
eIRB and eDisclosure Unavailable April 21-23

1 year 10 months ago

The Research, Innovation & Impact Human Subjects Protection Program (HSPP) will implement upgrades to the electronic Institutional Review Board (eIRB) system to provide the latest features and maintain quality performance.

This upgrade will cause the eIRB and eDisclosure systems to be unavailable beginning 8 a.m., Friday, April 21 through 8 a.m., Monday, April 24.


  • During the upgrade period, eIRB review and approval will be unavailable.
  • Submissions to the eIRB should be processed before 8 a.m., Friday, April 21, or after 8 a.m., Monday, April 24.
  • For urgent eIRB matters and just-in-time (JIT) requests that arise during this window: email Christine Melton-Lopez, director HSPP. 
  • For questions or more information: email the HSPP team.


  • During the upgrade period, individuals will be unable to disclose Outside Interests, Outside Activity and Substantial Interests. Individuals will not be able to submit Research Certifications and Outside Activity approval will not be available.
  • Conflict of Interest (COI) at Proposal Submission: for federal and sub-federal proposals due on or before Wednesday, April 26, investigators are encouraged to complete annual disclosures before 6 p.m., Thursday, April 20.
  • For routing proposals received during the upgrade period, the Office for Responsible Outside Interests (OROI) will rely on data from Thursday, April 20. Beginning 8 a.m., Monday, April 24, OROI will return to using live data.
  • UAccess Analytics dashboards: the eDisclosure Conflict of Interest dashboards will reflect data from Thursday, April 20 until Tuesday, April 25.


Why do I have to provide the requested information in eDisclosure?

As a public University and recipient of federal research funding, UArizona is required to comply with federal regulations, state law and ABOR policies.  Additionally, UArizona has a fiduciary responsibility to ensure inappropriate external influences do not affect the performance of one’s primary duties to UArizona.

The information collected in eDisclosure allows UArizona to ensure development and implementation of management strategies in order to facilitate our faculty’s continued cutting-edge research and that all University Employees meet regulatory requirements.

More information on disclosure requirements can be found on our History of Disclosure Requirements webpage.

UArizona’s policy can be found here: Conflicts of Interest & Commitment Policy

New, Consolidated Disclosure System Now Available

3 years 8 months ago

eDisclosure is now available for conflict of interest (COI) submissions—annual disclosures and research certifications—and conflict of commitment (COC) form submissions.

For information on using eDisclosure, the following options are available:

Video Demos and Instructional Material: eDisclosure Information (NetID required)

Zoom Drop-In Training Sessions: eDisclosure Training (No registration required)
  • Thursday, July 1 – 11 am; 11:30 am; 12 pm
  • Thursday, July 8 – 11 am; 11:30 am; 12 pm

How will the move to eDisclosure affect you?

eDisclosure will be used for all conflict of interest and commitment disclosures.

All Full-Time University Employees (0.50 FTE or greater) must disclose:

  • Outside Employment
  • Outside Commitments
  • Substantial Interest

University Administrators must disclose:

  • Institutional Interests
  • Outside Employment
  • Outside Commitments
  • Substantial Interests

Investigators* must disclose: 

  • Significant Financial Interests
  • Significant Personal Interests
  • Foreign Interests
  • Outside Employment
  • Outside Commitments
  • Substantial Interests

*Investigators who are University Administrators must also disclose Institutional Financial Interests.

For research Investigators, notices for submission of Research Certifications will be issued on July 1. Notifications for submission of Annual Certifications will be issued by college/center, beginning July 12. Your college/center leadership will receive information related to additional eDisclosure training opportunities.

Reminder:  The University of Arizona is implementing a new Conflicts of Interest & Commitment Policy. Investigators will be required to complete an updated version of the COI Required Disclosure Training.

For questions or more information, contact the Office for Responsible Outside Interests at coi@arizona.edu or at 520-626-6406. For questions about Substantial Interests, contact Ted Nasser at enasser@arizona.edu or at 520-621-5449.

Implementing a New, Faster Conflict of Interest System

3 years 9 months ago

The Conflict of Interest (COI) Program will launch a new system, eDisclosure, designed to make submitting COC Forms (Requests for Approval of Outside Employment and Commitments) easier and faster. For more information about the implementation process, please visit RII’s New Systems Information webpage.

Please note the following important dates in the implementation process:

  • June 11, 2021 - Last day to submit disclosures, research certifications, and COC Forms in the current system.
  • June 12 - 30, 2021 - Blackout period (No COI or COC system will be available for submissions.)
  • July 1, 2021 - eDisclosure available (For your first disclosure or certification in eDisclosure, you will need to disclose all entities, including those previously disclosed in the legacy COI Disclosure System.)

How will this affect you?

The new system is relevant to full-time University Employees who are employed or have a professional commitment outside of the University. Please visit the COI webpage to learn more about who should submit a COC form. 

Please also note that beginning July 1, the Conflict of Interest Program will be called the Office for Responsible Outside Interests to more closely focus on the program’s goal: to align outside interests with the University’s mission to disseminate knowledge through teaching, research, and public service in a way that ensures transparency, integrity and public trust.

For questions or more information, contact the COI Program at coi@arizona.edu or at (520) 626-8266.