Training and Development

HRSA-25-066 Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program for Paraprofessionals

Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 0 

J.S. De La Rosa (Comprehensive Ceter for Pain and Addiction) - Continuing Application 

The purpose of the BHWET Program for Paraprofessionals is to develop and expand community-based experiential training such as field placements and internships to increase the skills, knowledge and capacity of students preparing to become mental health workers, peer support specialists, and other behavioral health paraprofessionals.

The program has a special focus on developing knowledge and understanding of the needs of children, adolescents, and transitional-age youth who have experienced trauma and are at risk for behavioral health disorders including anxiety, depression, and substance use disorder. The program also emphasizes developmental opportunities and educational support in interprofessional collaboration by using team-based care in integrated behavioral health and primary care settings to improve the distribution of a well-trained behavioral health workforce. The program also aims to recruit a workforce that is interested in serving high need and high demand areas.

For the purpose of this NOFO, all training will be separated into two levels:
• Level 1: Pre-service: Includes didactic and experiential field training.
• Level 2: In-service (optional): Training at a registered Department of Labor apprenticeship site.

All paraprofessional training that does not fall under the definition of a registered apprenticeship will be defined as Level 1: Pre-service training as further explained in
Program Requirements and Expectations. Registered apprenticeships (Level 2) are not a program requirement. You are not required to implement Level 2 in your proposal to be considered eligible for this program. If you are implementing Level 2 in your proposed training project, you can receive an additional 5 points in Criteria 2: Response/Approach.

Application Limits
You may not submit more than one application per Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). If you submit more than one application under the same UEI, we will only accept the last on-time submission.

More than one application may be submitted from the same organization under separate UEIs.

Communication within your organization is encouraged to prevent duplication and to promote collaboration.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

HRSA-25-078 Primary Care Training and Enhancement—Residency Training in Street Medicine (PCTE-RTSM)

Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 0 

S. Veres (COM-P - Family/Community and Preventitive Medicine) 

You may not submit more than one application. If you submit more than one application, we will only accept the last on-time submission.

The purpose of the Primary Care Training and Enhancement—Residency Training in Street Medicine (PCTE-RTSM) Program is to enhance training in street medicine for residents enrolled in accredited primary care residency programs. Awardees may use funds to support enrolled Graduate Medical Education (GME) residents.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

PAR-24-128: Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) (T32)

Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 0

T. Vanderah (Pharmacology) - Competitive Resubmission 

The overall goal of the NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) program is to help ensure that a diverse pool of highly trained scientists is available in appropriate scientific disciplines to address the nation's biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research needs. More information about NRSA programs may be found at the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award website. The NRSA program has been the primary means of supporting predoctoral and postdoctoral research training programs since enactment of the NRSA legislation in 1974.

Each NIGMS-funded MSTP award is expected to provide a rigorous, well-designed research training program that includes mentored research experiences, courses, seminars, and additional training opportunities that equip clinician scientists with the following skills required for careers in the biomedical research workforce:

  • Technical (for example, appropriate methods, technologies, and quantitative/computational approaches).
  • Operational (for example, independent knowledge acquisition, rigorous experimental design, interpretation of data, and conducting research in the safest manner possible).
  • Professional (for example, management, leadership, communication, and teamwork).

NIGMS will accept only one MSTP application per institution. 

Each application must be submitted by an eligible organization with a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) and a unique NIH eRA Institutional Profile File (IPF) number. For organizations with multiple campuses, eligibility can be considered for an individual campus (for example, main, satellite, etc.) as the applicant organization only if a UEI and a unique NIH eRA IPF number are established for the individual campus. For organizations that use one UEI or NIH IPF number for multiple campuses, eligibility as the applicant organization is determined for the campuses together.

HRSA-25-068 Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program for Professionals

Limit: 1 // Available: 0

S. Edmund (Nursing)

You may not submit more than one application. If you submit more than one application, we will only accept the last on-time submission. Collaboration within the institution is encouraged to ensure only one application is submitted.

This program aims to increase the supply of behavioral health professionals and improve the distribution of a well-trained behavioral health workforce. The program has a specific focus on increasing access to behavioral health services for children, adolescents, and young adults.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

NSF 23-574: 2024 CyberCorps(R) Scholarship for Service (SFS): Defending America's Cyberspace

UA is not eligible due to an active award // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 0


