
DOS SFOP0009544: 2023 DRL Truth-Telling and Memorialization in Nepal

L. Hammer (College of Social and Behavioral Sciences - Outreach and Program Development)

UArizona may submit on proposal to this funding program.


The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) announces a limited competition for organizations interested in submitting applications for a project that supports Nepal’s progress towards sustainable peace and stability through a credible, locally led, inclusive, and victim-centric transitional justice process.1

Programs should advance family and civil society led efforts to pursue truth, justice, and accountability for enforced disappearances and other human rights violations and abuses committed during Nepal’s conflict. Programs should consider leveraging Nepal’s federal structure and opportunities at the local level to advance both formal and informal transitional justice processes for victims and their families, including forms of reparative justice, memorialization, and truth-telling; while also considering the legal, social, economic, and other impacts, of enforced disappearances on families, especially women and children. Recognizing the long-term nature of transitional justice processes, programs should also include efforts that strengthen the resilience of family members and support locally relevant ways for coping with ambiguity of their loss

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

NEA 2023NEA01OT: 2023 Our Town

A. Waller (College of Architecture, Planning & Landscape Architecture )
J. J. Barrios (Public & Applied Humanities)

UArizona may submit two proposals to this funding program.

Through Our Town, the NEA is proud to support creative placemaking projects that integrate arts, culture, and design into local efforts that strengthen communities over the long-term. The program demonstrates the ways in which artists, culture bearers, and designers can help to: 

  • Bring new attention to or elevate key community assets and issues, voices of residents, local history, or civic infrastructure;
  • Inject new or additional energy, resources, activity, people, or enthusiasm into a place, community issue, or local economy;
  • Envision new possibilities for a community or place—a new future, a way of approaching a new opportunity, overcoming a challenge, or problem-solving;
  • Connect communities, people, places, and economic opportunity through physical spaces or new partnerships and relationships; or
  • Honor traditions shaped by the lived experience of a community’s residents, such as music, dance, design, crafts, fashion, cuisine, and oral expression.

Our Town projects engage a wide range of local stakeholders in efforts to advance local economic, physical, or social outcomes in communities. Competitive projects are responsive to unique local conditions, authentically engage communities, advance artful lives, and lay the groundwork for long-term systems change. (Systems changes can include, for example: establishment of new and sustained cross-sector partnerships; shifts in institutional structure, practices or policies; replication or scaling of innovative project models; or establishment of training programs). 

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF): 2023 Data Visualization of Structural Racism and Place

No applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 

UArizona may only submit one proposal as the lead organization

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), its grantees, and partners have demonstrated the impact of using data to communicate and increase understanding of how the conditions of place impact community health. Structural racism produces a complex set of barriers (often invisible) that undermines opportunities for health and wellbeing for many communities. Yet researchers and data producers—especially those with vital comprehensive, nationwide data that include findings at smaller state and local levels—often struggle to communicate their findings in ways that resonate for policymakers, community partners, and others who are best positioned to make decisions informed by this information. Data visualization, or tools that make it easy to visualize complex measures, can be a powerful means to communicate data showing structural racism’s impact on communities and to contextualize the legacy of racism.

This Call for Proposals will fund up to eight interdisciplinary teams that each consist of researchers/data producers, data scientists, communications experts, designers, and national social change networks/alliances or national-level social change organizations. Funding will support the creation of data visualizations as tools to provide an understanding of structural racism’s impact on place, health, and wellbeing.

Because organizations in individual sectors may find it difficult on their own to communicate an effective understanding of the impact of structural racism to diverse audiences (e.g., policymakers, advocates, funders and investors, or the media), collaboration is needed across organizations and/or disciplines such as academia, design, media, policy, public health, and social services. Together, these sectors can combine their relevant expertise to design new ways to understand and communicate the impacts of structural racism.


NIH S10 Instrumentation Programs: Shared Instrumentation Grant Program (SIG) & High-End Instrumentation Grant Program (HEI)

Institutionally coordinated submission - Contact RDS to apply

R. Liang (Optical Sciences) - S10 SIG PAR-22-080

ORIP's S10 Instrumentation Grant Programs support purchases of state-of-the-art commercially available instruments to enhance research of NIH-funded investigators. Instruments that are awarded are typically too expensive to be obtained by an individual investigator with a research project grant. Every instrument awarded by an S10 grant is to be used on a shared basis, which makes the programs cost-efficient and beneficial to thousands of investigators in hundreds of institutions nationwide.

S10 awards are made to domestic public and private institutions of higher education, as well as nonprofit domestic institutions, such as hospitals, health professional schools, and research organizations. To be eligible for an S10 award, an institution must identify three or more principal investigators with active NIH research awards who demonstrate a substantial need for the requested instrument.

