National Institutes of Health (NIH)

NIH PAR-23-288: 2024 NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Early-Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00 - Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required)

No Applicants // Limit: 4 // Tickets Available: 4


The purpose of the NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Early-Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00) program is to increase and maintain a strong cohort of new and talented, NCI-supported, independent investigators. This program is designed for postdoctoral fellows with research and/or clinical doctoral degrees who do not require an extended period of mentored research training beyond their doctoral degrees. The objective of this award is to facilitate a timely transition of these fellows from their mentored, postdoctoral research positions to independent tenure-track (or equivalent) faculty positions. The program will provide independent NCI research support during this transition to help awardees launch competitive, independent research careers. Researchers in the scientific areas of cancer control, cancer prevention and cancer data sciences are especially encouraged to work with their institutions to apply.

This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is designed specifically for candidates proposing to serve as the lead investigator of an independent clinical trial, a clinical trial feasibility study, or a separate ancillary clinical trial, as part of their research and career development. Those not planning an independent clinical trial, or proposing to gain research experience in a clinical trial led by another investigator, must apply to companion NOFO (PAR-23-286).

This Notice of Funding Opportunity is for basic science experimental studies involving humans, referred to in NOT-OD-18-212 as “prospective basic science studies involving human participants.” These studies fall within the NIH definition of a clinical trial and also meet the definition of basic research. Types of studies that should be submitted under this NOFO include studies that prospectively assign human participants to conditions (i.e., experimentally manipulate independent variables) and that assess biomedical or behavioral outcomes in humans for the purpose of understanding the fundamental aspects of phenomena without specific application towards processes or products in mind. Applicants not planning an independent clinical trial or basic experimental study with humans, or proposing to gain research experience in a clinical trial or basic experimental study with humans led by another investigator, must apply to the 'Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed' companion NOFO.

The proposed project must be related to the programmatic interests of one or more of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) based on their scientific missions.

Each eligible institution (defined as having a unique UEI number or NIH IPF number) may submit up to a combined total of four applications (one in Cancer Data Science, one in Cancer Control Science, one in Molecular/Precision Cancer Prevention, and one in Other Cancer Research) to any companion NOFO or any combination of companion NOFOs (PAR-23-286PAR-23-287, and/or PAR-23-288).

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

NIH RFA-NS-24-014: 2023 Blueprint and BRAIN Initiative Program for Enhancing Neuroscience Diversity through Undergraduate Research Education Experiences (BP BRAIN-ENDURE) (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

No Applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


The overarching goal of this R25 program is to support educational activities that encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups underrepresented in the biomedical and behavioral sciences, to pursue further studies or careers in research.

The fully integrated educational activities should prepare undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups underrepresented in biomedical and behavioral sciences, to enter Ph.D. degree programs in the neurosciences. To accomplish this goal, this initiative will provide institutional awards to develop neuroscience research education programs comprised of collaborative partnerships integrated across different educational institution types.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

NIH 2024 S10 Instrumentation Programs: Shared Instrumentation Grant Program (SIG) & High-End Instrumentation Grant Program (HEI)

Institutionally coordinated


ORIP's S10 Instrumentation Grant Programs support purchases of state-of-the-art commercially available instruments to enhance research of NIH-funded investigators. Instruments that are awarded are typically too expensive to be obtained by an individual investigator with a research project grant. Every instrument awarded by an S10 grant is to be used on a shared basis, which makes the programs cost-efficient and beneficial to thousands of investigators in hundreds of institutions nationwide.

To be eligible for an S10 award, an institution must identify three or more principal investigators with active NIH research awards who demonstrate a substantial need for the requested instrument. Matching funds are not required. Types of instruments supported by S10 funding include, but are not limited to, X-ray diffraction systems, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometers, DNA and protein sequencers, biosensors, electron and confocal microscopes, cell-analyzers, and biomedical imagers.

