
EPA EPA-R-OEJECR-OCS-23-04: 2024 Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants Program

Limit: 2 // B. Yang (Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning), F. Spielberg (Family Medicine)


Under this NOFO, Lead Applicants,  may submit a maximum of two applications and may receive up to two awards. The two applications may be two Track I applications, two Track II applications, or one of each. *Application packages will be accepted on a rolling basis, as further explained in the NOFO, until November 21, 2024.


The Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grant program (Community Change Grants) – the subject of this NOFO – offers an unprecedented opportunity to transform disadvantaged communities across the United States into healthy, climate resilient, and thriving communities for their current and future residents. The Community Change Grants will fund community-driven projects that address climate challenges and reduce pollution while strengthening communities through thoughtful implementation. The historic levels of support provided by these grants will enable communities and their partners to overcome longstanding environmental challenges and implement meaningful solutions to meet community needs now and for generations to come.

The Community Change Grants are the final and most comprehensive piece of EPA’s implementation of ECJP IRA funding. The Community Change Grants will complement grant programs that EPA launched in 2022 and 2023, including those for the Collaborative Problem-Solving, Government-to-Government, and Thriving Communities Grantmaker programs. Collectively, these programs will empower communities and their partners to design, develop, and implement multi-faceted community-driven projects. These programs will address the diverse and unique needs of disadvantaged communities by:

  1. Reducing and preventing pollution;
  2. Building resilience to climate change and mitigating current and future climate risks;
  3. Enhancing meaningful involvement in government processes related to environmental and climate justice;
  4. Expanding access to high-quality jobs and economic opportunity through workforce development; and
  5. Bolstering community strength by ensuring that local residents receive the benefits of investments and have the opportunity to build on them for current and future generations.


 EPA will consider applications under two separate tracks:
• Track I applications – Community-Driven Investments for Change will focus on multi-faceted applications with Climate Action and Pollution Reduction Strategies to meaningfully improve the environmental, climate, and resilience conditions affecting disadvantaged communities. Awards under Track I are expected to be $10-20 million each and cannot exceed $20 million. EPA expects to award approximately $1.96 billion for approximately 150 Track I awards, including those under the Target Investment Areas described in Section II.B.
• Track II applications – Meaningful Engagement for Equitable Governance will facilitate the engagement of disadvantaged communities in governmental processes to advance environmental and climate justice. Awards under Track II are expected to be $1-3 million each and cannot exceed $3 million. EPA will award approximately $40 million for approximately 20 Track II awards.


Areas of interest: 
1. community-led air and other pollution monitoring, prevention, and remediation, and investments in low and zero-emission and resilient technologies and related infrastructure and workforce development that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions1 and other air pollutants;
2. mitigating climate and health risks from urban heat islands, extreme heat, wood heater emissions, and wildfire events;
3. climate resiliency and adaptation;
4. reducing indoor toxics and indoor air pollution; or
5. facilitating engagement of disadvantaged communities in state and federal advisory groups, workshops, rulemakings, and other public processes.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

USDA USDA-NIFA-CPPM-010315: 2024 Crop Protection and Pest Management (CPPM)

Limit: 1 // P. C. Ellsworth (Entomology/ Maricopa Agricultural Center)


Duplicate or multiple submissions are not allowed.

NIFA requests applications for the Crop Protection and Pest Management (CPPM) program for fiscal year (FY) 2024 to address critical state, regional and national integrated pest management (IPM) needs to ensure food security and respond effectively to other major societal pest management challenges. The CPPM program supports projects that address these challenges with IPM approaches developed by coordinated state, regional, and national research, and extension efforts. The impact of these research and extension efforts will be increased by the establishment of communication networks and stakeholder participation in setting priorities. In FY 2024, NIFA will only accept competitive applications for funding in the Applied Research and Development Program (ARDP) and the Extension Implementation Program (EIP) areas of CPPM. NIFA will fund current Regional Coordination Program (RCP) area projects through continuation applications.

The purpose of the Crop Protection and Pest Management program is to address high priority issues related to pests and their management using IPM approaches at the state, regional and national levels. The CPPM program supports projects that will ensure food security and respond effectively to other major societal pest management challenges with comprehensive IPM approaches that are economically viable, ecologically prudent, and safe for human health. The CPPM program addresses IPM challenges for emerging issues and existing priority pest concerns that can be addressed more effectively with new and emerging technologies. The outcomes of the CPPM program are effective, affordable, and environmentally sound IPM practices and strategies needed to maintain agricultural productivity and healthy communities. ​

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

DOE DE-FOA-0003155: 2024 Critical Materials Accelerator Funding Opportunity Announcement

No applicants  // Limit: 4* // Tickets Available: 4

*An entity may submit only one Concept Paper and one Full Application for each topic area of this FOA.

