Conflicts of interest (COI)

What is Budgetary Overlap?

NIH describes Budgetary Overlap as: "Budgetary Overlap occurs when duplicate or equivalent budgetary items (e.g., equipment, salary) are requested in an application but are already provided by another source."

What is Scientific Overlap?

NIH describes Scientific Overlap as: "Scientific Overlap occurs when substantially similar research is proposed in more than one application or is submitted to two or more different funding sources for review and funding consideration; or a specific research objective and the experimental design for accomplishing that objective are the same or closely related in two or more applications or awards, regardless of funding source."

eIRB and eDisclosure Unavailable April 21-23

The Research, Innovation & Impact Human Subjects Protection Program (HSPP) will implement upgrades to the electronic Institutional Review Board (eIRB) system to provide the latest features and maintain quality performance.

What are the COI and COC requirements during the pre-award stage?

At the time of proposal submission to a federal funding agency, Investigators must have an up-to-date COI certification.  That means each Investigator has:

How are Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment related?

Conflict of interest (COI) and conflict of commitment (COC) reviews are separate because COI relates to bias in decisions and COC relates to a University employee's time & effort for UArizona, UArizona resources and UArizona Assets.

Sponsors & funders have identified the following concerns: 

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