Active RFPs are: 

There is no restriction on the number of applications an institution can submit to the SIG and/or High-End HEI Grant Programs. However, institutional internal coordination is required for concurrent SIG or HEI applications to verify each proposal is requesting different types of equipment.


Internal Deadline
External Deadline

NIH PAR-23-306: 2024 Biomedical Research Facilities (C06 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Institutionally Coordinated // Limit: 1 // M. Dake ( University of Arizona Health Sciences)


Moreover, institutions with C06 awards funded under the Biomedical Research Facility Program (NOFOs PAR-21-139PAR-22-088 or PAR-23-045) are not eligible to apply to this NOFO, provided the awards are active on the receipt date for this NOFO. Thus, only one C06 Biomedical Research Facility active award per institution would be allowed at any given time.

This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) invites applications from eligible academic and research institutions to apply for funding to modernize existing or construct new biomedical research facilities. Applications will be accepted from public and private nonprofit institutions of higher education as well as from non-profit research organizations. Applications from both research-intensive institutions and Institutions of Emerging Excellence (IEE) in biomedical research, both highly resourced and low-resourced institutions, from all geographic regions in the nation are strongly encouraged.

NIH recognizes the importance of all institutions of higher learning in contributing to the nation’s research capacity. The goal of this NOFO is to modernize biomedical research infrastructure to strengthen biomedical research programs. Each project is expected to provide long-term improvements to the institutional research infrastructure. Intended projects are the construction or modernization of core facilities and the development of other shared research infrastructure serving an institution-wide research community with broad impact on biomedical research.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

NIDCD Early Career Research (ECR) Award

The NIDCD Early Career Research (ECR) Award (R21) is intended to support both basic and clinical research from scientists who are beginning to establish an independent research career. It cannot be used for thesis or dissertation research. The research must be focused on one or more of the areas within the biomedical and behavioral scientific mission of the NIDCD: hearing, balance, smell, taste, voice, speech, or language. The NIDCD ECR Award R21 grant mechanism supports different types of projects including secondary analysis of existing data; small, self-contained research projects; development of research methodology; translational research; outcomes research; and development of new research technology. Irrespective of the type of project, the intent of the NIDCD ECR Award R21 is for the Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) (PD(s)/PI(s)) to obtain sufficient preliminary data for a subsequent R01 application.

Only one NIDCD ECR Award (R21) application may be submitted by a PD/PI per due date. PD/PIs who successfully obtained an NIDCD Small Grant award are ineligible for an NIDCD ECR Award (R21).

Applicants may not submit an NIDCD R01, R15 or R21 application for the same review cycle that the NIDCD ECR Award application is submitted. In such cases, the NIDCD ECR Award R21 application will be withdrawn.

External Deadline

NIDCD Early Career Research (ECR) Award (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)

The NIDCD Early Career Research (ECR) Award (R21) is intended to support both basic and clinical research from scientists who are beginning to establish an independent research career. It cannot be used for thesis or dissertation research. The research must be focused on one or more of the areas within the biomedical and behavioral scientific mission of the NIDCD: hearing, balance, smell, taste, voice, speech, or language. The NIDCD ECR Award R21 grant mechanism supports different types of projects including secondary analysis of existing data; small, self-contained research projects; development of research methodology; translational research; outcomes research; and development of new research technology. Irrespective of the type of project, the intent of the NIDCD ECR Award R21 is for the Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) (PD(s)/PI(s)) to obtain sufficient preliminary data for a subsequent R01 application.

Only one NIDCD ECR Award (R21) application may be submitted by a PD/PI per due date. PD/PIs who successfully obtained an NIDCD Small Grant award are ineligible for an NIDCD ECR Award (R21).