The Critical Materials Accelerator aims to validate and prototype technologies and processes that address critical materials challenges by developing alternatives, diversifying and expanding supply, increasing manufacturing and material efficiency, and establishing a circular economy. The Accelerator intends to speed up the adoption of innovation while promoting safe, sustainable, economic, and environmentally just solutions to meet current and future critical materials supply chain needs​.

This FOA solicits proposals that advance innovation to realize the Department’s critical minerals and materials vision of a reliable, resilient, affordable, diverse, sustainable, and secure domestic supply chains for the clean energy economy. Projects funded under this FOA will de-risk innovation and mature technology development in partnership with industry to reduce demand through alternative materials or technologies, extend the lifetime of critical materials, and advance secure and sustainable critical materials manufacturing technologies. Each topic area of the FOA addresses priority technologies and supply chain gaps identified by the Critical Materials Collaborative.

Topic Areas:

  • Topic 1 – Use of Magnets with Reduced Critical Materials Content 
    • Topic 1a – Critical Material Lean/Free Magnets for Clean Energy Technologies: Projects will validate alternative magnet compositions that reduce or eliminate the use of critical materials by at least 25 wt.% 
    • Topic 1b – Motors and Drivetrains using Critical Material Lean/Free Magnets: Projects will prototype electric machines or drivetrains that use magnets that reduce or eliminate the use of critical materials by at least 25 wt.% 
  • Topic 2 – Improved Unit Operations of Processing and Manufacturing of Critical Materials: Projects will make improvements to unit operations and/or processes to separate, refine/process critical materials for clean energy technologies that rely on critical materials.  
  • Topic 3 – Critical Material Recovery from Scrap and Post-Consumer Products: Selectees will develop and validate approaches to recycle or recover critical materials from post-consumer products, including but not limited to, design for recycling and reuse and de-risking critical material recovery from waste and manufacturing scrap.  
  • Topic 4 – Reduced Critical Material Demand for Clean Energy Technologies: Selectees will develop and validate materials, technologies, or processes that reduce or eliminate the use of critical materials for clean energy technologies. 
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
01/05/2023 - Concept paper 01/22/2024 - Full Proposal

DOE 2024 Re-X Before Recycling Prize

Submit ticket request  // Limit:2* // Tickets Available: 1

C. Algie (Architecture)


*If more than two submissions are received from a competitor, the two most recently submitted submissions will be considered. Only one submission per competitor can advance to Phase 2: Prepare!.

The Re-X Before Recycling Prize will award up to $5.6 million in federal funding and technical assistance from U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories. The prize is designed to stimulate innovation and private investment in circular economy approaches that can transform waste streams into diverse, integrated circular supply networks and contribute to a robust, environmentally sustainable economy.

The prize is seeking innovations to unlock new or expanded supply chains that can reintegrate end-of-use products into the economy via re-use, repair, refurbishment, remanufacturing, and/or repurposing (“Re-X”) before recycling.

The Re-X Before Recycling Prize invites competitors to work on one of two categories: established or emerging waste streams.

The Re-X Before Recycling Prize has three phases that will run from 2023 to 2025. During Phase 1, also called Identify!, competitors will identify new or expanded circular supply chain opportunities and the innovations needed to realize them and deliver community benefits. During Phase 2, called Prepare!, competitors will prepare to develop their innovation. During the final Phase 3, Develop!, competitors will continue to advance their idea toward implementation.

Areas of interest: 

Established Waste Streams: This topic area includes innovations focusing on how to utilize products that are currently available in U.S. waste streams. This topic area would include currently discarded products such as electrical devices, furnishings, consumer goods, and building materials.

Emerging Waste Streams: This topic area includes innovations focusing on how to utilize products that will be available in the future in waste streams. For example, clean energy technologies such as wind, solar, and batteries must expand dramatically to reach our decarbonization goals resulting in waste at the end of their product lifespans. These products may not be available in current waste streams in large volumes but will be in the future.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
03/12/2023 - Phase I

NEA NEAPS2401: 2024 Creative Placemaking Technical Assistance Program

No applicants  // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


This program assists organizations in effectively integrating arts, culture, and design into local efforts to strengthen communities over the long-term by funding creative placemaking projects across the country. Creative placemaking is when artists, arts organizations, and community development practitioners integrate arts and culture into community work by placing the arts at the table with other sectors, such as agriculture and food, economic development, education and youth, environment and energy, health, housing, public safety, transportation, and workforce development. 

