Mary Kay Ash Foundation

Mary Kay Ash Foundation Innovative/Translational Cancer Research Grant

UArizona may submit one application and selection is managed by the UA Cancer Center.

The Mary Kay Ash Foundation (MKAF) is currently accepting applications for innovative grants for translational research of cancers affecting women, including but not limited to breast, cervical, endometrial, ovarian, uterine or cancers predominantly affecting women. The University of Arizona Cancer Center will select and submit one application to MKAF for this funding cycle.

Award Amount

One grant will be awarded in the amount of $100,000 covering a two-year period. Funds will be distributed as $50,000 per year. The awarded contract will be distributed around June 2023


  • The Principal Investigator must be a full-time assistant professor or higher at the time of application submission and commit a minimum 5% effort. Pending future appointments will not be honored.
  • U.S. citizenship is not required.
  • A past year MKAF grant recipient may apply if they are not currently receiving funding from MKAF.
  • One Co-PI is permitted and must meet the same eligibility requirements as the PI. International Co-PIs are permitted with the caveat that all funds will be designated to the U.S.-based university. Post-doc contributors must be listed as co-investigators, not PIs.


  • The total budget over two years may not exceed $100,000 (combined indirect/direct costs).
  • The budget should follow the NIH format for a two-year grant ($50,000/year) and include justification.
  • The NIH salary cap of $199.300 must be followed
  • Indirect costs must not exceed 15% of direct costs .

Allowable Activities and Expenses

  • Animal studies are allowed. However, researchers will need to indicate how their studies would impact p.atient care in the future should their research be successful.
  • Equipment and travel costs must be justified

Application Requirements

A complete application must include the following:

  • Research Description (6 pages max)
  • Literature References Cited (2 pages max)
  • Letters of Collaboration/Letters of Support (3 pages max)
  • Current Financial Support (2 pages max)
  • NIH-format Budget & Justification
  • NIH-format Bio sketch or equivalent (5 pages max)
  • If a co-PI or additional collaborators are included in your research team, please provide a brief resume for each.
  • Preliminary data is not required, however it is helpful to include if available
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type