Biomedical, Clinical & Life Sciences

NIH RFA-RM-24-005: 2024 Director’s Early Independence Awards (DP5 Clinical Trial Optional)

Submit ticket request  // Limit: 2 // Tickets Available: 2




Only two applications per institution (normally identified by having a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number or NIH IPF number) are allowed.


The NIH Director's Early Independence Award supports rigorous and promising investigators who wish to pursue independent research soon after completion of their terminal doctoral degree or post-graduate clinical training, thereby forgoing the traditional post-doctoral training period and accelerating their entry into an independent research career. To support innovative and novel research across the vast NIH mission, individuals from diverse backgrounds (including those from underrepresented groups; see Notice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity) and from the full spectrum of eligible institutions in all geographic locations are encouraged to apply. Applications in all topics relevant to the broad mission of NIH are welcome, including, but not limited to, topics in the behavioral, social, biomedical, applied, and formal sciences and topics that may involve basic, translational, or clinical research. The NIH Director's Early Independence Award is a component of the High-Risk, High-Reward Research program of the NIH Common Fund.




  • Single PD/PI: Only single PD/PI applications are allowed. Multiple PD/PIs applications will not be accepted. Only the PD/PI may be listed as a Senior/Key Person and provide a Biographical Sketch.
  • Citizenship: U.S. citizenship is not required. For non-U.S. citizens, the applicant institution is responsible for ensuring the PD/PI's U.S. visa status will allow them to conduct the proposed research at the applicant institution for the entire project period.
  • Degree Receipt Date: The receipt date of the PD/PI’s terminal doctoral degree or end of post-graduate clinical training must be between May 1, 2023, and September 30, 2025. The degree receipt date is that which appears on the official transcript for the degree. The end of post-graduate clinical training includes residency and fellowship periods. At the time of award, either:
  1. The PD/PI must have received a PhD, MD, DO, DC, DDS, DVM, OD, DPM, ScD, EngD, DrPH, DNSc, ND (Doctor of Naturopathy), PharmD, DSW, PsyD, or equivalent doctoral degree from an accredited domestic or foreign institution (it is the responsibility of the sponsoring institution to determine if a foreign doctoral degree is equivalent).
  2. Or an authorized official of the degree-granting or training institution must certify that all degree requirements have been met and that the receipt date of the degree (as will appear on the transcript) will be before September 30, 2025. An authorized official of the host institution must certify that the PD/PI will be able to conduct independent research at the institution at the time of the project start date.
  • Post-doctoral Experience: The PD/PI must not have served as a post-doctoral fellow for more than 12 months following a previous, non-terminal doctoral degree (this only applies to PD/PIs with multiple doctoral degrees who served in a 12+ month post-doctoral fellowship before their terminal degree).
  • Level of Effort: In the first and second years of the project period, the PD/PI must commit at least 9.6 person-months of effort to the Early Independence Award project each year (80% effort per year). In years 3-5 of the project period, the PD/PI may reduce their effort on the Early Independence Award project but must still conduct at least 9.6 person-months of general independent research each year (80% effort per year). General independent research includes the effort spent on the Early Independence Award project and any other independent research projects the PD/PI is working on.
  • Non-independence at Time of Application: Individuals are eligible only if they do not have research independence at the time of application submission. Research non-independence is defined functionally rather than by position title and must have all the following characteristics:
    1. The PD/PI's current research agenda is set through concurrence with mentors.
    2. The PD/PI's research is funded primarily through support to other investigators (mentored fellowships such as NIH F31 or F32 Fellowships or NSF Graduate Research Fellowships do not preclude eligibility).
    3. The PD/PI does not have any space assigned directly by the institution for the conduct of their research.
    4. The PD/PI cannot apply for an NIH R01 grant without a special waiver or exemption from the institution according to institutional policy.

Though PD/PIs must not be functionally independent at the time of application submission, they may become functionally independent prior to time of award and still retain eligibility.

  • Independent Research Position: An independent research position at a host institution is required, and the PD/PI must be able to begin independent research by the project start date. The position need not be permanent or tenure-track and may be contingent upon receipt of the Early Independence Award. Prospective PD/PIs should contact appropriate institutional leaders to seek an appointment to an independent research position. Alternatively, institutions may actively recruit eligible scientists to apply for support through this initiative. In either case, the institution is expected to provide substantial support to the PD/PI as detailed in the Facilities & Other Resources section. To foster independence, PD/PIs may benefit from being hosted by an institution at which they have not previously studied or trained.
  • Career Awards: PD/PIs may apply for a research career development (K) award and DP5 at the same time, but NIH policy prohibits scientific overlap. A PD/PI may not hold a DP5 and career development award concurrently: The career development award must be relinquished to receive the DP5.
  • Site Visit: NIH staff will conduct a one-time site visit at the end of the first year to assess the PD/PI's progress and to ensure they are receiving the institutional resources and support outlined in the application. NIH staff will meet with the PD/PI, lab personnel, mentors, faculty, and institutional leadership. Failure to provide independence and/or support may lead to NIH actions, including reduction of funds.

Awards will be for up to $250,000 in direct costs per year, plus applicable Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs.

The project period is limited to five years.


Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

American Skin Association (ASA): 2024 La Roche-Posay Research Grant Melanoma and Skin Cancer

Limit: 1 //   E. Thornley (Child Health)


American Skin Association (ASA) is accepting applications for support of research in melanoma and skin cancer. ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be working actively in areas related to dermatology targeting melanoma and skin cancer. Funds may be used for support of a new or ongoing research/clinical investigation project. There is no age requirement. However, applicants without prior funding, who are in a formative stage of their career, or who are undergoing a mid-career research change, will be given preference. CONTENTS OF APPLICATION: An application must include: 1. A letter from the applicant stating: a. a lay statement of 2-3 sentences describing the relevance of the proposed research b. career goals c. relevance of the grant at this time d. acknowledgment of the requirement to submit a progress report (written in layman’s language) and an expenditure report at the end of the grant period e. acknowledgement of the requirement to list ASA support in all presentations/publications f. acknowledgement to keep ASA informed of current and future dates of presentations and/or publications

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

Arizona Community Foundation (ACF): 2024 Cochise Grant Cycle

Limit: 1 //  G. D. Block (Thomas D. Boyer Liver Institute)


April and May: Cochise workshops take place to prepare organizations for applying. These are mandatory in order to apply.
Early June: Cochise grant cycle applications are due. Only organizations who attended a grant application workshop may apply.


This regional office focuses on mobilizing enduring philanthropy for those in southeast Arizona. We are staffed with people who reside in and are passionate for these communities. With back-office support from our central office, ACF of Cochise can focus on community building and local donor development.While statewide funding opportunities are available year-round, two grant cycles are available each spring for nonprofits serving Cochise and eastern Santa Cruz counties.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona (LFSAZ) 2024: Responsive Grants

 // Limit: one application per Department


C.L. Peters (Liver Research Institute)



The Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona funds grants up to $5,000 for a one year project.

The Legacy Foundation accepts applications that align with our mission to promote population health and community wellness throughout Southeast Arizona.

Grant Workshops – Mandatory for first time applicants:

Virtual Responsive Grant Workshop – you will be asked to register to view this workshop.

Sierra Vista – February 20, 2024, 10:00 am, Legacy Foundation Outreach Center, 302-02 El Camino Real, Sierra Vista

Benson – February 22, 2024, 10:00 am, Benson Hospital, Ocotillo Room, 450 S Ocotillo Avenue, Benson

Willcox – February 27, 2024, 1:00 pm, Cochise College Willcox Center, #102, 470 N Bisbee Avenue, Willcox

Douglas – February 28, 2024, 10:00 am, Cochise College Douglas, D-Lib-305, 4190 Hwy. 80, Douglas

Sierra Vista – February 29, 2024, 5:30 pm, Legacy Foundation Outreach Center, 302-02 El Camino Real, Sierra Vista

If you missed the Grant Workshops, please call our office.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona (LFSAZ) 2024: Innovative Grants

Submit ticket request   // Limit: one application per department

G. D. Block (Thomas D. Boyer Liver Institute)



Each year the Legacy Foundation offers Innovative Grants up to $50,000 a year for up to two years ($100,000 max). These projects must meet at least one of the Innovative criteria contained within the grant guidelines link below.

