
RFA-DK-22-008: 2022 National Coordinating Center for the George M. OBrien Kidney National Resource Centers (U24 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

No applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invites applications for the George M. O’Brien Kidney Consortium -- National Coordination Center (NCC) to lead a nation-wide effort to advance kidney research. The O’Brien Kidney Consortium will consist of ~8 National Resource Centers (NRCs) tasked with developing and sharing specialized kidney resources tools, technologies, services, and expertise and one NCC to lead, manage, and harmonize all aspects of the Consortium. Specifically, the NCC will: (1) provide administrative support and coordination for the entire Consortium, (2) establish and curate a “one-stop-shop” sharing portal for the entire Consortium, (3) develop and implement a multipronged communication and education plan for researchers and students interested in conducting kidney research to maximize national outreach and impact, (4) ensure that patient viewpoints, priorities, and preferences inform all aspects of the Consortium, and (5) administer and manage a national Opportunity Pool program to address gaps and promote collaboration.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

HRSA-23-082: 2022 National Maternal and Child Health Data Resource Center

No applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


The purpose of the DRC is to support Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Services Block Grant programs, hereafter referred to as Title V programs, and other MCH partners in accessing and effectively utilizing national and state-level National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) data to inform policy and practice. Additionally, the purpose of the DRC is to support broad access to and utilization of the NSCH data through an easy-to-use web platform which provides a user-defined query system for point-and-click access to state and national estimates, curated data files for analyses, maps, and methodological documents designed for a wide audience.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

NSF 23-519: 2023 Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program: Instrument Acquisition or Development

Ticket #1, Track 1: Confidential
Ticket #2, Track 1: Confidential
Ticket #3, Track 2: Confidential
Ticket #4, Track 3: Confidential (Contact RDS for more information. PI names will be posted after the sponsor's deadline.)

NEW to NSF 23-519:
Track 3: Track 3 MRI proposals are those that request funds from NSF greater than or equal to $100,0001 and less than or equal to $4,000,000 that include the purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance of equipment and instrumentation to conserve or reduce the consumption of helium. Institutions may submit no more than one Track 3 proposal. Submission of a Track 3 proposal does not impact limits that apply for Track 1 and Track 2 proposals.

October 6, 2022 UPDATE: The deadline for TRACK 1 pre-proposals has been extended until 11:59p on Sunday, October 16. No additional Track 2 pre-proposals will be accepted under this extension. Contact RDS with questions

NOTE: RDS is holding the 2022-23 internal competition for the MRI program based on the existing solicitation and announced deadlines. Should NSF issue a new solicitation or make other program changes, our internal program and timeline will be adjusted and the new internal requirements will be announced on the Limited Submissions Table and in the Limited Submissions Newsletter.

UArizona may submit three total proposals, with no more than two submissions in Track 1 and no more than one submission in Track 2.

Contact RDS for more information

The Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program serves to increase access to multi-user scientific and engineering instrumentation for research and research training in our Nation's institutions of higher education and not-for-profit scientific/engineering research organizations. An MRI award supports the acquisition or development of a multi-user research instrument that is, in general, too costly and/or not appropriate for support through other NSF programs.

MRI provides support to acquire critical research instrumentation without which advances in fundamental science and engineering research may not otherwise occur. MRI also provides support to develop next-generation research instruments that open new opportunities to advance the frontiers in science and engineering research. Additionally, an MRI award is expected to enhance research training of students who will become the next generation of instrument users, designers and builders.


Internal Deadline
External Deadline
02/21/2023 (updated)
Solicitation Type

030ADV22R0048: 2022 Library of Congress - Of the People: Widening the Path: CCDI – Higher Education

No applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 

The Grant for Higher Education supports minority-serving higher education institutions in the development of projects that use Library of Congress digital materials and that center the lives, experiences and perspectives of communities of Black, Indigenous, Hispanic or Latino, Asian American and Pacific Islander and/or other communities of color in the 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, territories and commonwealths (Puerto Rico, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands).

Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

RFA-DK-22-007: 2022 George M. O'Brien Kidney National Resource Centers (U54 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

No applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invites applications for the George M. O’Brien Kidney Consortium --National Resource Centers (NRCs) to lead a nation-wide effort to advance kidney research. By establishing this Consortium, the NIDDK aims to expand the breadth and impact of this program and achieve following outcomes: (1) improved coordination among Centers, (2) enhancement of national outreach and sharing, and (3) promote continuous technological innovations. The Consortium will consist of ~8 National Resource Centers (NRCs) and one National Coordinating Center (NCC). The NRCs will; (1) establish theme-based cores to develop and nationally share unique resources, tools, technologies, services, and expertise that will support and advance kidney research, (2) promote the development of novel resources to stay abreast of emerging trends, (3) Promote inclusion of investigators from diverse scientific disciplines, (4) Promote the inclusion of investigators and fellows from diverse backgrounds, and (5) expand the pool of investigators pursuing kidney research by attracting investigators that are new or from non-renal fields to join the kidney research community.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

