
V Foundation 2024 Pediatric Translational Cancer Research Grant

Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1


This request for applications is specifically for pediatric cancer research through the Translational grant mechanism. Applicants may propose pediatric cancer research that moves a novel strategy from the laboratory into a human clinical trial or uses specimens from a clinical trial to develop biomarkers or mechanisms. The research should apply in some direct way to human beings within the time frame of less than 3 years from the end of the grant. If biomarker research is undertaken, a validation set or independent clinical trial is essential. A plan for biomarker validation, if applicable, must be included in any proposal. The endpoint of the project should be the planning or initiation of a new clinical trial.

Research areas not included in this scope are epidemiology, behavioral science, and health services research.

For more information please contact

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

Pew Charitable Trusts: 2025 Pew-Stewart Scholars Program for Cancer Research

Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


The 2025 Pew-Stewart Scholars Program for Cancer Research upports assistant professors of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of a cure for cancer.

This program does not fund clinical trials research. Strong proposals will incorporate particularly creative and pioneering approaches to basic, translational, and applied cancer research. Ideas with the potential to produce an unusually high impact are encouraged.

An award of $75,000 per year for four years will be provided. Pew-Stewart scholars will spend at least 80 percent of their time in work related to their overall research goals.


  • Candidates must have been awarded a doctorate in biomedical sciences, medicine or a related field.
  • As of Aug. 28, 2024 nominees must be at the rank of assistant professor.
  • Candidates must not have been appointed as an assistant professor at any institution prior to June 10, 2020. 
  • Candidates may apply two times in total
  • Candidates may not be nominated for the Pew Scholars Program and the Pew-Stewart Scholars Program for Cancer Research in the same year.

For more information please contact

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

DOE DE-FOA-0003300: 2024 Exploratory Research for Extreme Scale Science (EXPRESS)

No Applicants  // Limit: 5 // Tickets Available: 5 


Applicant institutions are limited to both: 

  • No more than a total of five pre-applications or applications as the lead institution in a single- or multi-institutional team.
  • No more than one pre-application or application for each PI at the applicant institution.

Extreme-scale science recognizes that disruptive technology changes are occurring across science applications, algorithms, computer architectures and ecosystems. Recent reports point to emerging trends and advances in high-end computing, massive datasets, visualization, and artificial intelligence on increasingly heterogeneous architectures. Significant innovation will be required in the development of effective paradigms and approaches for realizing the full potential of scientific computing from emerging technologies. Proposed research should not focus on a specific science use case, but rather on creating the body of knowledge and understanding that will inform future advances in extreme-scale science. Consequently, the funding from this FOA is not intended to incrementally extend current research in the area of the proposed project. It is expected that the proposed projects will significantly benefit from the exploration of innovative ideas or from the development of unconventional approaches.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

2024 Responsive Grants

No Applicants  // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


RRF Foundation for Aging focuses on improving the quality of life for older people. In an effort to strengthen the Foundation’s impact, RRF has established Priority Areas. These Priority Areas are specific topics in aging that will be given higher priority within the Foundation’s grantmaking program.

Types of Grants 

  1. Advocay: Achieve enduring social change around issues that affect older Americans
  2. Direct Service: Improve availability and quality of community-based services and supports in seven states
  3. Research: Seek causes and solutions to significant problems for older persons
  4. Professional Education & Training: Increase the competency of professionals and paraprofessionals who serve older people
  5. Organizational Capacity Building: Improve management and governance of non-profit organizations
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

2024 Anna Lalor Burdick (ALB) Program

No Applicants  // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 



The Anna Lalor Burdick Program funds initiatives that bring women information and access to reproductive health care, contraception, and pregnancy termination in order to help broaden and enhance their options in life.

The Anna Lalor Burdick (ALB) Program supports programs that offer sexual and reproductive health education to women. It is interested in programs serving women who are disadvantaged by poverty, discrimination, geographic isolation, lack of comprehensive sex education, hostile public policy, or other factors leading to inadequate sexual and reproductive health.

The ALB Program is particularly interested in supporting new programs or initiatives, or innovations in successful programs. Programs at new or small organizations, including those with a grassroots base, that are capable of delivering excellent services will also be considered.

The ALB Program typically does not support general operations, ongoing programs, or existing staff positions.

The ALB Program awards a small number of grants in the range of $10,000 to $35,000, with an average grant size between $15,000 and $25,000.
Grants are awarded for one year. On rare occasions, trustees invite follow-up work to a project that has shown outstanding results or promise during its first year.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

2024 American Art Program - Exhibition Competition

No Applicants  // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


The American Art Program supports scholarly loan exhibitions that contribute significantly to the study and understanding of art of the United States, including all facets of Native American art. The loan exhibitiongrants advance the Program’s efforts to empower art museums to reconsider accepted histories, foreground the voices and experiences of underrepresented artists and cultures, and welcome diverse collaborators and communities into dialogue.

Exhibition Competition
Eligible projects may address any time period and/or medium, with the exceptions of performance art, film, and the work of emerging artists. The projects must result in substantial exhibitions and preferably have accompanying publications. Proposals will be judged on the cultural significance of the art under consideration, as well as on the intellectual rigor and originality of the exhibition’s conceptual framework.

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

2024 C. Peter Magrath & W.K. Kellogg Foundation Community Engagement Scholarship Awards

Limit: 1  // M.S. Thompson (Community School and Garden Program)


The national award is named for C. Peter Magrath, APLU president from 1992 to 2005. The Magrath Award is connected to the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Community Engagement Scholarship Regional Awards given by the Engagement Scholarship Consortium (ESC). Both the Magrath Award and the Kellogg Community Engagement Awards recognize universities that have redesigned their learning, discovery, and engagement missions to develop deep and enduring mutually beneficial partnerships with their communities.

