HRSA-25-069 - Addiction Medicine Fellowship Program
Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 0
E. Gumm (Psychiatry - COM-T)
Application Limits
You may not submit more than one application. If you submit more than one
application, we will only accept the last on-time submission.|
If an entity applies as part of a consortium, the entity is not eligible to submit a
separate, stand-alone application.
The purpose of the Addiction Medicine Fellowship (AMF) program is to expand the
number of fellows at accredited AMF and Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship (APF)
programs trained as addiction medicine specialists who practice in medically
underserved, community-based settings that integrate primary care with mental health
disorder and substance use disorder (SUD) prevention and treatment services. The
fellowship must include training in prevention and treatment services in medically
underserved, community-based settings, including in rural areas, that do not have
access or have limited access to SUD treatment. The program includes training for both
addiction medicine and/or addiction psychiatry fellows. Its goal is to increase the
number of physicians who are board-certified specialists in addiction medicine or
addiction psychiatry who will serve in medically underserved community-based
settings, including in rural areas, once trained. The program supports training to:
- Increase the number of fellows trained to practice addiction medicine and
addiction psychiatry in rural and other medically underserved community-based
settings. - Establish partnerships with clinical rotation sites in rural or other underserved
areas, that focus on the integration of primary care with mental health and SUD
prevention and treatment services. - Increase fellows’ knowledge and ability to assist their patients with referrals to
navigate the legal and social systems related to patients’ clinical or care needs. - Increase awareness of the specialty and reduce provider stigma to increase the
number of physicians interested in pursuing careers in addiction medicine and
addiction psychiatry through the provision of clinical rotations that expose
medical residents to practice in these specialties and through education and