Centers and Institutes

RII's University Research Centers and Institutes (URCIs) provide researchers with the infrastructure necessary to achieve far-reaching impacts. These institutions foster interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers, government, and industry, opening opportunities for research to influence public policy and contribute to economic development in Arizona and beyond.

Establishing a new RII institute or center? We have guidance and an approval form to get you started.

Centers and Institutes


Arizona Astrobiology Center

The Arizona Astrobiology Center provides interdisciplinary, and transformative leadership in astrobiology through cutting-edge research, inclusive training of future leaders, and collaborative dialogue on the origin and existence of life in the universe.


Arizona Institute for Resilience (AIR)

AIR includes 15 centers and programs that work together to integrate research, education, and community engagement to develop local and global strategies for solutions to environmental change.


Arizona Space Institute

The University of Arizona Space Institute (UASI) leverages the expertise of the university’s large space science community, advancing areas including space exploration, astrobiology, space situational awareness, and planetary defense.


BIO5 Institute

The BIO5 Institute tackles complex problems, using the collaborative power of five core research areas: agriculture, engineering, medicine, science, and pharmacy.

aerial overhead photo of the Biosphere 2 facility

Biosphere 2

The Biosphere 2 is a living laboratory for controlled scientific studies of Earth systems, an arena for scientific discovery and discussion, and a provider of public education.

a women in protective garments in a lab

Center for Semiconductor Manufacturing

The Center for Semiconductor Manufacturing is committed to sustainable economic development, supporting national security, and growing well-paid jobs in Arizona by empowering UArizona's faculty, staff and students to advance the semiconductor industry.

a waterfall inside a cave

Center for the Philosophy of Freedom

The mission of the Freedom Center is to promote the understanding of the ideals of freedom and responsibility.


Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry

The Confluencenter is a research incubator for the arts, humanities, and social sciences, dedicated to fostering collaboration across disciplines.


Data Science Institute

The Data Science Institute promotes the next generation of data-driven research by connecting and aligning expertise, resources, and infrastructure.


France-Arizona Institute for Global Grand Challenges

The University of Arizona and the French National Centre for Scientific Research signed a research collaboration in April 2021 to establish the France-Arizona Institute for Global Grand Challenges, focused on the environment, space science, data science and global climate change. 


Institute for Computation and Data-Enabled Insight

Led by a University of Arizona alumnus, the Institute for Computation and Data-Enabled Insight also will explore the societal questions driving how and why data is used.


National Institute for Civil Discourse

NICD comprises a bipartisan group of leaders working to promote healthy and civil political debate. In addition to inspiring and organizing everyday Americans, NCID encourages elected leaders to put country ahead of partisanship.



Housed within Research, Innovation and Impact, Space4 is a group of researchers with trusted and demonstrated expertise in space surveillance, planetary defense, astrodynamics, machine learning, data science, business, and law.


STEM Learning Center

The STEM Learning Center works to advance quality education programs in science, technology, engineering and math for the benefit of Arizona youth, educators, and employers.


The University of Arizona LGBTQ+ Institute

The Institute brings people and ideas together to conduct LGBTQ+ research, design LGBTQ+ relevant curricula, and develop public LGBTQ+ focused programming.


Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy

The Udall Center connects scholarship with public policy related to the environment and indigenous nations. 