Awards are issued for 1 year, and matching funds are not required. However, ORIP expects institutions that compete for S10 awards to provide an appropriate level of support for the associated infrastructure, such as the space to house the instrument, technical personnel, and post-award service contracts for instrument maintenance and operation.

Types of instruments supported by S10 funding include, but are not limited to, X-ray diffraction systems, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometers, DNA and protein sequencers, biosensors, electron and confocal microscopes, cell-analyzers, and biomedical imagers.

Active RFPs are: 


There is no restriction on the number of applications an institution (as identified by a specific Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) can submit to the companion funding opportunities (Shared Instrumentation Grants (SIG) and/or High-End Instrumentation (HEI) Grant Programs) each year, provided the applications request different types of equipment. Concurrent BIG, SIG or HEI applications for the same instrument (or the same type of instrument with added special accessories – for example, to meet the HEI budget requirement) are not allowed unless documentation from a high-level institutional official is provided, stating that this is not an unintended duplication, but part of a campus-wide instrumentation plan. Applicants are advised to discuss with the BIG Scientific/Research Contact (Section VII) potential duplicates before submitting two applications for the same type of instrument. A single application requesting more than one type of instrument (for example, a spectrometer and a microscope) is not responsive to this FOA and will not be reviewed.


Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

Johnson & Johnson: 2023 Women in STEM2D Scholars Program

The sponsor has confirmed that the  Women in STEM2D Scholars Program is under review; therefore, the solicitation won't be open during 2023. 



  • K. Renner (Orthopaedic Surgery) - Engineering discipline
  • K. Rodriguez (Veterinary Medicine) - Science discipline
  • A. Ryan (Civil and Architectural Engineering and Mechanics) -  Technology discipline

Math, Manufacturing & Design disciplines are still available. 




UArizona may submit a limit of 6 proposals, one per award category: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Manufacturing & Design. 

When the 2023 solicitation and guidelines are posted by the sponsor, the internal competition will be updated. 

The Johnson & Johnson Scholars Award Program aims to fuel development of female STEM2D leaders and feed the STEM2D talent pipeline by awarding and sponsoring women at critical points in their careers, in each of the STEM2D disciplines: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Manufacturing and Design. The awards will fund one woman per STEM2D discipline who has completed her advanced degree, who is working as an assistant professor (or global equivalent faculty position) and who is not yet tenured at an accredited university, institution or design school. The goal is to fuel the research passion of the awarded women and inspire career paths in their respective STEM2D fields. Johnson & Johnson is looking to identify global women leading in both their research fields and leading as mentors, to be a vision for girls and other women in STEM2D.


The Scholars Award is a three-year award in the gross amount of $150,000, which will be paid to the University (the “Recipient”) for the benefit of the Johnson & Johnson Scholar and her research, with the understanding that the Recipient will administer the funds. The Scholars Award will be paid in three (3) installments of U.S. $50,000 per year of the three-year scholarship period, payable in 2023, subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of the program’s Agreement. Winners achievements will also be showcased at a symposium.

Judges will use the following criteria to evaluate the applications:

  • Scientific/technical expertise exhibited
  • Novelty/innovation of the research
  • Potential impact of the research
  • Feasibility of the research

You must be a woman working in the field(s) of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Manufacturing and Design (STEM2D).

You must be an early to mid-career women working within a STEM2D university department at the time of application at an accredited academic university, institution or design school. Examples include a non-tenured assistant professor, assistant professor or associate professor.

The female scholar should have a minimum degree for the appropriate field:

  • Science; M.D., Ph.D.
  • Technology; Ph.D.
  • Engineering; Ph.D.
  • Math; M.S., Ph.D.
  • Manufacturing; Ph.D.
  • Design; M.A., M.S., MDes, MArch, MFA, MLA, Ph.D.
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

NEH 20230517-CHA: 2023 Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grants: Capital Projects

A-P. Durand  (College of Humanities)


The purpose of the program is to strengthen the institutional base of the humanities by enabling infrastructure development and capacity building. Awards of federal matching funds aim to help institutions secure long-term support for their core activities and expand efforts to preserve and create access to outstanding humanities materials. 

  • Capital Projects support the purchase, design, construction, restoration, or renovation of facilities for humanities activities. This includes costs related to planning as well as the purchase and installation of related moveable and permanently affixed equipment for exhibiting, maintaining, monitoring, and protecting collections (whether on exhibit or in storage), and for critical building systems, such as electrical, heating ventilation and air conditioning, security, life safety, lighting, utilities, telecommunications, and energy management. 

Fundraising is a critical part of NEH Challenge grant awards: up to 10 percent of total funds (NEH federal matching funds plus certified gifts) may be used for fundraising costs during the period of performance.

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

VentureWell 2023: Course & Program (C&P) Grants

Limit: 2  // PIs: 
M. Kwinn   ( Systems and Industrial Engineering /Engineering Management)
H. Budinoff (Systems and Industrial Engineering)

UArizona may submit two proposals to this funding program. 