Grant Workshops – Mandatory for first time applicants:

Sierra Vista – May 7, 2024, 10:00 am, Legacy Foundation Outreach Center, 302-02 El Camino Real, Sierra Vista

Benson – May 8, 2024, 10:00 am, Benson Hospital, Ocotillo Room, 450 S Ocotillo Ave, Benson

Willcox –May 14, 2024, 1:00 pm, Cochise College Willcox Center, #102, 470 N Bisbee Ave, Willcox

Douglas – May 15, 2024, 10:00 am, Cochise College Douglas, D-Lib-305, 4190 Hwy. 80, Douglas

Sierra Vista – May 16, 2024, 5:30 pm, Legacy Foundation Outreach Center, 302-02 El Camino Real, Sierra Vista

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
08/02/2024 ( LOI)

NSF 24-514: 2025 Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM)

Apply to internal competition  // Limit: 2 // Tickets Available: 0


D. Glickenstein (Mathematics) - Competitive Resubmission, Track 3:  Inter-institutional Consortia
R. Deil-Amen (Education)

Limit on Number of Proposals per Organization: 2

An institution may submit up to two proposals (either as a single institution or as a subawardee or a member of an inter-institutional consortia project (lead or co-lead) for a given S-STEM deadline. Multiple proposals from an institution must not overlap with regard to S-STEM eligible disciplines. See Additional Eligibility Information below for more details (see IV. Eligibility Information).
Institutions with a current S-STEM award should wait at least until the end of the third year of execution of their current award before submitting a new S-STEM proposal focused on students pursuing degrees in the same discipline(s).
The above restrictions do not apply to collaborative planning grant proposals.




Summary: The main goal of the S-STEM program is to enable low-income students with academic ability, talent or potential to pursue successful careers in promising STEM fields. Ultimately, the S-STEM program seeks to increase the number of academically promising low-income students who graduate with a S-STEM eligible degree and contribute to the American innovation economy with their STEM knowledge. Recognizing that financial aid alone cannot increase retention and graduation in STEM, the program provides awards to institutions of higher education (IHEs) not only to fund scholarships, but also to adapt, implement, and study evidence-based curricular and co-curricular1 activities that have been shown to be effective supporting recruitment, retention, transfer (if appropriate), student success, academic/career pathways, and graduation in STEM.

Social mobility for low-income students with academic potential is even more crucial than for students that enjoy other economic support structures. Hence, social mobility cannot be guaranteed unless the scholarship funds the pursuit of degrees in areas where rewarding jobs are available after graduation with an undergraduate or graduate degree.

The S-STEM program encourages collaborations, including but not limited to partnerships among different types of institutions; collaborations of S-STEM eligible faculty, researchers, and academic administrators focused on investigating the factors that affect low-income student success (e.g., institutional, educational, behavioral and social science researchers); and partnerships among institutions of higher education and business, industry, local community organizations, national labs, or other federal or state government organizations, as appropriate.

S-STEM Eligible Degree Programs
Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of Engineering, and Associate of Applied Science
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Applied Science
Master of Arts, Master of Science and Master of Engineering
Doctoral (Ph.D. or other comparable doctoral degree)

S-STEM Eligible Disciplines
Disciplinary fields in which research is funded by NSF, including technology fields associated with the S-STEM-eligible disciplines (e.g., biotechnology, chemical technology, engineering technology, information technology, etc.).
The following degrees and disciplines are excluded

  • Clinical degree programs, including medical degrees, nursing, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, physical therapy, and others not funded by NSF, are ineligible degrees.
  • Business school programs that lead to Bachelor of Arts or Science in Business Administration degrees (BABA/BSBA/BBA) are not eligible for S-STEM funding.
  • Masters and Doctoral degrees in Business Administration are also excluded.

USAID 7201P124R00001: 2024 American Schools and Hospitals Abroad Program Worldwide

No Applicants // Limit: 2 // Tickets Available: 2 


*The close date will be updated after the official RFA is posted.
One USO may submit separate applications for a maximum of two OSIs.


he United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking applications for cooperative agreements and grants from qualified entities to implement the American Schools and Hospitals Abroad program.

ASHA provides assistance to overseas schools, libraries, hospital centers , and centers of excellence to highlight American ideas and practices, to provide concrete illustrations of the generosity of the American people, to further USG public diplomacy, and to catalyze collaboration between U.S. citizens and citizens of other countries.