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

NSF NSF 23-521: 2024 Strengthening the Cyberinfrastructure Professionals Ecosystem (SCIPE)

Limit: 1 // C-k Chan (Steward Observatory) & G. Leroy (Management Information Systems)


The overarching goal of this solicitation is to democratize access to NSF’s advanced cyberinfrastructure (CI) ecosystem and ensure fair and equitable access to resources, services, and expertise by strengthening how Cyberinfrastructure Professionals (CIP) function in this ecosystemThis solicitation will support NSF’s advanced CI ecosystem with a scalable, agile, diverse, and sustainable network of CIPs that can ensure broad adoption of advanced CI resources and expert services including platforms, tools, methods, software, data, and networks for research communities, to catalyze major research advances, and to enhance researchers' abilities to lead the development of new CI.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

NIH PAR-21-293: 2024 Clinical and Translational Science Award (UM1 Clinical Trial Optional)

Limit: 1 // PI: S. Radovick (Clinical and Translational Science Institute)

The CTSA Program hubs will be part of a national, collaborative consortium focused on bringing more treatments to more patients more quickly through advancing clinical and translational science (CTS) by developing, demonstrating, and disseminating scientific and operational innovations that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of clinical translation from identification to first-in-human studies to medical practice implementation to community health dissemination and promoting partnerships and collaborations to facilitate and accelerate translational research projects locally, regionally, and nationally.

Both a UM1 hub application and the required K12 Clinical Scientist Institutional Career Development Program Award (NOT-TR-21-030) must be submitted.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

NASA NNH24ZHA003C: 2024 APPENDIX 9 - Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) Institutional Research Opportunity (MIRO)

UArizona is ineligible to propose as a lead institution * // Limit: 1 


*Eligibility note: Universities awarded as part of MIRO Group 6, Group 6R, and Group 7 are ineligible to propose as a lead institution to this funding opportunity. 
UArizona was awarded a  MUREP APPENDIX G MUREP Institutional Research Opportunity – MIRO Group 7 in 2018, which makes the institution ineligible to lead a proposal to this funding program.


The NASA OSTEM MUREP Program solicits proposals from four-year colleges/universities designated by the U.S. Department of Education as MSIs for the MUREP Institutional Research Opportunity (MIRO) awards. MIRO develops significant scientific, engineering, and/or technology research centers. The purpose of MIRO is to strengthen and develop the research capacity and infrastructure of MSIs in areas of strategic importance and value to NASA’s mission and priorities. MIRO awards promote STEM literacy and enhance and sustain the capability of institutions to perform NASA-related research and education. Additionally, MIRO strengthens student participation in research at MSIs in order to develop and diversify the next generation of the STEM workforce. MIRO awards directly support research pertinent to NASA’s five Mission Directorates (MDs) – Aeronautics Research, Exploration Systems Development, Space Operations, Science, and Space Technology. 


MIRO cooperative agreements are competitively awarded to MSIs to promote research capacity, expand aerospace research, increase workforce diversity, and strengthen students’ STEM skills.  The MIRO awards goals and objectives are to: 

1) Expand the nation's base for aerospace research and development by fostering new aerospace research and technology development concepts aligned with NASA research priorities as defined by NASA’s MDs. 

Objective 1.1: Develop significant scientific, engineering, and/or technology research centers at the MSI that align and engage one or more programs of the NASA Mission Directorates.

Objective 1.2: Increase the lead institution’s capacity to contribute to the priorities of NASA’s Mission Directorates (Aeronautics Research, Exploration Systems Development, Science, Space Operations and Space Technology) and NASA’s Centers and facilities.

2) Promote institutional advancement and enhanced research capacity through partnerships among MSIs, other academic institutions, NASA, and industry.

Objective 2.1: Increase the lead institution’s ability to sustain research efforts through development of strategic partnerships. .  

 Objective 2.2: Increase the lead institution’s pursuit of additional funding opportunities offered by NASA, industry, and other agencies.

 Objective 2.3: Increase the ability of research leadership at the lead institution to leverage resources to enhance its research capacity at the project, program, department, college, and/or university levels.