VentureWell Course and Program (C&P) Grants of up to $30,000 are awarded to US higher education institutions to support curriculum to grow and expand the entrepreneurial ecosystem in order to engage students in science and technology (S&T) innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E). Ideally, C&P Grant funding should act as a catalyst for increased entrepreneurial activity and help faculty and universities leverage other opportunities to launch and/or grow their I&E ecosystems. 


C&P grants may be used to strengthen existing curricular programs or to build new, pedagogically inclusive courses and programs that engage student teams in developing and pursuing scalable solutions to real-world needs through S&T I&E. The end goal is to support diverse groups of faculty, staff, and students in collaborating to develop novel inventions and technologies that have positive environmental and social impact.

Activities supported by C&P grants should lead to effective courses and programs that are sustained by the institution, lead to the formation of student teams by leveraging experiential learning practices, and expand opportunities for learning across S&T I&E.

C&P grant proposals may include plans to create or improve an individual course, course sequence, minor, major, certificate program, or other co- and extracurricular programs, including non-credit programs, that are directly tied to and support I&E-focused curriculum. S&T focus area may include, but are not limited to:

  • General (science- and technology-based) entrepreneurship
  • Sustainable technologies (new materials, clean tech, green energy, and chemistry innovation)
  • Climate change solutions (technology to mitigate and/or adapt to climate change), especially technologies that support communities most impacted by climate change
  • Biomedical and healthcare innovation
  • Technologies that address poverty alleviation and basic human needs
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

NIH PAR-23-114: 2023 Enhancing Science, Technology, EnginEering, and Math Educational Diversity (ESTEEMED) Research Education Experiences (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Limit: 1  // PI: M. Romero-Ortega (Biomedical Engineering)


The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The overarching goal of this R25 program is to support educational activities that encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups underrepresented in the biomedical and behavioral sciences, to pursue further studies or careers in research.

To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this FOA will support educational activities with a primary focus on:

  • Courses for Skills Development
  • Research Experiences

The ESTEEMED program is designed to foster the development of undergraduate freshmen and sophomores from diverse backgrounds to pursue further studies and careers in bioengineering or STEM fields relevant to NIBIB’s scientific mission. Applications are encouraged to propose integrated educational activities that include 3 elements: a summer bridge program for incoming freshmen, and in the freshman and sophomore years, academic year activities and summer research experiences. The ESTEEMED program is intended to expose students to bioengineering research early in their college careers while also providing students didactic, mentoring and career development opportunities. This will prepare students to join, in their junior and senior years, an honors program that promotes STEM and entrance into a Ph.D. program. The ultimate goal is for the participants to pursue a doctoral degree and a subsequent research career in bioengineering or NIBIB-relevant field.

Components of Participating Organizations:
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB)
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)


Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

NIH RFA-ES-23-001 2023:Limited Competition: Superfund Hazardous Substance Research and Training Program (P42 Clinical Trial Optional)

X. Ding (Pharmacy) - Competitive resubmission. 


UA may submit one proposal.

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is announcing the continuation of the Superfund Hazardous Substance Research and Training Program, referred to as Superfund Research Program (SRP) Centers. SRP Center grants will support problem-based, solution-oriented research Centers that consist of multiple, integrated projects representing both the biomedical and environmental science and engineering disciplines; as well as cores tasked with administrative (which includes research translation), data management and analysis, community engagement, research experience and training coordination, and research support functions. The scope of the SRP Centers is taken directly from the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, and includes: (1) advanced techniques for the detection, assessment, and evaluation of the effect on human health of hazardous substances; (2) methods to assess the risks to human health presented by hazardous substances; (3) methods and technologies to detect hazardous substances in the environment; and (4) basic biological, chemical, and physical methods to reduce the amount and toxicity of hazardous substances.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

NRC 31310023K0002: 2023 Research and Development Grant

No applicants // Limit: 2 // Tickets Available: 2 


UArizona may submit no more than two (2) applications in response to this announcement.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is an independent agency, established by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, tasked with licensing, and regulating the Nation’s civilian use of byproduct, source, and special nuclear material to ensure adequate protection of public health and safety, to promote the common defense and security, and to protect the environment.

The program provides funding to support research and development (R&D) for nuclear science, engineering, technology, and related disciplines to develop a workforce capable of supporting the design, construction, operation, and regulation of nuclear facilities and the safe handling of nuclear materials. University R&D activities provide an opportunity to complement current, ongoing NRC-led research.

More specifically, the program shall be used to provide financial assistance for R&D projects relevant to the programmatic mission of the NRC referenced above, with an emphasis on providing financial assistance with respect to research, development, demonstration, and commercial application of new and advanced nuclear technologies. New this year, nontechnical research will be considered under this announcement (for example, projects that would foster the development of innovative community engagement strategies, including incorporation of principles of equity and environmental justice).