Ethical and Responsible Research (ER2)
UA may submit one proposal as the lead institution. There is no limit on the number of proposals under which an organization may be included as a non-lead collaborator or subawardee.S. Carroll
UA may submit one proposal as the lead institution. There is no limit on the number of proposals under which an organization may be included as a non-lead collaborator or subawardee.S. Carroll
3/19/20 Update: The external deadline has been extended until 4/22/20. UA may submit one proposal -- either as a single institution or as subawardee or a member of a Collaborative Research project -- from each constituent school or college that awards degrees in an eligible field. (Note: UA is ineligible to apply for Track 1: Institutional Capacity Building).Science: J. SchroederEngineering: V. SubbianMedicine: A. Ganchorre
J. Korchmaros
F. Moreno
Submission coordinated by the UA Foundation. UA may submit one proposal annually.E. Gornish