Academic Unit Centers and Institutes

Arizona Center for Urban Smart Agriculture (ACUSA) Cooperative Extension Dr. Ayaman Mostafa
Francis McClelland Institute College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Dr. Melissa Barnett
Take Charge America Institute for Consumer Financial Education Research  (TCIA) College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Dr. Daniel McDonald
Terry J Lundgren Center for Retailing College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Sheila Kressler-Crowley
Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) College of Agriculture and Life Sciences/ Cooperative Extention Dr. Sharon Megdal
Yuma Center for Excellence in Desert Agriculture (YCEDA) College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Dr. Shane Burgess
Controlled Environment Agriculture Center College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Dr. Murat Kacira
Center for Precision Nutrition and Wellness College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Dr. Floyd "Ski" Chilton
Center for Agroecosystems Research in the Desert (ARID) College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Dr. Duke Pauli, Ph.D.
The Drachman Institute College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture Courtney Crosson
Arizona Research Center for Housing Equity and Sustainability (ARCHES) (Provisional RII Approved, awaiting ABOR Final Approval) College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture Dr. Daniel Kuhlmann/Kenny Wong
Cyber Convergence Center (C3 ) College of Applied Science and Technology Jason Denno
Center for Educational Assessment, Research, and Evaluation (CEARE)  College of Education Dr. Adriana Cimetta
Center for the Study of Higher Education  College of Education Dr. Leslie D. Gonzales
Borderlands Education Center  College of Education Dr. Iliana Reyes & Dr. Nadia Alvarez
Worlds of Words: Center for Global Literacies and Literatures  College of Education Dr. Kathy Short
Center for Leadership Ethics  Eller College of Management Founder Dr. Paul Melendez
Center for the Management of Information (CMI)  Eller College of Management Dr. Jay F. Nunamaker
Center for Management Innovations in Healthcare  Eller College of Management Dr. Gondy Leroy
Center for Trust Studies  Eller College of Management Dr. Oliver Schilke
Economic and Business Research Center  Eller College of Management Dr. George W. Hammond
McGuire Center for Entrepreneurship  Eller College of Management Dr. Robert Griffin
Arizona Transportation Institute (AzTI) (Provisional RII Approval, awaiting ABOR Final Approval) College of Engineering Dr. Yao-jan Wu
ARCH Hypersonics College of Engineering Dr. Erica Corral/Dean David Hahn
Broadband Wireless Access Applications Center (BWAC ) College of Engineering Dr. Marwan Krunz
CATS Center for Applied Transportation Sciences College of Engineering Dr. Yao-jan Wu
Center for Directed Energy College of Engineering Dean David Hahn/Dr. Nassar Peyghmbarian
Cloud and Autonomic Computing Center (CAC) * College of Engineering Dr. Salim Hariri and Ali Akoglu
New Frontiers of Sound Science and Technology Center (NewFoS) (Provisional RII Approved, awaiting ABOR Final Approval) College of Engineering Dr. Pierre Deymier
Jack and Vivian Hanson Arizona Film Institute College of Fine Arts Dean Andrew Schulz/Associate Dean Ellen McMahon
Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS)   College of Humanities Dr. Wenhao Diao/Dr. Scott Gregory
Center for Buddhist Studies  College of Humanities Dr. Jiang Wu
Center for Digital Humanities  College of Humanities Dr. Bryan Carter
Institute for the Study of Religion and Culture College of Humanities Dr. Alison Jameson/Dr. Kristy Slominski
National Center for Interpretation  College of Humanities Dr. Sonia Colina
Center for English as Second Language  College of Humanities Dr. Lawrence Berlin
Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL) College of Humanities Dr. Beatrice Dupuy/Dr. Chantelle Warner
William H. Rehnquist Center on the Constitutional Structures of Government  James E. Rogers College of Law Andrew Coan
Natural Resource Users Law and Policy Center (Law & CALS)  Cooperative Extension Dr. Ethan Orr/John Lacy/ Dr. Edward Martin
Success, Health, Innovation, Equity: Arizona Research Center (SHINE-ARC) College of Nursing Dr. Terry Badger
Center for Quantum Networks (CQN, an NSF Engineering Research Center) Wyant College of Optical Sciences Dr. Saikat Guha/Dr. Matthew Eichenfield
Center for Integrated Access Networks (CIAN)  Wyant College of Optical Sciences Dr. Daniel Kilper/Dr. Nassar Peyghambarian
Arizona Center for Drug Discovery (ACDD) R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy Dr. Wei Wang/Dr. Christopher Hulme
Health Outcomes and Pharmacoeconomics Center (HOPE) R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy Dr. Bonnie LaFleur
Poison & Drug Information Center  R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy Dr. Steven Dudley
Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center  R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy Dr. Nathan Cherrington
Superfund Research Center R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy Dr. Raina Maier
Coit Center for Longevity and NeuroTherapeutics R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy Dr. Haining Zhu/Dr. Bernardo Lemos
Arizona Center for Rural Health Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health Dr. Daniel Derksen
