Environmental Sciences

DOE DE-FOA-0003258: 2024 Energy Frontier Research Centers

Limit: 2 // Tickets Available: 1 // L. Folks (Semiconductor Strategy)



Applicant institutions are limited to no more than two pre-applications or applications as the lead institution.

The DOE SC program in Basic Energy Sciences (BES) announces a re-competition of the Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) program and encourages both new and renewal applications. Applications from multi-disciplinary teams will be required to propose discovery science and use-inspired basic research that addresses priority research directions and opportunities identified by a series of BES workshop and roundtable reports. The focus of the EFRC program is on fundamental scientific research, therefore applications to this FOA must not propose applied research and technology development activities.

BES is soliciting renewal applications for basic science in three topical areas: 1) Transformative manufacturing, 2) Quantum information science (QIS), and 3) Environmental management. BES is soliciting new applications for basic science in two topical areas: 1) Co-design of materials and processes to revolutionize microelectronics and/or QIS fabrication, and 2) Environmental management.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
02/28/2024 ( Prep-proposal) - 05/08/2024 (Proposal)

EPA EPA-I-OW-OWM-23-04: 2024 Centers of Excellence for Stormwater Control Infrastructure Technologies Grant Program

Limit: 2* // Tickets Available: 1


A. Gerlak (School of Geography, Development & Environment) - Project Area 1: Establish and maintain a regional Center of Excellence.

N. Gupta (Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences) - Sub to  Desert Research Institute (DRI) - Nevada.




*Under this competition, only one application can be submitted per applicant under a Project Area.

The EPA is soliciting applications from eligible entities to establish and maintain regional Centers of Excellence for new and emerging stormwater control infrastructure technologies, with the goal of improving the effectiveness, cost efficiency, and protection of public safety and water quality. The EPA is also soliciting applications from eligible entities to create and maintain a national electronic clearinghouse to centrally collect and distribute the work of the Centers of Excellence. For the purposes of this announcement, “regional” or “geographical region” means consisting of two or more states.

The EPA is soliciting applications from eligible applicants in two Project Areas, as described below. Under this competition, only one application can be submitted per applicant under a Project Area. If an applicant submits an application under Project Area 1, they may then submit a separate application under Project Area 2. That is, an applicant cannot submit an application for Project Area 2 without submitting an application for Project Area 1. Each application submitted under this announcement must address one, and only one, of the Project Areas described below. The cover page of each application package must clearly indicate the Project Area addressed in the application. While the EPA intends to make awards in all Project Areas, the EPA reserves the right to make more than one award in a Project Area and/or make no awards in a Project Area.

Project Areas:

Project Area 1: Establish and maintain a regional Center of Excellence.
The EPA is soliciting applications to establish regional Centers of Excellence that will: i) conduct research on new and emerging stormwater control infrastructure technologies, including stormwater and sewer overflow reduction, other approaches to water resource enhancement, alternative funding approaches, and other environmental, economic, and social benefits; ii) provide technical assistance to state, Tribal, and local governments to assist with the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of stormwater control infrastructure projects that use innovative technologies; and iii) collaborate with regional institutions of higher education and private and public organizations, including community-based public-private partnerships and other stakeholders.

Project Area 2: Create and maintain a national electronic clearinghouse.
If an applicant submits an application under Project Area 1, they may then submit a separate application under Project Area 2. Under Project Area 2, the EPA is soliciting applications to create and maintain a national electronic clearinghouse. Applications should describe how they will develop, operate, and maintain a national electronic clearinghouse that contains information relating to new and emerging stormwater control infrastructure technologies and posts information from the other Centers of Excellence. The national electronic clearinghouse should be populated with research, findings, technical assistance, recommendations, best practices, and outreach (e.g., trainings, webinars, fact sheets) from each Center of Excellence and promoted to other organizations to expand the availability of water technical assistance, including to disadvantaged and underserved communities.

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

USDA 2024 Rural Innovation Stronger Economy (RISE) Grants

Limit: 1 // J. Farkas  (University of Arizona Sonoran Center for Excellence in Disabilities)


Only one application can be submitted per applicant, who is defined as a lead applicant as found in 7 CFR 4282.1112(b). If two applications are submitted by the same lead applicant, both applications will be deemed ineligible for funding.