ASHA awards grants and cooperative agreements to existing partnerships between U.S. not-for-profit non-governmental organizations and institutions overseas founded or sponsored by United States citizens (referred to as “Overseas Institutions,” or “OSIs”). These partnerships enable OSIs to benefit from the expertise and experience of USOs while ensuring projects are locally owned and sustained. These partnerships help mitigate investment and construction risk, and contribute to sustained returns.
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Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

G. Harold & Leila Y. Mathers Foundation: 2024 Basic & Translational Research Grants - Fall Cycle

In Review // Limit: 3  // Tickets Available: 0

R. Schomer (School of Plant Science)

B. Tanriover (Medicine)

S. Dickinson (Pharmacology)

Program updates: 

After evaluating some of our processes with the Mathers Board, we are making two key changes to our Grants Program that will be implemented in the 2024 Fall Cycle.

First, we are decreasing the number of nominees institutions can submit for each grant cycle from four (4) to three (3). Our Grants Program has evolved into a national limited competition over the last several years. We have since received 300+ LOI applications per cycle, and the numbers grow annually. Reducing the amount of LOI applications we accept will allow us to continue to select, in a timely manner, the most appropriate projects for a Formal Proposal.  

Second, we are reducing the total project budget range from $600,000-$750,000 to $600,000-$700,000.  This revised budget range for our three-year grant awards is closely aligned with other funding organizations, including many NIH research awards. 


All other LOI Application Instructions will remain the same.

The mission of The G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers Foundation is to advance knowledge in the life sciences by sponsoring scientific research that will benefit mankind. The foundation’s grants program seeks to support basic science, ideally with potential translational applications. Immunology, microbiome, genomics, structural biology, cellular physiology, neuroscience, etc., are some noteworthy examples of current research support. 

For many years the Foundation has enjoyed special recognition in the research community for supporting “basic” scientific research, realizing that true transformative breakthroughs usually occur after a thorough understanding of the fundamental mechanisms underlying natural phenomena. More recently, and with the advent of newer investigative methodologies, technology, and tools, the Foundation now embraces innovative translational research proposals.

The grant duration must be three years. The budget should be reasonable based on the aims of the project. Indirect costs may not exceed 10%. Preliminary Budgets are required during the LOI phase. A detailed budget justification is not required until the proposal phase.  The Foundation’s grant award is not intended to be utilized for purchasing capital equipment (“bricks-and-mortar”) for the lab and is intended only to support the actual investigation. The Foundation assumes and expects that capital equipment must be provided by the research institution or university.

Application Guidance:

  • Grant budgets cannot exceed $600,000-$700,000.
  • The Foundation primarily supports basic science, ideally with potential translational applications.
  • Immunology, microbiome, genomics, structural biology, cellular physiology, neuroscience, etc., are some noteworthy examples of current research support.
  • Covid-19-related research projects (aims or sub-aims) will not be considered for support.
  • Medical imaging technology-related projects and/or electrical engineering technology development projects will not be considered for support.
  • Plant Biology Research, Oceanography, Space Exploration. and Global warming-related research will not be considered for support.
  • As technology continues to advance, it is apparent that investigations in the area of basic science and translational research may become more and more reliant on collaborative, interdisciplinary projects. It is important to note that any interdisciplinary project proposals may require additional information regarding the collaborator(s)’ achievements and relevant expertise.
  • Feedback for declined LOI Requests will not be provided; LOIs or Formal Proposals that have been declined should not be resubmitted at a later date for consideration.
  • Renewal applications for the same or related research will not be accorded priority consideration. It is strongly advised that any re-application for grant renewal consider a new direction based on prior research or emphasize some new potential translational aspects and not merely an extension of previously funded research.
  • Requests for funding previously federally supported research and/or applications pending federal approval will not be accorded priority consideration.
  • Requests for support of clinical trials or drug discovery will not be approved. The Foundation will not support projects which we consider pre-clinical drug development.




Fall 2024


Portal Registration due date: September 20, 2024 (Friday)
Late registrations for our Portal will not be approved for the Fall 2024 review cycle. 

LOI due date: October 4, 2024 (Friday)
Applicants notified of proposal invitation or LOI rejection within a month of the due date.


Due date for invited proposals: December 6, 2024 (Friday)
Applicants are notified of proposal approval or rejection within 75 days of the due date.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

DHHS HHS-2024-IHS-INMED-0001: 2024 American Indians into Medicine (InMed)

Limit: 1 //  T. Solomon (Family and Community Medicine)


PO has confirmed this is a limited submission, only the last application received from UArizona will be reviewed. 