Applicants may not submit an NIDCD R01, R15 or R21 application for the same review cycle that the NIDCD ECR Award application is submitted. In such cases, the NIDCD ECR Award R21 application will be withdrawn.
External Deadline

Supporting Talented Early Career Researchers in Genomics (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

This Funding Opportunity Announcement is intended to identify and support research projects by exceptionally promising Early Stage Investigators with a long-term career interest in pursuing innovative research in genomics. This opportunity is open to research in all areas relevant to the mission of NHGRI, including genomic sciences, genomic medicine, genomic data science, and ethical, legal, and social implications of genomics.

The PD/PI must be an NIH defined Early Stage Investigator, and this eligibility must be included in the NIH Commons record prior to the review of the application.

In addition, the PD/PI must be an independent researcher with a faculty appointment that is tenure track or equivalent (generally at the level of Assistant Professor or Research Assistant Professor), and have dedicated, independent laboratory space or access to the research resources which will allow them to conduct the research proposed in the grant application as the lead PD/PI
External Deadline

Notice of Special Interest: Administrative Supplements to Support Emerging Physician-Scientists to Develop Research Expertise in Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases

The purpose of the NIDDK’s Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases (DDEMD) Administrative Supplement Program is to enable additional clinical perspectives to be brought to on-going research projects within the Division's mission and to enhance the research expertise of selected physicians.The program will provide supplementary funds to support advanced research opportunities for exceptional emerging physician-scientists (hereafter, "candidates") holding the MD or equivalent or MD/PhD degrees, and who are early in their research careers.

The supplement is intended to allow candidates to expand their research experience to help them transition beyond their clinical training to the next stage of their research careers as physician-scientists.

Administrative supplements must support work within the scope of a currently funded basic, behavioral, and/or clinical DDEMD research project. PIs of projects focused on type 1 diabetes are highly encouraged to apply given the limited numbers of new MD researchers entering this area. All applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss potential requests with the NIDDK DDEMD program director of the award for which they wish to submit a supplement application. See for DDEMD program director contact information.

External Deadline

NCI Cancer Moonshot Scholars Diversity Program (CMSDP) (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) supports the Cancer Moonshot Scholars Diversity Program (CMSDP) and solicits R01 grant applications that propose independent research projects within the scientific mission of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The overarching goal of the CMSDP is to increase the number of R01 Early Stage Investigators (ESIs) and enhance the diversity of the cancer research workforce, while promoting scientific advancements in cancer. Investigators from diverse backgrounds, including those from underrepresented groups (NOT-OD-20-031, Notice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity), are encouraged to work with their institutions to apply.
Opportunity ID
External Deadline

NIDCR Small Grant Program for New Investigators (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

This NIDCR Small Grant Program for New Investigators supports basic and clinical research conducted by scientists who are in the early stages of establishing an independent research career in oral, dental and craniofacial research. This R03 program supports pilot or feasibility studies and developmental research projects with the intention of obtaining sufficient preliminary data for a subsequent investigator­ initiated Research Project Grant (R01) or equivalent application.

Only New Investigators who fit the criteria in this section are eligible to apply to this FOA.

New Investigators whose proposed research addresses topics of relevance to the NIDCR mission are eligible and encouraged to apply. A New Investigator is one who has not previously competed successfully for substantial, independent R01 or R01-equivalent funding from NIH. When Multiple PDs/PIs are proposed, all PDs/PIs must meet the definition of New Investigator and the eligibility criteria as defined below. Current or past recipients of the NIDCR Small Grant for New Investigators (R03) grant are eligible to apply for a second NIDCR Small Grant for New Investigators (R03), provided they are still New Investigators. New Investigator status should be valid at the time of award.

Specifically, NIDCR is excluding from consideration individuals who have received:

NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21) support from any NIH Institute or Center, or
More than one Small Grant for New Investigators (R03) funded by NIDCR. Any PD/PI who has already received funding for two NIDCR Small Grants for New Investigators (R03) is not eligible.
Investigators who have questions about eligibility should contact the Scientific/Research Contact listed in Section VII. Agency Contacts.

Opportunity ID
External Deadline

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