Community Engaged Partnerships Grants


Award Cycle: Annual 
Limit on Proposals per PI: An individual may participate as PI on one Community Engaged Partnership Grant once per year 
Next Due Date: ***Program will not be launched this year***
Award Period: One year from start date 
Applications:  Accepted through Arizona Cultivate 

Description: The RII Community Engaged Partnerships Grant is designed to foster research relationships between U of A researchers and their community partners. The goal of this grant is to build, maintain, and increase community engaged partnerships and the improved access to opportunities for all, which results from the research relationships. Additionally, this grant is intended to support communication and dissemination of outcomes and impacts within the partnering communities and beyond.  

The University of Arizona has a special interest in community engaged partnerships. Applicants are encouraged to tailor their submissions accordingly.  

RII encourages teams to partner with colleagues in the social sciences, humanities, arts, and education in order to accomplish their objectives. 

There are two tracks available for application: 

  • Track 1: Building New Partnerships: Proposals should describe how this funding will support the identification, initial outreach, planning, and creation of new partnerships. 
  • Track 2: Developing Existing Partnerships: Proposals should describe how this funding will augment existing partnerships via community focus groups, identifying research questions, identifying and applying to new external funding opportunities, disseminating outcomes, and similar activities.  


The maximum award amount is $15,000 and may be used for items outlined in the Budget Preparation section of the Proposal Preparation Guide (PPG). Funds cannot directly pass to the partner, however they can support the partnership in many ways including, honoraria, participant stipends, workshops, catering, and travel. Please note that this solicitation is intended solely for partnership and relationship-related costs. Publications are not covered in the scope of this grant, recipients should consult the Publication Grants solicitation following the closure of their award period of performance.  


Single investigators and teams of up to five (including PI of record) are invited to apply for this grant. The Principal Investigator of record must meet the PI eligibility requirements. Applicants who fall under the categories of Career Track or Professor of Practice with a Teaching Emphasis (non-research focus as primary job duty) should include a letter from the Director or Assistant Dean of Research in their unit or college that confirms approval to conduct research as part of, or in addition to, job duties.  

Proposal preparation, submission, and processing information is available in the RII Proposal Preparation Guide (PPG) v10, which is downloadable in the Arizona Cultivate competition. The PPG includes requirements for the project narrative and supplemental documents; it is strongly encouraged that interested applicants read the PPG in full as proposals that do not match the PPG will be returned without review. 

Solicitation specific information below supersedes information presented in the PPG.  

Solicitation Specific Information: 

  1. Proposal Narrative (two pages single-spaced): the narrative should 
    1. Describe the aims, objectives, and reciprocity of the proposed partnership and/or research project
    2. Articulate how the proposed partnership will support the land-grant or Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) mission of the university, and    
    3. Where appropriate based on track selected, discuss the plan for developing and disseminating the broader/societal impact of the proposed collaboration and resulting research   
  2. Supplemental Documents: 
    1. Budget template and justification outlining itemized budget request 
    2. CV/biosketch of Principal Investigator
    3. CV(s)/biosketch(es) of co-investigators
    4. For Track 1 Applicants: Table of possible collaborators/partnerships to pursue 
    5. For Track 2 Applicants: Letter of Collaboration/Support to document the proposed collaboration, collaborators, and/or matching or in-kind support 
    6. Required for applicants who fall under the categories of Career Track or Professor of Practice with a Teaching Emphasis (non-research focus as primary job duty): A letter from the Director or Research Dean in their unit or college that confirms approval to conduct research as part of, or in addition to, job duties. 

Recommended Campus Contacts and Offices who may provide consultation on building and maintaining partnerships: 

Questions about the Application Requirements or Arizona Cultivate: 


Last updated: Feb 21, 2025

Contact RDS 

(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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