Center for Participatory Prevention Sciences (PEAR) Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health Dr. Scott Carvajal
Global Health Institute Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health Dr. Iman Hakim
Zuckerman Family Center for Prevention and Health Promotion Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health Dr. David O. Garcia
Environment, Exposure Science and Risk Assessment Center Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health Dr. Kelly Reynolds
Center for Firefighter Health Collaborative Research Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health Dr. Jefferey Burgess
Western Region Public Health Training Center Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health Dr. Kelly Reynolds
Western Environmental Science Technical Assistance Center for Environmental Justice (WEST EJ Center) (Provisional RII Approved, awaiting ABOR Final Approval) Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health Dr. Paloma Beamer
Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine College of Medicine - Tucson Dr. Stephen Dahmer
Arthritis Center College of Medicine - Tucson Dr. C. Kent Kwoh
AZ Emergency Medicine Research Center College of Medicine - Tucson Dr. Samuel M. Keim
Arizona Center for Aging College of Medicine - Tucson Dr. Mindy Fain, Dr. Janko Nikolich-Žugich
Sarver Heart Center College of Medicine - Tucson Dr. Hesham A. Sadek
Steele Children's Research Center College of Medicine - Tucson Dr. Fayez K. Ghishan
Thomas D Boyer Liver Institute College of Medicine - Tucson Dr. Geoffrey D. Block
Valley Fever Center for Excellence College of Medicine - Tucson Dr. John Galgiani
Daniel F. Cracchiolo Institute College of Medicine - Tucson Dr. Fayez K. Ghishan
COM-T Comprehensive Education Center (Provisional RII Approved, awaiting ABOR Final Approval) College of Medicine - Tucson Dr. Tejal Parikh
Center for Simulation and Innovation College of Medicine - Phoenix Dr. Jim Lindgren
Center for Applied NanoBioscience & Medicine College of Medicine - Phoenix Dr. Frederic Zenhausern
Translational Cardiovascular Research Center College of Medicine - Phoenix Dr. Chris Glembotski
Center for University Education Scholarship (CUES) Provost Dr. Guada Lozano
Center for Astronomical Adaptive Optics (CAAO) Collge of Science Dr. Buell T. Jannuzi
Arizona Center for Mathematical Sciences Collge of Science Dr. Jerome V Moloney
Center for Recruitment and Retention of Mathematics Teachers (CRR) Collge of Science Melissa Hosten & Dr. Rodrigo Gutiérrez
Evelyn F. McKnight Brain Institute Collge of Science Dr. Carol Barnes
Lowell Institute for Mineral Resources Collge of Science Dr. Mark Barton
Space Imagery Center Collge of Science Dr. Shane Byrne
Arizona Center for Turkish Studies College of Social Behavioral Science Dr. Brian Silverstein
American Indian Language Development Institute (AILDI) College of Social Behavioral Science Dr. Ofelia Zepeda
Binational Migration Institute College of Social Behavioral Science Dr. Daniel Martinez & Dr. Anna O'Leary
Center for Border & Global Journalism College of Social Behavioral Science Dr. Jessica Retis
Center for Consciousness Studies College of Social Behavioral Science Dr. Stuart Hameroff, Dr. Thomas Bever
Center for Latin American Studies College of Social Behavioral Science Dr. Marcela Vásquez-León
Center for Middle Eastern Studies College of Social Behavioral Science Dr. Mahmoud Azaz
Center for Regional Food Studies College of Social Behavioral Science Dr. Megan Carney
Southwest Center College of Social Behavioral Science Dr. Jeffrey Banister
Southwest Institute for Research on Women College of Social Behavioral Science Dr. Josephine Korchmaros
Consortium on Gender-Based Violence College of Social Behavioral Science Dr. Elise C. Lopez
Center for Digital Society and Data Studies College of Information Science Dr. P. Bryan Heidorn
Aegis Consortium for Pandemic-free Future University Arizona Health Sciences Dr. Janko Nikolich
Arizona Center for Accelerated BioMedical Innovation University Arizona Health Sciences Dr. Marvin J. Slepian
UA Center for Disparities in Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism University Arizona Health Sciences Dr. Lawrence J. Mandarino
Arizona Area Health Education Centers Program (Az AHEC) University Arizona Health Sciences Dr. Leila Barraza
Arizona Simulation Technology and Education Center(ASTEC) University Arizona Health Sciences Dr. Allan Hamilton
Center for Advanced Molecular and Immunological Therapies (CAMI) University Arizona Health Sciences Dr. Michael Dake
Comprehensive Center for Pain and Addiction University Arizona Health Sciences Dr. Todd Vanderah
UAHS Center for Sleep, Circadian, and Neurosciences Research University Arizona Health Sciences Dr. Sairam Parthasarathy
Interprofessional Clinical and Professional Skills Center University Arizona Health Sciences Dr. Colette Scott
University of Arizona Cancer Center University Arizona Health Sciences Dr. Juanita L Merchant
Center for Biomedical Informatics and Biostatistics (CB2) University Arizona Health Sciences Dr. Justin Starren
Asthma and Airway Disease Research Center (A2DRC) University Arizona Health Sciences Dr. Fernando D. Martinez
Clinical and Translational Sciences Recearch Center (CATS) University Arizona Health Sciences Dr. Sally Radovick 
Center for Innovation in Brain Science (CIBS) University Arizona Health Sciences Dr. Roberta Diaz Brinton

**For updates or corrections, please contact Yisel Suarez, Executive Associate in RII