The Rural Innovation Stronger Economy (RISE) Grant Program offers grant assistance to create and augment high-wage jobs, accelerate the formation of new businesses, support industry clusters and maximize the use of local productive assets in eligible low-income rural areas.

The RISE project must serve a rural region small enough to allow close collaboration among partners. It also must include important elements of the region’s prioritized industry cluster (concentrations of related industries). Grant amounts are awarded competitively with a minimum of $500,000 and a maximum grant amount of $2,000,000.

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

USDA: USDA-NIFA-OP-009864 2024 Equipment Grant Program (EGP)

 Limit: 2 // G. Davidowitz (Entomology), F. Duca (Animal & Comparative Biomedical Sciences)



Two proposals total per eligible institution.

The Equipment Grants Program (EGP) serves to increase access to shared-use special purpose equipment/instruments for fundamental and applied research for use in the food and agricultural sciences programs at institutions of higher education, including State Cooperative Extension Systems. The program seeks to strengthen the quality and expand the scope of fundamental and applied research at eligible institutions, by providing them with opportunities to acquire one shared-use piece of equipment/instrument that supports their research, research training, and extension goals and may be too costly and/or not appropriate for support through other NIFA grant programs. EGP grants are not intended to replace requests for equipment in individual project applications. The program emphasizes shared-use instrumentation that will enhance the capabilities of researchers, educators, and extension specialists both within and outside the proposing organization.

Proposals to the EGP must involve acquisition of a single, well-integrated piece of equipment/instrument. Well-integrated means that the ensemble of equipment that defines the instrument enables specific fundamental or applied research experiments in the food and agricultural sciences, including data science and data systems; separating or removing an element or component of such an integrated instrument would preclude that research from occurring or succeeding. An instrument acquired with support from EGP is expected to be fully operational by the conclusion of the first year of the project.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

USDA USDA-NIFA-FINI-010373: 2024 Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program - Produce Prescription Program (GusNIP-PPR)

 Limit: 1 // E. Sparks  (Cooperative Extension Pima - 4-H Youth Development)


Duplicate or multiple submissions are not allowed.

The primary goal and objective of the GusNIP Produce Prescription Program is to demonstrate and evaluate the impact of projects on (1) the improvement of dietary health through increased consumption of fruits and vegetables; (2) the reduction of individual and household food insecurity; and (3) the reduction in healthcare use and associated costs.


Eligibility Note (01/24/2024): NIFA’s policy team has reviewed the University of Arizona’s documentation. Per the attached IRS letter the University of Arizona was formed by the State of Arizona and is an “integral part of the government agency.” This documentation from the IRS is considered sufficient to support the institution’s eligibility as a government agency per 7 USC 7517(a)(1).

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

USDA USDA-NIFA-WAMS-010338: 2024 Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fields Program (WAMS)

Limit: 2 // Tickets Available: 1 // PI: B. Ellerman (FORGE)


The purpose of this program is to support research, education/teaching, and extension projects that increase participation by women and underrepresented minorities from rural areas in STEM. NIFA intends this program to address educational needs within broadly defined areas of food and agricultural sciences. Applications recommended for funding must highlight and emphasize the development of a competent and qualified workforce in the food and agricultural sciences. WAMS-funded projects improve the economic health and viability of rural communities by developing research and extension initiatives that focus on new and emerging employment opportunities in STEM occupations. Projects that contribute to the economic viability of rural communities are also encouraged.

For the Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fields (WAMS) program, NIFA will support projects with a target audience of K-14 students (kindergarten through twelfth grade plus two years of post-secondary schooling (e.g., vocational-technical institutions or community or junior colleges)). 

EPA EPA-OAR-ORIA-24-01: 2024 Reducing Indoor Air Risks

No Applicants  // Limit: 1 proposal per priority area


Applicants may submit multiple applications that uniquely address one or more of these program priority areas. However, applicants may not submit multiple applications addressing the same program priority area. 

This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits applications from eligible entities to advance national policy or systems-level change to reduce indoor air risks and yield measurable environmental and public health outcomes. The EPA has identified and characterized significant risks to public health from indoor environmental contaminants that are commonly found in homes, schools, and offices or commercial non-industrial buildings where Americans spend up to 90 percent of their time. Levels of air pollution indoors are often two to five times higher, and occasionally 100 times higher than outdoor levels. Common indoor air contaminants include:
• Radon
• Environmental asthma triggers (e.g., secondhand smoke; cockroaches and other pests; chemical irritants; dust mites; pet dander; nitrogen dioxide; wood smoke; and mold)
• Pathogens transmitted through the air (e.g., SARS-COV-2, Influenza)
• Particulate matter
• Combustion byproducts
• Volatile organic compounds

Estimates of the economic costs in the US associated with adverse health and productivity effects of poor indoor air quality (IAQ) fall between $13 and $32 billion annually. Additionally, the annual sales of IAQ products and services are valued at $18–$30 billion and are associated with approximately 150,000–250,000 current jobs in the US.

The goal of the EPA’s Indoor Environmental Division is to reduce the environmental health risks posed by contaminants in indoor environments. This is achieved by understanding the science of both environmental health risks and effective prevention and control methods. This knowledge then is used to promote appropriate, evidence-based environmental risk reduction activities through voluntary actions by the general public and key stakeholders to improve IAQ.

The EPA is soliciting applications from eligible entities (as described in Section III.A) to conduct demonstration, technical assistance, training, education, and/or outreach projects that seek to reduce exposure to indoor air contaminants by advancing national policy and systems-level initiatives.

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

2024 Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona (LFSAZ) Grants

 Limit: 1 per department // Fast Pitch Grants:  A. Wright (Cochise County Cooperative Extension)


UArizona may submit one application per department.

My organization is a government, a tribal entity, or a university: You may submit one application per department. You may submit another if, and only if, you are collaborating with another organization.

The Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona offers capacity building grants to nonprofit organizations for the purpose of obtaining Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training for their staff, Board, and volunteers.

The FY24 DEI grant is always open and is in the amount of $1000 per nonprofit organization.

This grant is being offered to nonprofits in Cochise and eastern Santa Cruz counties to promote population health and community wellness that is best achieved when diverse groups of people relate to one another with acceptance and respect, are valued and welcomed for who they are, and are given the same opportunities to grow, contribute, and develop within their community, regardless of their identity.

The grant is for the sole purpose of DEI training. The organization may select the DEI training that works best for them.



Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training Grants

The Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona offers capacity building grants to nonprofit organizations for the purpose of obtaining Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training for their staff, Board, and volunteers.

The FY24 DEI grant is always open and is in the amount of $1000 per nonprofit organization.

This grant is being offered to nonprofits in Cochise and eastern Santa Cruz counties to promote population health and community wellness that is best achieved when diverse groups of people relate to one another with acceptance and respect, are valued and welcomed for who they are, and are given the same opportunities to grow, contribute, and develop within their community, regardless of their identity.

The grant is for the sole purpose of DEI training. The organization may select the DEI training that works best for them.

Fast Pitch Grants


Application opens January 22, 2024 and closes February 2, 2024 at 4:30 PM. 

Participants will be invited to present pitch by February 9, 2024. 

The Fast Pitch presentation will be on February 21, 2024. 

The Fast Pitch grant supports an organization’s ability to operate efficiently and build capacity through education such as conferences, webinars, speakers, or training curriculum for staff, board, or volunteers. The purchase of technology and software used to build internal capacity of the nonprofit organization is also included in the Fast Pitch Grant.

Grant amount: Up to $2,500. One Fast Pitch grant per nonprofit organization


Responsive Grants


Grant application opens March 4, 2024 and closes March 29, 2024 at 4:30 PM.  

Grants will be awarded after July 2024.

The Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona collaborates with The Arizona Community Foundation of Cochise. Cooperatively each organization funds grants up to $5,000 for a one year project.

The Legacy Foundation accepts applications for grants pertaining specifically to population health and community wellness. All other grant requests are made directly to Arizona Community Foundation of Cochise.


Responsive Grants


Grant application opens March 4, 2024 and closes March 29, 2024 at 4:30 PM.  

Grants will be awarded after July 2024.

The Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona collaborates with The Arizona Community Foundation of Cochise. Cooperatively each organization funds grants up to $5,000 for a one year project.

The Legacy Foundation accepts applications for grants pertaining specifically to population health and community wellness. All other grant requests are made directly to Arizona Community Foundation of Cochise.


Innovative Grants

 No LOI 

Grant Application opens June 3, 2024 and closes August 30, 2024 at 4:30 PM. 

Each year the Legacy Foundation offers Innovative Grants up to $50,000 a year for up to two years ($100,000 max). These projects must meet at least one of the Innovative criteria contained within the grant guidelines link be


Strategic Grants

Behavioral Health Strategic Grants ongoing FY22-FY24

Only when we work together can we improve the health of our communities. By tapping into and increasing the community’s capacity for identifying and addressing significant health-related issues, we continue to leverage assets and networks. 

The most effective and positive changes are accomplished through partnerships and collaborations with other organizations focused on common goals. Rarely does one organization have the perspective to see all aspects of how complex problems affect people and very few organizations have the time, money and people to address all aspects of a problem. 

The Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona Board identifies a strategic focus and invites community organizations providing services within that focus to apply for funding. Because partnerships are so critical to success, organizations are encouraged to submit applications that reflect collaboration with other organizations. 


Emergent Grants

Emergency and urgent needs for nonprofit organizations may occur outside the routine cycles described above. These types of grant requests will be considered on an individual basis.

If your organization has an emergency need call the Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona at 520-335-6015 or email info@lfsaz.org



Sponsorship Requests are requests for funds to sponsor a community event. Organization receiving funds agrees to include our logo in media and at the event. Event must be related to health and wellness.  Sponsorship requests are generally granted in the amount of $1,000

Apply through the online grant portal.

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

USDA USDA-NIFA-FSMA-010336: 2024 Food Safety Outreach Program

 Limit: 1 //C. Rock (Environmental Science)

Duplicate or multiple submissions are not allowed.

The Food Safety Outreach Program will complement and expand the national infrastructure of the National Food Safety Training, Education, Extension, Outreach, and Technical Assistance Competitive Grants Program. The Food Safety Outreach Program will build upon that national infrastructure, with a sustained focus on delivery of customized training to members of the target audiences. Awardees will develop and implement food safety training, education, extension, outreach and technical assistance projects that address the needs of owners and operators of small to mid-sized farms, beginning farmers, socially-disadvantaged farmers, small processors, or small fresh fruit and vegetable merchant wholesalers. Grant applications will be solicited directly from those in local communities to include those from community-based organizations, non-governmental organizations, food hubs, farm cooperatives, extension, and other local groups.

In FY 2024, FSOP will maintain focus on delivery of customized training to members of the target audiences by continuing to solicit Community Outreach Projects, Collaborative Education and Training Projects, and Technical Assistance – Grant writing skills projects. The program is also soliciting proposals for Regional Centers in FY 2024.  AVERAGE INDIVIDUAL AWARD RANGE: $75,000 - $1,000,000  

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) 2024 New Innovator in Food and Agriculture Research Award

 Limit: 1 // R. Schomer (School of Plant Sciences)


Institutions may submit one nominee to the New Innovator Award program.

*Deadline note: This selection process is running with an anticipated deadline. We will inform all applicants of relevant updates in the guidelines, submission deadlines, and eligibility as soon as more information becomes available.


The Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR)  New Innovator Program,  will allow investigators to explore new avenues of inquiry that arise during their research. Therefore, FFAR is interested in the program of research to be explored and its impact as opposed to a list of very specific aims. The review process emphasizes the individual’s creativity, the innovativeness of the research approaches, and the potential of the program; collaborations are encouraged. While this award is made to an outstanding early career investigator, applicants should include information regarding any essential collaborators and include letters of support from those collaborators. Each applicant can receive from FFAR up to $150,000 per year for a maximum of three years totaling $450,000 investment.

Research programs should fall within one of FFAR’s Challenge Areas

  • Advanced Animal Systems
  • Health-Agriculture Nexus
  • Next Generation Crops
  • Soil Health
  • Sustainable Water Management
  • Urban Food Systems
  •  Climate change  
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
02/22/2024 - Nomination / 05/06/2024*