RII Research Development Grant Program

RII is pleased to provide the Research Development Grant program to support proposal development and to enhance competitive success for external funding.

Through the Research Development Grant program, RII supports all levels of staged research development by providing a pathway to success for interdisciplinary research:

  • from one-time support to jump start worthwhile projects for early career individuals,
  • to the generation and nurturing of new ideas,
  • to creating new interdisciplinary teams by broadening partnerships, expanding current efforts into larger transdisciplinary projects and teams, and
  • augmenting scientific capacity with the acquisition of equipment to accelerate project competitiveness prior to proposal submission.

RII seeks grant submissions with clearly envisioned ideas involving interdisciplinary team building. There is a clear expectation that funding provided will be strategically leveraged to result in proposal submission that realizes additional external funding awards for the proposed idea.

As such, these awards are focused on the feasibility of the concept, assembly of compelling, qualified interdisciplinary investigator teams, identification of appropriate extramural funding targets, the quality of the proposal development plan and concrete activities and milestones that have high likelihood to result in future external funding success.  

Big Idea ChallengeAccelerate for Success Grants
Faculty Seed GrantsCommunity Engaged Partnerships Grants
George H. Davis FellowshipPostdoctoral Research Development Grants
Equipment Enhancement FundProduction Grants
RII Core Facilities Pilot ProgramPublication Grants
International Research GrantsWorkshop Support
UArizona National Labs Partnerships GrantsBridge Funding Program


Solicitations for Open RII Research Development Grants

Solicitations for recurring projects are available in the vertical navigation. Solicitations for special initiatives are within Arizona Cultivate (this includes specific TRIF opportunities).

Proposal Preparation Guide 

For the 2024-2025 Academic Year, the Proposal Preparation Guide v10 is available for download here and on the individual solicitation pages. As a reminder, the Proposal Preparation Guide is designed to provide an overarching document to support proposal development for the Research Development Grants. Individual solicitations supersede the Proposal Preparation Guide if the guidance differs. 

Proposal Development Assistance

RII provides substantial assistance in extramural proposal planning and development, including Research Development Services (RDS), Corporate Engagement Services, and engagement and consultation with philanthropic foundations and federal agencies. RII strongly recommends that investigator teams work collaboratively with the pertinent RII services staff to enhance the competitiveness and success of extramural proposals.

More about Proposal Planning and Development


Wondering what has been funded?
View a list of the most recent recipients by program

The Research Innovation & Impact's Research Development Grant's Proposal Preparation Guide v10 for the 2024-2025 Academic Year.


Contact RDS 

(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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