"If created/authored/wrote, music/media/video/book/article that wanted to be used by an outside agency and was willing to pay me but required no actual time commitment from me, do I need to go through the COC process? "

This depends on your UA role (whether an Employee, Administrator and/or Investigator – An complete overview of UA roles and Disclosure requirements can be found here)  

  • If you are an Investigator, receiving remuneration/income in any amount from Intellectual Property rights, such as patents or copyrights will make this a Significant Financial Interest that needs to be disclosed via eDisclosure. Additionally,
  • If you are a UA employee whose FTE is 0.5 or greater, the definition of Outside Employment and Outside Commitment is included below for your review. The Outside Commitment Decision Tree may be of assistance when making the determination as to whether an activity requires disclosure. Additionally, the Disclosure Table resources provide an overview of the disclosure requirements.  

Outside Employment refers to any employment relationship outside of the University requiring a time commitment.

Outside Commitments: (1) are professional and other activities that are related to a University Employee’s professional expertise, outside of their University duties and responsibilities; (2) are for the benefit of an external entity or individual and are not covered by a fully executed written agreement between the University and the external entity; and (3) require a time commitment. Outside Commitments include Outside Employment, independent contracts for consulting services, private consulting groups comprised of University Employees, volunteer/pro bono work, appointments at postsecondary educational institutions, and foreign components, as that term may be updated by the University’s Office for Responsible Outside Interests.

Also, please refer to the University’s TLA-100 The Intellectual Property Policy in case applicable.

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