The purpose of this program is to add to the number of Indian health professionals serving Indians by encouraging Indians to enter the health professions and removing barriers to serving Indians.


Allowable activities

• Provide outreach and recruitment of people to serve Indian communities in the health professions. Include recruitment and outreach at elementary and secondary schools as well as community colleges located on Indian reservations that your program will serve

• Incorporate a program advisory board of representatives from the Tribes and communities you will serve

• Provide summer preparatory programs for Indian students who need enrichment in the subjects of math and science needed to pursue training in the health professions

• Provide tutoring, counseling, and support to students who are enrolled in a health career program of study at your college or university

• Employ qualified Indians in the program, to the maximum extent feasible. Describe the college or university’s ability to meet this requirement

• Address the opioid crisis, which is an HHS priority, by educating and training students in opioid addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

1907 Trailblazer Award for 2024

No Applicants // Limit: 3 // Tickets Available: 3 


**Please note, 1907 Foundation would like all applicants to additionally apply in Atala with the same five-part application (regardless of if they are selected in this internal competition) so they can share their ideas with other funding organizations who use Atala. Register in the Atala system and submit your application prior to April 15, 2024.


The 1907 Trailblazer Award was established to encourage high-impact, step-change approaches to research in the brain and mind sciences for psychiatric health. In addition to supporting a specific research project, the Award intends to increase the size of the talent pool of early career investigators researching causes & cures for psychiatric illness. The 1907 Foundation promotes these aims by providing a $100,000 research grant on an unrestricted basis, a $20,000 prize to enhance the economic security of the scientist, and travel & expense coverage for attendance to in-person annual meetings. Each winner will be invited to present interim findings (year 1) and final findings (year 2), where they can form scientific relationships with other Fellows, the Science Innovation Committee and the Science Selection Committee. The Foundation aims to build community and provide value to the scientist in excess of the monetary element.

1907 Foundation fosters a culture of innovation, encourages risk-taking and assesses applications based on the merit of the novel idea, not the identity of the applicant. It seeks to attract scientists who can think creatively across disciplines and who are motivated to swim against the tides of consensus. 1907 Foundation wants to see your outside-the-box ideas and methods, and encourages applicants who have never received a major grant to apply.

Projects must be grounded in the study of biological mechanisms underlying brain function, cognitive processes, and/or consciousness. Supported projects are for basic science in addition to near-term applications (e.g. disruptive technologies and potential clinical interventions).


  • UArizona may nominate three individuals.
  • 1907 Foundation strongly encourages faculty with specialization outside of psychiatry to apply as well (e.g. endocrinology, genetics, radiology, etc.) and outside of medicine (e.g. psychology, neuroscience, engineering, informatics, physics, maths, etc.) to apply.
  • Eligibility:
    • Applicants must be within ten years of the date when PhD/MD degree was awarded (whichever came later and with exceptions for maternity leave, paternity leave and other excused absences).For clinical scientists, the 10-year clock starts upon completion of all residency and fellowships.
      • Please use February 23, 2024, as the end date for calculation of the 10-year period.
  • Funding:
    • Awards of $100,000 will be made to successful applicants, via their institutions, for research costs. Funding is to be spent over a two-year duration and can support (examples):
    • Stipends for research staff within the Award recipient’s lab
    • Equipment, supplies, laboratory costs and/or technician
    • Imaging costs
    • Publication fees
    • Patient participant expenses
    • Travel
    • In addition to the $100,000, US$20,000 will be awarded as a cash prize payable directly to the recipient (50% after year 1, 50% after year 2). Lastly, 1907 Foundation will cover travel and expenses for in-person annual meetings.
    • As a charitable organization, 1907 Foundation prefers that institutions do not apply indirect costs or overheads to these awards. They ask that applicants gain the agreement of their department head that the Award can be used by the Awardee. If some contribution to indirect costs is needed, the letter of support should state how much of the $100,000 (up to a maximum $10,000) will be used in this way and explain why. Administrative overhead will not count against an Applicant so long as it falls within $10,000.



Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
04/15/2024* ( Applicant registration) - 05/03/2024 ( Nomination )
Solicitation Type