and global ruptures
Strengthening U.S. democracy and exploring new narratives
Environments, natural and human
Technological and cultural creativity—potential and perils
Research Category
Opportunity ID
External Deadline
11/14/2025 (Anticipated)

2024 Andrew Carnegie Fellows

Limit: 2*  // PIs selected: 
Junior Scholar: S. Klar (Government and Public Policy)
Senior Scholar: O. Schilke (Management and Organizations)

*UA may nominating one Junior Scholar and one Senior Scholar.
Due to the competitive nature of this funding program, the internal selection process will be held with an anticipated deadline. Based on previous funding cycles, UA anticipates a sponsor deadline of November 14, 2023.

External Deadline
Internal Deadline
Aug. 9, 2023

2022 Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program

UA anticipates nominating one Junior Scholar and one Senior Scholar. UA anticipates a sponsor deadline of November 14, 2021. Updated guidelines will be posted once released by the sponsor.

In the previous cycle, there were four broad topic areas that include a wide range of suggested subtopics:

External Deadline
11/14/2021 (Anticipated)
Internal Deadline
Sept. 1, 2021