NNH21ZHA002N-TEAMII_ANCHR: 2022 Teams Engaging Affiliated Museums and Informal Institutions (TEAM II) Community Anchor Awards (ANCHR)

No applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


Community Anchor Awards for TEAM II (ANCHR) will provide financial support of between $35K-$40K total to cover activities for a period of one to two years that allow IEIs strengthen their service as a local NASA STEM informal education community resource, implement authentic NASA STEM experiences that benefit a significant population of diverse audiences in their local community or region, and participate in the NASA Informal Education (IE) Learning Cohort.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

HRSA-23-029: 2022 FY 2023 National Training and Technical Assistance Partner (NTTAP) Cooperative Agreements

No applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


NTTAPs develop, deliver, coordinate, and evaluate training and technical assistance (T/TA) to existing and potential Health Center Program award recipients and look-alikes (health centers)1 nationwide, both directly and through collaborations with other Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) funded T/TA partners. FY 2023 NTTAP award recipients will receive funding to provide T/TA that support health centers to: Deliver comprehensive care; Address emergent public health issues and health needs; Improve operational effectiveness and quality; and Advance health equity. HRSA will provide funding to NTTAPs to identify health center T/TA needs nationwide and to provide T/TA to support health centers that serve statutorily defined special populations, other health center populations, and through specified development areas.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

NSF 20-595: 2023 NSF (IGE) Innovations in Graduate Education Program

Ticket #1: M. Chertkov
Ticket #2: C. Atkins

UArizona may participate in two Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) proposals per competition. Participation includes serving as a lead organization on a non-collaborative proposal or as a lead organization, non-lead organization, or subawardee on a collaborative proposal.

The Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) program is designed to encourage the development and implementation of bold, new, and potentially transformative approaches to STEM graduate education training. The program seeks proposals that explore ways for graduate students in research-based master's and doctoral degree programs to develop the skills, knowledge, and competencies needed to pursue a range of STEM careers.

IGE focuses on projects aimed at piloting, testing, and validating innovative and potentially transformative approaches to graduate education. IGE projects are intended to generate the knowledge required for their customization, implementation, and broader adoption. The program supports testing of novel models or activities with high potential to enrich and extend the knowledge base on effective graduate education approaches.

The program addresses both workforce development, emphasizing broad participation, and institutional capacity-building needs in graduate education. Strategic collaborations with the private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), government agencies, national laboratories, field stations, teaching and learning centers, informal science centers, and academic partners are encouraged.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

2022 The Warren Alpert Distinguished Scholar Awards

Ticket #1: COM-P: H-D. Kim

UArizona may submit one nomination per eligible medical school. 

The Warren Alpert Distinguished Scholars program will support individual scientists of exceptional creativity who have an MD or PhD degree (or both) and who have completed a minimum of three years  of a post-doctoral fellowship by July 1, 2023 in the field of  neurosciences and hold a post-doctoral research position at a United States medical school, research institute or academic hospital.

These awards are given as a transitional post-doctoral award for recipients to enable their advance to a full-time faculty member at the Assistant Professor level or higher and/or to assist in the development of a laboratory program that would lead to independent funding. The medical school, research institute or academic hospital appointing the scholar will be awarded $200,000 annually for two years to cover their salary, lab costs, and related expenses.  Under certain circumstances, the awardee may transfer funding to support their faculty position.  Indirect cost of up to 15% of direct costs, may be included in the $200,000.  All applicants are required to provide 75% effort.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

USDA-NIFA-ARPAED-009362: 2022 From Learning to Leading: Cultivating the Next Generation of Diverse Food and Agriculture Professionals

Ticket #1: T. Hodges
Ticket #2: A. Dhar
Ticket #3: A. Lesenne

UArizona may submit three applications. The primary goal of the From Learning to Leading: Cultivating the Next Generation of Diverse Food and Agriculture Professionals Program (NEXTGEN) is to enable 1890 institutions, 1994 institutions, Alaska Native-serving institutions and Native Hawaiian-serving institutions, Hispanic-serving institutions (specifically, the certified Hispanic-serving agricultural colleges and universities (HSACUs)), and insular area institutions of higher education located in the U.S. territories to build and sustain the next generation of the food, agriculture, natural resources, and human sciences (FANH) workforce including the future USDA workforce primarily through providing student scholarship support, meaningful paid internships, fellowships, and job opportunity matching, and also facilitating opportunities to learn the processes and pathways leading to training and employment in the federal sector.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline
12/14/2022 (extended)