Publication Grants


Award Cycle: Quarterly 

Limit on Proposals per PI: An individual may participate as PI on one Grant once per year 

Next Due Date: April 2, 2025

Award Period: One year from start date 

Applications: Accepted through Arizona Cultivate


Description: The Publication Grants are designed to augment the research resulting from a prior RII Research Development Grant by providing support to offset publication costs that were not allowable during the initial period of performance due to timing between research activity and publication. Applicants must be a previous recipient of any hosted grants through the TRIF initiatives or RII’s Research Development Grants (funded via TRIF or Development funds). The proposed publication must be related to a previous RII Research Development or TRIF-funded internal grant, and the submission must be within three years of the original award cycle. Other campus internal grants (non-Research Development Grant or TRIF-funded grants, e.g., the Provost's Investment Fund and specific strategic initiative seed grants) are not eligible for funding consideration. If you are unsure if your previous award qualifies, please consult


The maximum amount is $3,000 per award and may be used for any costs associated with publication, data storage, and other well-justified costs. A copy of the publication-related contract, along with contracts of any of the budget requests. Funds will not pass to the PI but instead paid directly to the vendor through an RII account, which will be provided to the PI's business office to initiate the payment. Once the expenses hit the RII account, it will be reviewed by the RII business team for approval. No more than two publications will be funded for any single internal grant.


Please note that this solicitation is intended solely for publication-related costs, and may not be used for research, travel, supplemental compensation, or other costs that fall outside of the publication scope. 



Single investigators and teams are invited to apply for this grant up to three years from date of award. However, the Principal Investigator of record must meet the PI eligibility requirements. Team proposals should list all Co-Authors.  


Proposal preparation, submission, and processing information is available in the RII Proposal Preparation Guide (PPG) v10, which is downloadable in the Arizona Cultivate competition. The PPG includes requirements for the project narrative and supplemental documents; it is strongly encouraged that interested applicants read the PPG in full as proposals that do not match the PPG will be returned without review. 


Solicitation specific information below supersedes information presented in the PPG.  


Solicitation Specific Information: 

  1. Narrative: the one-page narrative should demonstrate how the proposed publication relates to TRIF or RII funded research  
  2. Supplemental Documents: 
  3. Table of co-authors, indicating name, professional title, college, department, ORCID iD, NetID (for UA-affiliated), and institution and institutional email address (for non-UA affiliated 
  4. Budget template and justification outlining itemized budget request 
  5. Copy of the publication-related contract from the publisher/contractor/institution 
  6. Letter of Support from Department Head or Director indicating relevancy of publication to your research and field 

Please note there is a new budget approval process that utilizes an applicant driven routing step after submission. Applicants will input the email address of their business officer or award/research administrator when prompted at the end of the application prior to submission. The email address should be for the person who has authority to create, review, and approve the budget. The system will send a link for approval via the email listed to the business officer or award/research administrator where they may confirm they reviewed and approved the submitted budget. This approval step is required before an application is accepted for compliance checks and formal review. The deadline for business officer or award/research administrator is April 3, 2025 at 5:00pm, so it is recommended to communicate with this individual about your budget and this process in advance.


Questions about the Application Requirements or Arizona Cultivate? Please email 


Last updated: July 31, 2023

Contact RDS 

(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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