Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

HRSA-25-069 - Addiction Medicine Fellowship Program

Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 0 

E. Gumm (Psychiatry - COM-T)

Application Limits
You may not submit more than one application. If you submit more than one
application, we will only accept the last on-time submission.|

If an entity applies as part of a consortium, the entity is not eligible to submit a
separate, stand-alone application.

The purpose of the Addiction Medicine Fellowship (AMF) program is to expand the
number of fellows at accredited AMF and Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship (APF)
programs trained as addiction medicine specialists who practice in medically
underserved, community-based settings that integrate primary care with mental health
disorder and substance use disorder (SUD) prevention and treatment services. The
fellowship must include training in prevention and treatment services in medically
underserved, community-based settings, including in rural areas, that do not have
access or have limited access to SUD treatment. The program includes training for both
addiction medicine and/or addiction psychiatry fellows. Its goal is to increase the
number of physicians who are board-certified specialists in addiction medicine or
addiction psychiatry who will serve in medically underserved community-based
settings, including in rural areas, once trained. The program supports training to:

  • Increase the number of fellows trained to practice addiction medicine and
    addiction psychiatry in rural and other medically underserved community-based
  • Establish partnerships with clinical rotation sites in rural or other underserved
    areas, that focus on the integration of primary care with mental health and SUD
    prevention and treatment services.
  • Increase fellows’ knowledge and ability to assist their patients with referrals to
    navigate the legal and social systems related to patients’ clinical or care needs.
  • Increase awareness of the specialty and reduce provider stigma to increase the
    number of physicians interested in pursuing careers in addiction medicine and
    addiction psychiatry through the provision of clinical rotations that expose
    medical residents to practice in these specialties and through education and
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

HRSA-25-066 Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program for Paraprofessionals

Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 0 

J.S. De La Rosa (Comprehensive Ceter for Pain and Addiction) - Continuing Application 

The purpose of the BHWET Program for Paraprofessionals is to develop and expand community-based experiential training such as field placements and internships to increase the skills, knowledge and capacity of students preparing to become mental health workers, peer support specialists, and other behavioral health paraprofessionals.

The program has a special focus on developing knowledge and understanding of the needs of children, adolescents, and transitional-age youth who have experienced trauma and are at risk for behavioral health disorders including anxiety, depression, and substance use disorder. The program also emphasizes developmental opportunities and educational support in interprofessional collaboration by using team-based care in integrated behavioral health and primary care settings to improve the distribution of a well-trained behavioral health workforce. The program also aims to recruit a workforce that is interested in serving high need and high demand areas.

For the purpose of this NOFO, all training will be separated into two levels:
• Level 1: Pre-service: Includes didactic and experiential field training.
• Level 2: In-service (optional): Training at a registered Department of Labor apprenticeship site.

All paraprofessional training that does not fall under the definition of a registered apprenticeship will be defined as Level 1: Pre-service training as further explained in
Program Requirements and Expectations. Registered apprenticeships (Level 2) are not a program requirement. You are not required to implement Level 2 in your proposal to be considered eligible for this program. If you are implementing Level 2 in your proposed training project, you can receive an additional 5 points in Criteria 2: Response/Approach.

Application Limits
You may not submit more than one application per Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). If you submit more than one application under the same UEI, we will only accept the last on-time submission.

More than one application may be submitted from the same organization under separate UEIs.

Communication within your organization is encouraged to prevent duplication and to promote collaboration.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

HRSA-25-076 Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students

Institutionally Coordinated // First come. first served

Please email your ADR if you are interested in applying for this funding opportunity. 

The University of Arizona may submit multiple applications; however, only one application may be submitted per one health profession degree program.

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program: L. Bouchard (College of Nursing) 
Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program: J. Munoz (College of Medicine - Tucson) 


Funding Type
External Deadline

HRSA-25-068 Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program for Professionals

Limit: 1 // Available: 0

S. Edmund (Nursing)

You may not submit more than one application. If you submit more than one application, we will only accept the last on-time submission. Collaboration within the institution is encouraged to ensure only one application is submitted.

This program aims to increase the supply of behavioral health professionals and improve the distribution of a well-trained behavioral health workforce. The program has a specific focus on increasing access to behavioral health services for children, adolescents, and young adults.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

HRSA HRSA-25-085: FY2025 New Access Points

Submit ticket request  // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


HRSA will only review your first validated application under HRSA-25-085 in


This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announces the opportunity to apply for New Access Points (NAP) funding under the Health Center Program. The purpose of this funding is to support new health center service delivery sites to expand affordable, accessible, and high-quality primary health care for underserved communities and populations. In this NOFO, such sites are referred to as new access points. Award recipients will use NAP funding to provide primary health care services at one or more new access points

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

HRSA-24-074: 2024 Medical Student Education (MSE) Program

Limit: 1 // S. Veres (College of Medicine – Phoenix, Family, Community and Preventive Medicine)


The purpose of the Medical Student Education (MSE) Program is to provide support to public medical schools in the top quintile of states with a projected primary care physician shortage to expand or support education for medical students preparing to become physicians. This expansion can include funding for direct student supports which help students be successful in medical school, as well as for infrastructure development, maintenance, equipment, and minor renovations or alterations. The program is designed to prepare and encourage medical students in these schools to choose residencies and careers in primary care and serve tribal, rural, and/or medically underserved communities in those states after they complete their residency.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

HSRA HRSA-24-098: 2024 Nurse Education, Practice, Quality and Retention (NEPQR) – Workforce Expansion Program (WEP)

Limit: 1 // C. Lacasse ( College of Nursing - Teaching/ Learning Practice and Evaluation)


*This is a Forecasted Opportunity.

Estimated Post Date: Jun 03, 2024
Estimated Application Due Date: Jul 15, 2024

The purpose of the Nurse Education, Practice, Quality, and Retention (NEPQR)-Workforce Expansion Program (WEP) is to increase the nursing workforce in rural (non-metro) and underserved areas to address the critical shortage of nurses, specifically in acute and long-term care settings. 

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

HRSA HRSA-25-085: 2024 New Access Points

 Submit ticket request  // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


HRSA will only review your first validated application under HRSA-25-085 in


This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announces the opportunity to apply for New Access Points (NAP) funding under the Health Center Program. The purpose of this funding is to support new health center service delivery sites to expand affordable, accessible, and high-quality primary health care for underserved communities and populations. In this NOFO, such sites are referred to as new access points. Award recipients will use NAP funding to provide primary health care services at one or more new access points

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

HRSA HRSA-24-112: 2024 Rural Maternal Health Data Support and Analysis Program

Submit ticket request  // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


HRSA will only review your last validated application before the due date.

This program will fund one entity to provide data support to rural maternal health care networks to assist efforts to improve maternal health care at the community- and regional-levels. This program will also fund the use of data to inform the improvement of rural maternal health care nationwide.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline