
NSF 24-558: 2024 Focus on Recruiting Emerging Climate and Adaptation Scientists and Transformers (FORECAST)

Submit ticket request  // Limit: 2 // Tickets Available: 1 


J. Hu(School of Natural Resources and the Environment) -  Track 1: Coordination Hub 



Limit on number of proposals per organization description 

FORECAST does not accept separately submitted collaborative proposals. Any collaboration among organizations should be through a subaward. An eligible organization may submit only two (2) proposals. Proposals that exceed the organizational eligibility limit will be returned without review. Potential PIs are advised to contact their institutional office of research regarding processes used to select proposals for submission.

Organizations participating only as evaluators or subawardees on projects are excluded from this limitation.

Proposals may only be submitted by certain types of PIs. Please see solicitation for details.

Focus On Recruiting Emerging Climate and Adaptation Scientists and Transformers (FORECAST) seeks to facilitate the transition from status quo graduate career preparation to a student-centered model with a particular emphasis on building entrepreneurial and innovation capacity at emerging research institutions (ERIs). Transformers are scientists ready to tackle the challenges the nation and world are facing due to climate change. This opportunity will adopt the spirit of multiple directives for the research community; for example, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) report on Earth System Science and the Advisory Committee for Environmental Research and Education report on Engaged Research. These directives call on the research enterprise to support the building of a robust scientific workforce ready to work with communities in addressing societal challenges. Through convergence research approaches to address societal challenges, the transdisciplinary researchers engaged in FORECAST will foster community resilience and the translation of research outcomes for societal benefits, as well as gain a broader understanding of the governmental context related to these issues. A new generation of scientists trained in "engaged research" will be expected to have a national impact in communities that may be disproportionately affected by climate change impacts. The program will build cohorts of innovative scholars from the full spectrum of diverse talent at emerging research institutions to include groups historically excluded in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Participants, who are senior students in undergraduate programs and students who are in master's degree programs, will be supported through intentional professional development activities. FORECAST participants must be US citizens or permanent residents.

FORECAST proposals will fall into three categories: Track 1, Track 2, and FORECAST Planning grants. Track 1 will support one Coordination Hub, to coordinate support for rising seniors from emerging research institutions (ERIs) or historically excluded and underserved groups as part of a national cohort to participate in structured professional development opportunities. Track 2 projects will support cohorts of Master's degree students at ERIs. Mentorship and capacity building should be central to the cohort approach. FORECAST Planning grant proposals will build capacity at ERI institutions and with the appropriate partners to undertake the activities necessary to establish a future FORECAST track 2 cohort.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
01/29/2025 (Track 1: Coordination Hub) - 04/30/2025 ( Track 2 & Planning Grant proposals)
Solicitation Type

American Diabetes Association (ADA): 2024 Pathway to Stop Diabetes - Initiator Award (INI) & Accelerator Award (ACE)

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Starting in 2024, ADA will accept up to two (2) nominations per institution with one (1) nomination spanning basic through preclinical research and one (1) nomination spanning clinical through public health research. 

Pathway to Stop Diabetes has a simple, yet revolutionary goal: to find scientists at the peak of their creativity and provide them with the flexibility and resources they need on the road to breakthrough discoveries. We attract and retain brilliant scientists in diabetes. Our three areas of focus—awarding research grants, providing access to scientific and career mentoring from leading diabetes researchers, and creating a diabetes think tank—are each key components of a unique formula to cultivate the next generation of leaders, whose discoveries will stop diabetes and all of its burdens once and for all.


Initiator Award (INI)

  • Award Term: Up to 7 years
  • Applicant: Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Maximum Funding: Up to $100,000/year in Phase 1, Up to $325,000/year in Phase 2
  • Support: Project support & PI salary
  • Indirect Support: Up to 10% of directs in Phase 1, Up to 30% of directs in Phase 2
  • Project % Effort Required: 75-100% effort in Phase 1, 50-75% effort in Phase 2
  • Citizenship: Authorized to work in U.S. or U.S. possessions
  • Description: This two-phased award is designed to support the transition of scientists from mentored training to independent research faculty.
  • Eligibility: Eligible applicants must currently be in research training positions (post-doctoral fellow, research fellowship) and have no more than seven years of research training following terminal doctoral degree. Applicants cannot concurrently hold an NIH K99/R00 grant. Candidates must be identified through institutional nomination; applications will be accepted only from individuals with the appropriate institution support.
  • Support: Awards provide two distinct phases of research support: Phase 1 provides up to two years of support for mentored training at a maximum of $100,000 per year (including 10% indirect costs), Phase 2 provides up to five years of support for independent research at a maximum of $325,000 per year (including 30% indirect costs). Maximum combined support for Phase 1 and Phase 2 is $1,625,000.



Accelerator Award (ACE)

  • Award Term: Up to 5 years
  • Applicant: Early Career Faculty
  • Maximum Funding: $325,000/year
  • Support: Project support & PI salary
  • Indirect Support: Up to 30% of directs
  • Project % Effort Required: 25-50% effort
  • Citizenship: Authorized to work in U.S. or U.S. possessions
  • Description: This award is designed to support exceptional, independent early-career researchers who have distinguished themselves as promising investigators and are in the beginning stages of establishing successful, sustainable diabetes research programs.
  • Eligibility: Awards are available to early-career diabetes investigators proposing innovative and ambitious diabetes-related research programs. Applicants must hold faculty positions and have demonstrated independent productivity in diabetes research. Applicants may currently hold independent NIH funding (K, U or R awards, including an initial R01/U01) but must not have applied for (regardless of outcome), or received, an R01/U01 renewal or a second R01/U01 award. Candidates must be identified through institutional nomination; applications will be accepted only from individuals with the appropriate institution support.
  • Support: Awards provide five years of research support at a maximum of $325,000 per year (including 30% indirect costs), for a total of $1,625,000.
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
07/17/2024 (Required Letter of Intent)
Solicitation Type

CDC RFA-OH-22-002: 2024 Centers for Agricultural Safety and Health (U54)

Submit ticket request  // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) invites applications for the Centers for Agricultural Safety and Health (Ag Centers). These centers are expected to conduct high quality research and subsequently disseminate their findings and recommendations in audience appropriate products to contribute to improving the safety and health of agriculture, forestry, and fishing workers. Center structure should take advantage of diverse scientific resources and focus on local, regional, and/or national worker safety and health issues. Emphasis should be placed on the creation and implementation of evidence-based solutions that address important agricultural, forestry, and fishing safety and health problems. Centers should also use innovative approaches to identifying, understanding, and developing strategies for overcoming barriers to the adoption, adaptation, integration, scale-up and sustainability of evidence-based solutions. Collaborations with other academic institutions, nonprofit organizations, and other occupational safety and health focused groups are expected. Applicants must concisely describe the occupational safety and health burden within their service area and directly link research and outreach activities to help alleviate the burden. Applicants should also clearly articulate the anticipated impacts of the proposed work, both during the project period and beyond.


Ag Center Structure

NIOSH Ag Centers provide interdisciplinary research and outreach efforts to address AgFF-related occupational health and safety problems. Applicants should keep in mind the required and optional components essential to Ag Center function, detailed below, in providing an overall description of the proposed Ag Center, addressing 1) the burden of occupational injuries and illnesses within their region for this work sector, 2) the regional and national need for the Ag Center’s proposed programs and projects, and 3) the Center’s impact, or potential for impact, on AgFF worker health and safety.

The following required components enable Ag Centers to cohesively address their goals and objectives for providing impact:

Evaluation and Planning Core. The purpose of the Evaluation and Planning Core is to 1) provide oversight, leadership, and management for the Center, including establishment and maintenance of advisory committees; 2) engage in long-range planning, coordination, and implementation of work that crosses multiple cores, programs or projects; and 3) develop and assist in implementing evaluation efforts at the Center, core, program and project levels. Any collaborative projects with other Ag Centers should include the Evaluation and Planning Core for the purposes of oversight and coordination.

Outreach Core. The purpose of the Outreach Core is to ensure that evidence-based approaches, technologies, guidelines, policies, best practices, or similar activities are promoted and implemented in affected populations to benefit workers and their associated work environments. Much of the work in the Outreach Core will be implemented through partnerships and collaborations with nonprofit organizations, community groups, industry groups, employers, or similar entities.

Research Core. The purpose of the Research Core is to develop programs and projects in response to the goals identified in the Center's strategic plan and subsequently manage, monitor, and coordinate this work within the Center. Research activities include basic/etiologic, intervention, translation, and surveillance. Activities can vary widely, from pilot or feasibility studies that are minimally resourced and may be exploratory in nature to large, R01-like projects that require preliminary data and significant investment in personnel, equipment, time, and space. The Research Core is comprised of the required research projects and the optional Pilot/Feasibility Program Please note, the "Research Core" is not an actual component within the application - instead it is a construct to address budget limits across multiple and varied activities (i.e., required research projects and the optional pilot/feasibility program). There is no limitation to the number of research projects that applicants can propose as long as they stay within the annual direct costs requirements.



The primary goal of an Ag Center is to conduct high quality scientific research and outreach efforts to address local, regional, and national AgFF problems. This will ultimately be accomplished through the goals in the Center’s Strategic Plan. However, the operational process for accomplishing these goals should not be overlooked and therefore, each core, program and project should develop operational objectives to support the goals in the Plan.

Target Population

There are many affected subpopulations in AgFF professions. The attributes of these affected subpopulations (such as demographics, size, risks/hazards encountered, and resources available to educate or assist in addressing the problem) will drive the proposed projects and their anticipated outputs and impacts. Ag Centers are distributed throughout the nation to be responsive to safety and health issues unique to different regions of the country. The risks inherent to an AgFF job are often dependent on the work environment, local/industry work practices, and specific job tasks. Therefore, Ag Centers should clearly describe the specific target populations they are focusing their efforts on and provide information to support the need for these proposed efforts.


Industry Sectors, Health and Safety Cross-sectors, and Goals

In the Project Description/Abstract of the application, state which industry sector(s) and health and safety cross-sector(s) the proposed work will address. Provide a clear rationale for how the intended outcomes of the proposed project will contribute to the specified goals in NIOSH's Strategic Plan and, in particular, those identified in the NIOSH Priority Goals for Extramural Research.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

In June 2019, NIOSH began an initiative to take substantive action in creating greater diversity, equity, and inclusion in its workforce, the workplace and in its service to the public. This initiative led to the establishment of the NIOSH Diversity and Inclusion Office. The associated strategic plan is intended to guide actions that specifically address diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in all aspects of NIOSH's work, including NIOSH-supported extramural programs. Ag Centers should demonstrate a commitment to DEI in all aspects of their center. This commitment should be reflected in the center's core values, mission and outputs.

Asymmetrical power relationships along social axes such as age, class, gender, nativity, and race/ethnicity not only result in social, economic, and environmental disadvantages that impact the distribution of work-related benefits and risks but also result in exclusionary research practices. Developing inclusive research practices, and the institutional capacity to effectively produce data driven solutions that reduce these avoidable inequities, is essential to ensuring the well-being of the increasingly diverse AgFF workforce.

Applicants should describe how they propose to ensure inclusive governance and practice in the required center components (Evaluation and Planning, Outreach, and Research). Discussion should include, but not be limited to, how historically underrepresented groups will be included in agenda setting for the work of the center. For example, this may include participation on advisory boards, as researchers/staff and through partnerships. Applicants should also identify how the center will ensure that research questions, data collection methods and analysis, and dissemination of results will be inclusive of the diversity in the AgFF workforce, especially those from historically underrepresented groups. Applicants should demonstrate how the design, content, format, and dissemination of outreach efforts will be tailored to the needs of workers from diverse backgrounds.


Ag Centers must demonstrate collaborative efforts by working with a diverse and broad range of organizations to enhance worker safety and health in their region. Possible collaborators include universities, labor and professional associations, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and federal, state, or local public health and regulatory agencies. Centers should seek to address a wide range of occupational safety and health concerns in their region, as determined by the burdens posed by these problems or hazards, and their funding applications must describe how their efforts will alleviate or eliminate these burdens.

Evaluation/Performance Measurement

All Center activities should be managed and coordinated as part of the Evaluation and Planning Core. This core is responsible for all new and ongoing center-wide evaluation activities as well as supporting program and project level evaluation efforts. These activities should all be described in a Center evaluation plan. Ag Centers are also strongly encouraged to interact with each other on evaluation methods and best practices, to increase awareness of activities and evaluation techniques. Similarly, centers will work with each other and NIOSH during the performance period to develop shared logic models on common AgFF health and safety outcomes. In addition to center-specific evaluation and performance measurement, Ag Centers may be asked to participate in NIOSH evaluation efforts related to the NIOSH AgFF Program and the NIOSH Evaluation Capacity Building Plan.

Translation Plan

The transfer of evidence-based approaches to intermediaries such as unions, manufacturers, worker groups and end users (employers and workers) through training, conferences, community gatherings, social media, blogs, websites and infographics, peer-reviewed and lay publications, etc. is an essential function of the Outreach Core. While research strengthens our understanding of the determinants of injury, illness, and death, the potential for impact of research findings is found when paired with pragmatic approaches to move findings into practice.


  1. Evaluation and Planning Core
  2. Outreach Core
  3. Research Projects (collectively, the "Research Core", along with the optional Pilot/Feasibility Program)
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
09/22/2024 (Required Letter of Intent) - 10/22/2024 ( Full Proposal)

NIH PAR-22-125: 2024 National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) Bridges to the Baccalaureate Research Training Program (T34)

Submit ticket request  // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


This FOA is intended to enable the community to develop and implement evidence-informed approaches to biomedical research training and mentoring to enhance diversity in the biomedical research workforce. The President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) report provided evidence that financial concerns and the absence of a community of peers from similar backgrounds can erode self-confidence and the desire to remain in STEM majors (PCAST Report, 2012). NIGMS diversity enhancing institutional training grants offset the cost of appointed trainee stipends, tuition and fees, and training related expenses, including health insurance, in accordance with approved NIH support levels. Additionally, funded programs are expected to provide activities that will build a strong cohort of research-oriented individuals while enhancing the science identity, self-efficacy, and a sense of belonging among the cohort members. Programmatic activities include, but are not limited to, providing authentic research experiences, academic enhancements, skills development, and additional mentoring -- activities proven to increase persistence in STEM fields (cited in PCAST Report, 2012Graduate STEM Education for the 21st Century, 2018, and The Science of Effective Mentoring in STEMM, 2019).

Each Bridges to the Baccalaureate Research Training Program must consist of a strong partnership/consortium composed of at least two institutions: an associate degree-granting institution that offers the associate degree as the terminal degree in STEM, and a baccalaureate degree-granting institution with STEM degrees in disciplines related to the biomedical sciences. Each program should provide high-quality training that equips individuals with the technical (e.g., appropriate methods, technologies, and quantitative/computational approaches), operational (e.g., independent knowledge acquisition, rigorous experimental design, and interpretation of data, conducting research in the safest manner possible) and professional (e.g., management, leadership, communication, and teamwork) skills required for careers in the biomedical research workforce.

Program Objective

The Overarching Objective of this Bridges to the Baccalaureate Research Training Program is to develop a diverse pool of research-oriented undergraduates who transition from an associate degree-granting institution to a baccalaureate degree-granting institution and complete a baccalaureate STEM degree, positioning them to pursue research-oriented biomedical higher degree programs, or enter careers in the biomedical research workforce. The long-term goal is to develop a diverse pool of well-trained biomedical scientists, who have the following technical, operational, and professional skills:

  • A broad understanding across biomedical disciplines and the skills to independently acquire the knowledge needed to advance their chosen fields;
  • Expertise in a biomedical scientific discipline and the skills to think critically and independently, and to identify important biomedical research questions and approaches that push forward the boundaries of their areas of study;
  • A strong foundation in scientific reasoning, rigorous research design, experimental methods, quantitative and computational approaches, and data analysis and interpretation;
  • The skills to conduct research in the safest manner possible, and a commitment to approaching and conducting biomedical research responsibly, ethically, and with integrity;
  • Experience initiating, conducting, interpreting, and presenting rigorous and reproducible biomedical research with increasing self-direction;
  • The ability to work effectively in teams with colleagues from a variety of cultural and scientific backgrounds, and to promote inclusive and supportive scientific research environments;
  • The skills to teach and communicate scientific research methodologies and findings to a wide variety of audiences (e.g., discipline-specific, across disciplines, and the public); and
  • The knowledge, professional skills and experiences required to identify and transition into careers in the biomedical research workforce (i.e., the breadth of careers that sustain biomedical research in areas that are relevant to the NIH mission).

Diversity at all levels from the kinds of science to the regions in which it is conducted, to the backgrounds of the people conducting it is integral to excellence in research training environments and strengthens the research enterprise. This FOA is intended to support outstanding research training programs that will enhance diversity in the biomedical research workforce. As part of NIGMS strategy to support the development of a diverse pool of well-trained biomedical scientists, the Bridges to the Baccalaureate Research Training Program supports trainees at a critical transition point in the biomedical research training pathway (i.e., the transition from associate degree-granting institutions to baccalaureate degree-granting institutions), and prepares them to enter a research-oriented biomedical higher degree program, or careers in the biomedical research workforce.

Program Considerations

NIGMS intends to fund applications that propose feasible academic and research focused training programs that will enhance diversity in the biomedical workforce. Programs are expected to have mentors from biomedical disciplines relevant to the NIGMS mission to provide a breadth of research experiences to trainees. Proposed programs focused on disciplines outside of the NIGMS mission (e.g., allied health professions, forensic science) will be considered a low priority for funding.

The Bridges to the Baccalaureate Research Training Program requires strong partnerships between associate degree-granting institutions and baccalaureate degree-granting institutions. At least one partner must be an institution that offers the associate degree as the highest STEM degree and the other partner(s) must offer baccalaureate degrees in disciplines related to the biomedical sciences. Two different scenarios are anticipated for these partnerships:

  • One associate degree-granting institution as the applicant institution partnering with one or more baccalaureate degree-granting institutions, or
  • One baccalaureate degree-granting institution as the applicant institution partnering with one or more associate degree-granting institutions.

The program does not support single institutions offering both associate and baccalaureate degrees where graduates or transfers from the associate degree programs enter the baccalaureate programs, even if the students are moving to another department, school, or college. To reinforce strong partnerships, the Bridges to the Baccalaureate Research Training Program requires the participation of least one Program Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) from each partner institution.

The Bridges to the Baccalaureate Research Training Program recognizes the heterogeneity of institutional settings and institutional missions. Therefore, each application must include a self-assessment of each participating institution that includes baseline data on student demographics, enrollment, transfer rates, research experience, and degree attainment rates. Program objectives should be based on this self-assessment and must align with the purpose of the Bridges to the Baccalaureate Research Training Program. Applicants are expected to identify training objectives (i.e., specific, measurable, and obtainable outcomes the program intends to achieve) and to develop plans to implement evidence-informed training and mentoring activities that are grounded in the literature and from evaluations of existing relevant programs. Funded programs are expected to provide evidence of accomplishing the training objectives in progress reports and in renewal applications, to make training and career outcomes publicly available, and are strongly encouraged to disseminate successful training practices to the broader community.

Funded programs are also expected to implement robust plans to enhance diversity and to promote inclusive, safe, and supportive research environments. Specifically, funded programs should have institutional and departmental environments where individuals from all backgrounds are welcomed and feel integrated into and supported by the biomedical community. Programs are also expected to implement plans to enhance trainee retention, i.e., to sustain the scientific interests and participation of trainees from all backgrounds. Additionally, safety in research training should encompass (1) environments free from harassment and intimidation, in which everyone participating is treated in a respectful and supportive manner, (2) laboratory and clinical settings where individuals exercise the highest standards of practice for chemical, biological and physical safety, and (3) practices at the institutional leadership and research community levels that demonstrate core values and behaviors to emphasize safety over competing goals.

Institutional commitment and support for the proposed training program are important elements of the application. The Bridges to the Baccalaureate Research Training Program may complement and synergize with other ongoing federally supported research training programs at the applicant and partnering institution(s); however, the Bridges to the Baccalaureate Research Training Program goals and activities to achieve those goals must be distinct from related programs currently receiving federal support at the applicant and partnering institution(s). In cases where an institution has multiple NIGMS training grants, it is expected that these programs will create administrative and training efficiencies to reduce costs and improve trainee services and outcomes. The training grant should be well integrated within one or more department(s)/program(s) and should exert a strong, positive influence on the development and execution of the outreach and recruitment of potential trainees, curriculum, training opportunities, and mentoring. Training grant funds may not be used solely as a vehicle to provide stipends for trainees to conduct research.

Training grants are usually awarded for five years. The grant offsets the cost of stipends, tuition and fees, and training related expenses, including health insurance, for the appointed trainees in accordance with the approved NIH support levels. Trainees are typically provided full-time support for two years of undergraduate studies within the Bridges to the Baccalaureate Research Training Program partnership. There is flexibility in how the two years of support can be administered, but there must be robust support at both the associate degree-granting and baccalaureate degree granting-institutions. Research-oriented trainees must be enrolled at the associate degree-granting institution at the time of initial appointment. Typically, one year of full-time support is provided at the associate degree-granting institution and one year of full-time support at the baccalaureate degree-granting institution. However, at baccalaureate institutions where other NIH undergraduate research training programs (e.g., U-RISEMARC) exist, the Bridges to the Baccalaureate trainees may transition into or benefit from these training programs. In this case, trainees may receive up to two years of full-time support at the associate degree-granting institution.

This FOA does not allow appointed trainees to lead an independent clinical trial but does allow them to obtain research experience in a clinical trial led by a mentor or co-mentor. NIH strongly supports training towards a career in clinically relevant research and so gaining experience in clinical trials under the guidance of a mentor or co-mentor is encouraged.

See Section VIII. Other Information for award authorities and regulations.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

NIH RFA-ES-24-001: 2024 Hazardous Materials Worker Health and Safety Training (U45 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)

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Only one application per Institution (normally identified by having a unique entity identifier (UEI) or NIH IPH number) is allowed; however, that institution may also participate as partner via a sub-award or associate program through applications submitted by other institutions.


NIEHS invites applications for cooperative agreements to support the development and delivery of model programs for the training and education of workers engaged in activities related to hazardous materials and waste generation, removal, containment, transportation, and emergency response. This funding opportunity announcement aims to use safety and health training to prevent and reduce work-related harm. The training programs will provide skills and knowledge to workers on how best to identify and protect themselves and their communities from exposure to hazardous materials encountered during hazardous waste operations, hazardous materials transportation, environmental restoration of contaminated facilities, and emergency response. A variety of industry sites, such as those involved with hazardous waste cleanup, remedial action, and transportation-related emergency response may pose severe health and safety concerns to workers and the surrounding communities. These sites contain many hazardous substances, sometimes unknown, and a site maybe uncontrolled. A major goal of the Worker Training Program (WTP) is to support institutional competency-building for the development and delivery of model training and education programs.


Renewal application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.  A new applicant that has never received funding under previous announcements may request a budget for direct costs of up to $700,000 for the first year.

Indirect Costs (also known as Facilities & Administrative [F&A] Costs) are reimbursed at 8% of modified total direct costs.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

NEH 2024o806-CHC: 2024 Graduate Education in the Humanities: A National Convening

Submit 250-word Notice of Intent // Limit: 1  //  // Tickets Available: 1



 An organization may submit only one application under this notice. 

Graduate Education in the Humanities: A National Convening will support the design, development, and implementation of a national convening on the state of, and prospects for, higher education in the humanities. Under the direction of a steering committee and related working groups, the national convening will provide participants the opportunity to explore current challenges and share best practices; offer guidance for graduate programs, departments, and other interested stakeholders; and help develop a strategic vision for graduate education in the humanities. In addition, the recipient will publish and disseminate a report based on the findings of the steering committee, working groups, and national convening.

The cooperative agreement will be awarded with federal matching funds. The recipient will be required to match the NEH financial contribution by raising an equivalent amount from third-party, non-federal sources.


Areas of Interest:

  • American Tapestry: Weaving Together Past, Present, and Future
  • United We Stand: Connecting Through Culture
  • NEH’s Support for the Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

DOC 2024: NTIA-PWSCIF-24-01 Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund Grant Program - Open Radio Commercialization and Innovation

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*Each applicant may submit a maximum of one SRFA 1 application and three SRFA 2 applications.

This NOFO is the second in a series that NTIA will issue and administer under the Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund (Innovation Fund). This NOFO is divided into two topic areas: open radio unit (RU) commercialization and open RU innovation. Throughout this document, open RU commercialization is referred to as “specific research focus area 1” (SRFA 1) and open RU innovation is referred to as “specific research focus area 2” (SRFA 2). A brief description of each SRFA is below:

• SRFA 1: Accelerating the development of open RU products to the point where they meet carrier needs and are ready for commercial trials; and
• SRFA 2: Improving the overall performance and capabilities of open RUs through targeted research and development.

Applications in response to this NOFO must address either SRFA 1 or SRFA 2. A single application cannot address both SRFAs. If an application is submitted addressing both SRFAs, it will be rejected. Applicants interested in applying for both SRFAs must submit a separate application for each SRFA. Applicants may only include one project per application, regardless of SRFA. Individual submissions containing multiple proposed projects will be rejected. Each applicant may submit a maximum of one SRFA 1 application and three SRFA 2 applications. Each SRFA 2 application must address at least one, and may address more than one, topic area listed in Section 3.3.1.


NTIA will award up to $420,000,000 under this NOFO. The amount of funding NTIA expects to award per project differs by SRFA, as follows:
• SRFA 1: NTIA expects to award $25,000,000-$45,000,000 per project.
• SRFA 2: NTIA expects to award $5,000,000-$10,000,000 per project.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

Geneen Charitable Trust: 2024 Awards Program for Coronary Heart Disease Research

Submit ticket request  // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1


 Each invited institution may only submit one application to the program which meets the eligibility requirements for the 2025 Grant Cycle. Applicants must be full-time faculty at an invited non-profit academic, medical, non-governmental or research institutions. United States citizenship is not required. Junior faculty are encouraged to apply. 


 The Harold S. Geneen Charitable Trust Awards Program for Coronary Heart Disease Research supports research in the prevention of coronary heart disease or circulatory failure and improving care for patients with these medical conditions. The program focuses on basic and translational scientific research. Clinical studies are currently ineligible. 

In accordance with Mr. Geneen’s directives, the program seeks to establish “…a more direct and personalized relationship with grant recipients than is normally possible in dealing with the diffuse and bureaucratic administrations through which large organizations are managed…and to support smaller institutions rather than major universities or medical complexes which have a demonstrated capacity to raise funds from the public generally.” Thus, eligible institutions represent mid-size institutions conducting relevant and innovative cardiovascular research. 

Applications examining the intersection of coronary heart disease and/or congestive heart failure and COVID-19 or similar viral illnesses are highly encouraged to apply. 




Each invited institution may submit a single application from a full-time faculty member. United States citizenship is not required. To encourage the support of junior faculty, applicants are ineligible if at the time of application, they have combined federal and non-federal funding totaling $500,000 or more in direct costs during the first year of the Geneen Award. This figure refers to external funding only and not an applicant’s start-up package, other intramural support, or the Geneen Award itself. Applicants may hold a K Award or be in the R00 phase of a K99/R00 as long as those award amounts, combined with other funding, do not exceed these specified limits. 

Pending Federal and Non-Federal Support 

Applicants who have pending R01s or other large applications to the NIH and other agencies are encouraged to submit proposals to the Geneen Trust. Notification of funding after the application date will not impact eligibility for a Geneen Award. However, it is the responsibility of applicants to contact as soon as they are notified of any new funding


Review Criteria 

• The proposed research has the potential to improve the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease or circulatory failure (understanding, prevention/treatment). 

• Hypothesis and Research Aims are clearly stated, based on sound precedents, and supported by relevant literature and preliminary data (if applicable). 

• Objectives that are well thought out, realistic, and technically feasible. 


• Research methodology, data collection, and data analyses are appropriate, thorough, well-specified and appropriate to the proposal’s aims. 

• The research project is of high quality and originality. 

• The timeline and budget align with a scope of work that can be completed within a two-year timeframe. 

• The applicant is qualified and supports the conduct of an innovative and successful research project. The research award would positively impact the development of the applicant’s cardiovascular research program. 


In order for the Harold S. Geneen Charitable Trust (the “Funder”) and Health Resources in Action (the “Administrator”) to carry out our legal responsibilities, we must ask the award recipient (the “Recipient”) and the Recipient’s institution (the “Institution”) as identified in the Application to read and acknowledge this award agreement (the “Agreement”) for Recipient’s proposed project submitted to the Administrator (the “Project”). The Agreement specifies the Recipient’s and Institution’s obligations for the duration of this award as identified above. 

Award Amount and Funding Period: Awards are made according to the stated schedule. Recipients may postpone the start date for up to three (3) months without an approval, but the revised date must be noted either on the signature page of this Agreement or by an email notification to the Administrator. Longer delays must be approved by the Administrator. A delayed start date will not reduce the total award period but will adjust the schedule out to include the entire period. 

Awards are made to non-profit academic, medical, non-governmental or research institutions within the United States on behalf of the Recipients. The Institution is responsible for the administrative and financial management of the Project, including any subcontracts, and maintaining adequate supporting records and receipts of expenditures. 


Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

2024 Walmart Local Community Grants

Submit ticket request  // Limit: 25 per calendar year // Tickets Available: 24 

B.Carter (Center for Digital Humanities)


Walmart supports work directly related to our philanthropic priorities and markets where Walmart operates. Priority Areas:

Local Community grants range from a minimum of $250 to a maximum of $5,000.  Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until December 31, 2024.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

2024 Sloan Research Fellowships

Submit ticket request  //  Limit: 3 nominations per department.

  • A. Favela  (Plant-Microbe Interactions)
  • R. Shomer  (School of Plant Sciences)
  • M. Corty (Neuroscience)
  • M.  Wohlgemuth (Neuroscience)


The Sloan Research Fellowships seek to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise.

Successful candidates for a Fellowship generally have a strong record of significant independent research accomplishments that demonstrate creativity and the potential to become future leaders in the scientific community. Nominated candidates are normally several years past the completion of their Ph.D. in order to accumulate a competitive record of independent, significant research. The Fellowship amount is $75,000 for a two-year term.


  • Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in chemistry, computer science, Earth system science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, physics, or a related field.
  • Candidates must be tenure-track, though untenured, as of September 15 of the nomination year.
  • Candidate’s faculty position must carry a regular teaching obligation.

*Due to the competitive nature of this funding program, the internal competition is run based on the anticipated September 15, 2024 nomination deadline.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

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