2026 Beckman Scholars Program
The University of Arizona is not eligible to apply to the 2026 Beckman Scholars Program due to an existing award.
If you have any questions, please contact RDS.
The University of Arizona is not eligible to apply to the 2026 Beckman Scholars Program due to an existing award.
If you have any questions, please contact RDS.
UArizona may submit more than one application; however, the LOI process is Institutionally Coordinated.
For PIs interested in submitting a Letter of Intent (LOI) to the Beckman Young Investigators Program (BYI), please follow the institutionally coordinated steps below and e-mail the LOI to Sponsored Projects Services (SPS) by Friday, July 22nd, 2022 by 8a, for Institutional Endorsement from the Chief Academic Officer.
Please do not enter an email address for Chief Academic Officer endorsement until you have approval from SPS Preaward Services.
Please do not contact the Office of the Provost directly regarding endorsements but communicate through Sponsored Projects Services at sponsor@email.arizona.edu or (520) 626-6000. SPS will work as quickly as possible to ensure they are all reviewed and endorsed by the sponsor deadline. See the Beckman Young Investigators Program website for an overview video and eligibility requirements.
D. Zarnescu
D. Zarnescu