The Kellogg Community Engagement Awards are given to the winner of each of the four regional competitions. They are presented annually each fall during the ESC Annual Conference in partnership with APLU’s Commission on Economic and Community Engagement (CECE). Prior to the ESC Annual Conference, the winners of each of the four regions are selected by a panel of university engagement scholars appointed by the ESC Board of Directors and the CECE Executive Committee. In addition, the panel may select one additional application per region that is identified as an exemplary application for special recognition at the ESC Annual Conference.

Each of the four regional winners of the Kellogg Community Engagement Awards competes for APLU’s national C. Peter Magrath Community Engagement Scholarship Award. Each Kellogg Community Engagement Award recipient receives two complimentary registrations for the ESC Annual Conference and $2,500 to support the production of a two-minute video “story” about their partnership and to defray expenses for travel to the ESC Annual Conference. During the ESC Annual Conference, each of the four regional winners receives an award object and certificates to be shared with their community partners. The video is shown at the ESC Annual Conference and is part of the review process for the C. Peter Magrath Community Engagement Scholarship Award.

The C. Peter Magrath Community Engagement Scholarship Award is presented in November of each year during the APLU Annual Meeting, North America’s largest convening of public university presidents, provosts, vice presidents, and senior administrators. The award winner is recognized with an award sculpture, a $20,000 prize, and visibility through CECE. The three regional winners not chosen for the Magrath Award each receive a cash prize of $5,000 at the APLU Annual Meeting in November.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

USAID 7200AA24APS00004: 2024 EXpanding Partnerships, Learning, and REsearch (EXPLORE)

Limit1: // G. Davidowitz (Entomology)



Through this umbrella APS, USAID aims to provide broad flexibility for the research and higher education community and connected organizations to collaborate with USAID, each other, and local institutions to build partnerships and support an enabling environment for addressing key development challenges in a sustainable manner. This umbrella APS: (A) describes the types of activities for which Applications will be considered under any forthcoming Addenda; (B)

describes the funding available and the process and requirements for submitting Applications; (C) explains the overall criteria for evaluating Applications; and (D) refers prospective applicants to relevant documentation available on the internet.


USAID/ITR anticipates awarding multiple grants and/or cooperative agreements as a result of this APS through the use of published subsequent Addenda (specific calls for Concept Notes). However, publishing this APS does not commit USAID to publish any specific Addenda or make any awards.


The EXPLORE APS is not a Request for Applications (RFA) or a Request for Proposals (RFP). Rather, the EXPLORE APS requests Concept Notes in response to Addenda published to this APS. Based on Concept Note(s) submitted in response to specific Addenda opportunities, USAID will determine whether to request a Full Application from an appropriate partner.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

ARPA-H ARPA-H-SOL-24-02: 2024 Platform Accelerating Rural Access to Distributed and InteGrated Medical Care (PARADIGM)

No Applicants // Limit: 5 // Tickets Available: 2


  1. J.M. Roveda (Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences) -- TA Pending
  2. J.M. Roveda (Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences) -- TA Pending
  3. S.  Adhikari (Emergency Medicine) -- TA5: Intelligent Task Guidance.


An organization may submit up to two abstracts per technical area (TA) but may only submit one proposal for each technical area per section 1.3.1 of the Solicitation. All abstracts will be evaluated independently regardless of their affiliation.



The Platform Accelerating Rural Access to Distributed and InteGrated Medical Care (PARADIGM) program aims to address the current challenges in rural health by creating a scalable vehicle platform that can provide advanced medical services outside of a hospital setting. Building on recent developments in fields ranging from satellite communication to medical device miniaturization, this mobile care platform will allow health providers to meet rural patients where they are.  

In order to create a platform that can bring sophisticated medical services to the doorstep of rural populations, PARADIGM will focus on five technical areas: 1) designing distributed hospital-level care, 2) producing an integrated care delivery platform, 3) harmonizing diverse medical device data within a single system, 4) building a miniaturized, ruggedized CT scanner, and 5) creating intelligent task guidance software to help health workers perform activities beyond their usual training.  

If successful, PARADIGM hopes to develop a mobile platform capable of delivering many different types of cutting-edge services – including multi-cancer screenings, hemodialysis, perinatal care, and much more. With medical technology no longer tied to a specific place – but instead available on a platform that can travel to even the most remote locations – rural patients will thus be able to access the care that they need within their own communities. 


Technical Areas (TAs):

  • TA1: Decentralized Approach to Hospital-Level Care. Provide clinical care in a CDP that is currently only available in a hospital, and evaluate the clinical effectiveness, financial sustainability, and patient/staff user acceptability of CDP-based care.
  • TA2: Care Delivery Platform Integration. Develop a multipurpose scalable CDP to deliver advanced care outside the walls of a hospital.
  • TA3: Medical Internet of Things (IoT) Platform. Develop a low-cost software platform that enables seamless data ingestion, normalization, and translation between common medical devices and commercial or open-source EHR.
  • TA4: Rugged & Miniaturized CT Scanner. Fundamentally redesign and miniaturize a CT scanner for use in out-of-hospital settings to enable utilization of this essential imaging modality in remote rural populations.
  • TA5: Intelligent Task Guidance. Develop and equip CDP staff with an easy-to-use and interactive intelligent task guidance system that will provide real-time task guidance and decision support and turn a generalist into a just-in-time specialist
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

NSF 24-562: 2024 Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology - Research Infrastructure for Science and Engineering

UArizona is not eligible for this opportunity. 
For more information, please contact RDS. 

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

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