3) Strengthen participation of faculty, researchers, and students at MSIs in the research programs of NASA’s MDs.

Objective 3.1: Increase faculty and researcher knowledge and skills in NASA-related research through professional development and NASA research opportunities.

Objective 3.2: Increase capacity to develop student knowledge and skills in NASA-related research through curriculum enhancement, redesign, and development at the course, degree, and/or department levels.

Objective 3.3: Increase capacity to develop student knowledge and skills in NASA-related research through NASA internships and opportunities.

4) Facilitate mechanisms to ensure degrees awarded to students from MSIs in NASA-related fields reflect the diversity of our nation and contribute to the diversity of the NASA workforce.

Objective 4.1: Increase the number of undergraduate and graduate degrees awarded to students from MSIs in NASA-related fields.     

NEA NEA01GAP2: 2024 Grants for Arts Projects (GAP)

Limit: 1 // PI: A. Kraehe  (VP Equity in the Arts) - Discipline: Media Arts


*An organization may submit only one application to the FY 2025 Grants for Arts Projects program (i.e., one application per calendar year), with limited exceptions.

New guidelines will be posted in December.

Important Note About Matching Requirements: All grants require a non-federal match of at least 1:1. Please contact your chair or director and dean to confirm institutional support for your project.

Grants for Arts Projects is the National Endowment for the Arts’ principal grants program for organizations based in the United States. Through project-based funding, the program supports public engagement with, and access to, various forms of art across the nation, the creation of excellent art, learning in the arts at all stages of life, and the integration of the arts into the fabric of community life.

The National Endowment for the Arts is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and fostering mutual respect for the diverse beliefs and values of all individuals and groups.

These grants support arts projects that use the arts to unite and heal in response to current events; celebrate our creativity and cultural heritage; invite mutual respect for differing beliefs and values; and enrich humanity. Applicants may request cost share/matching grants ranging from $10,000 to $100,000. Designated local arts agencies eligible to subgrant may request from $10,000 to $150,000 for subgranting programs in the Local Arts Agencies disciplineA minimum cost share/match equal to the grant amount is required.

NEA funds arts projects in the following disciplines: Artist Communities, Arts Education, Dance, Design, Folk & Traditional Arts, Literary Arts, Local Arts Agencies, Media Arts, Museums, Music, Musical Theater, Opera, Presenting & Multidisciplinary Arts, Theater, and Visual Arts.

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
02/15/ 2024 - 07/11/2024*

EPA EPA-R-OAR-HFC-24-01 Hydrofluorocarbon Reclaim and Innovative Destruction Grants

No Applicants // Limit: 3 // Tickets Available: 3 


This NOFO announces the availability of funds and solicits applications from eligible entities to develop projects for hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) reclamation and innovative destruction technologies. Section 60109 of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) provided the EPA with $15 million for competitive grants for “reclaim and innovative destruction technologies” consistent with subsections (a) through (i) and subsection (k) of section 103 division S of Public Law 116-260 (42 U.S.C. 7675) (also known as the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act). Enacted in 2020, the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act authorizes the EPA to address climate-damaging greenhouse gases (GHGs) called HFCs by: phasing down their production and consumption, maximizing reclamation and minimizing releases from equipment, and facilitating the transition to next-generation technologies through sector-based restrictions on HFCs. HFCs are potent GHGs commonly used in refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, as well as foams and many other applications. A global phasedown of HFCs is expected to avoid up to 0.5°C of global warming by 2100. There are hundreds of possible HFC compounds. The 18 HFCs listed as regulated substances by the AIM Act are some of the most commonly used HFCs and have high impacts as measured by the quantity emitted multiplied by their respective global warming potentials (GWPs). For more information on the AIM Act and its implementing regulations, please visit


Areas of Interest

The objectives of the HFC Reclaim and Innovative Destruction Grants, as described under Assistance Listing 66.047, are to support and contribute to addressing HFCs under the AIM Act by funding the following three project areas (listed order below does not indicate preference):
(1) Reclaim Technologies – pilot projects for new/better technologies to increase the reclamation of HFCs by expanding access to reclamation and improving the reclamation process;
(2) Reclaim Market Dynamics – programs or pilot projects for innovative strategies that address market dynamics to increase HFC reclamation by lowering barriers; or
(3) Innovative Destruction Technologies – pilot projects for innovative technologies or innovative deployment of technologies to destroy unusable and/or unwanted HFCs

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

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