Limit on Number of Proposals per Organization: 1

yberspace has transformed the daily lives of people. Society's overwhelming reliance on cyberspace, however, has exposed the system's fragility and vulnerabilities: corporations, agencies, national infrastructure, and individuals continue to suffer cyber-attacks. Achieving a truly secure cyberspace requires addressing both challenging scientific and engineering problems involving many components of a system, and vulnerabilities that stem from human behaviors and choices. Examining the fundamentals of security and privacy as a multidisciplinary subject can lead to fundamentally new ways to design, build, and operate cyber systems, protect existing infrastructure, and motivate individuals to learn about cybersecurity. The Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2014, as amended by the National Defense Authorization Acts for 2018 and 2021, and the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, authorizes the National Science Foundation (NSF), in coordination with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), to offer a scholarship program to recruit and train the next generation of cybersecurity professionals to meet the needs of the cybersecurity mission of federal, state, local, and tribal governments. The goals of the CyberCorps® Scholarship for Service (SFS) program are aligned with the U.S. strategy to develop a superior cybersecurity workforce. The program goals are to: (1) increase the number of qualified and diverse cybersecurity candidates for government cybersecurity positions; (2) improve the national capacity for the education of cybersecurity professionals and research and development workforce; (3) hire, monitor, and retain high-quality CyberCorps® graduates in the cybersecurity mission of the Federal Government; and (4) strengthen partnerships between institutions of higher education and federal, state, local, and tribal governments. While all three agencies work together on all four goals, NSF’s strength is in the first two goals; OPM’s in goal (3); and DHS in goal (4).

The SFS Program welcomes proposals to establish or to continue scholarship programs in cybersecurity. A proposing institution must provide clearly documented evidence of a strong existing academic program in cybersecurity. In addition to information provided in the proposal narrative, such evidence can include ABET accreditation in cybersecurity; a designation by the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security as a Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education (CAE-CDE), in Cyber Operations (CAE-CO) or in Research (CAE-R); or equivalent evidence documenting a strong program in cybersecurity.

Service Obligation: All scholarship recipients must work after graduation in the cybersecurity mission of a federal, state, local, or tribal government organization, or certain other qualifying entities, for a period equal to at least the length of the scholarship.

The SFS Program also supports efforts leading to an increase in the ability of the United States higher education enterprise to produce cybersecurity professionals. Funding opportunities in this area are provided via the Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace - Education Designation (SaTC-EDU) and other programs (see the section "Increasing National Capacity in Cybersecurity Education" for more details.)

NIH PAR-23-114: 2025 Enhancing Science, Technology, EnginEering, and Math Educational Diversity (ESTEEMED) Research Education Experiences (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed

No Applicants  // Limit: 1  // Tickets Available: 1


The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The overarching goal of this R25 program is to support educational activities that encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups underrepresented in the biomedical and behavioral sciences, to pursue further studies or careers in research.
To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this FOA will support educational activities with a primary focus on:

  • Courses for Skills Development
  • Research Experiences

The ESTEEMED program is designed to foster the development of undergraduate freshmen and sophomores from diverse backgrounds to pursue further studies and careers in bioengineering or STEM fields relevant to NIBIB’s scientific mission. Applications are encouraged to propose integrated educational activities that include 3 elements: a summer bridge program for incoming freshmen, and in the freshman and sophomore years, academic year activities and summer research experiences. The ESTEEMED program is intended to expose students to bioengineering research early in their college careers while also providing students didactic, mentoring and career development opportunities. This will prepare students to join, in their junior and senior years, an honors program that promotes STEM and entrance into a Ph.D. program. The ultimate goal is for the participants to pursue a doctoral degree and a subsequent research career in bioengineering or NIBIB-relevant field.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

DHHS HHS-2024-IHS-INMED-0001: 2024 American Indians into Medicine (InMed)

Limit: 1 //  T. Solomon (Family and Community Medicine)


PO has confirmed this is a limited submission, only the last application received from UArizona will be reviewed. 

The purpose of this program is to add to the number of Indian health professionals serving Indians by encouraging Indians to enter the health professions and removing barriers to serving Indians.


Allowable activities

• Provide outreach and recruitment of people to serve Indian communities in the health professions. Include recruitment and outreach at elementary and secondary schools as well as community colleges located on Indian reservations that your program will serve

• Incorporate a program advisory board of representatives from the Tribes and communities you will serve

• Provide summer preparatory programs for Indian students who need enrichment in the subjects of math and science needed to pursue training in the health professions

• Provide tutoring, counseling, and support to students who are enrolled in a health career program of study at your college or university

• Employ qualified Indians in the program, to the maximum extent feasible. Describe the college or university’s ability to meet this requirement

• Address the opioid crisis, which is an HHS priority, by educating and training students in opioid addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

NIH PAR-23-221: 2024 NIH Advancing Research Careers (ARC) Institutionally-Focused Research Education Award to Promote Diversity (UE5 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

No applicants   // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


NIH Research Education Program supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The overarching goal of this ARC UE5 program is to support educational activities that encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds, for example those from groups underrepresented in the biomedical and behavioral sciences (see Notice of NIH's Interest in Diversity ), to pursue further studies or careers in research. The overarching goal of this UE5 program is to support educational activities that encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds, for example those from groups underrepresented in the biomedical and behavioral sciences (see Notice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity), to pursue further studies or careers in research.

To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this NOFO will support educational activities with a primary focus on:

  • Courses for Skills Development
  • Mentoring Activities

Applications are encouraged from organizations that have:

  • Experience enhancing scientific communication and networking among early-career biomedical researchers;
  • An established record of providing professional development and networking activities for future biomedical researchers; and
  • A demonstrated commitment to enhancing the diversity of the biomedical research workforce.

The program provides support for well-designed courses for skills development and mentoring activities to prepare cohorts of ARC predoctoral F99 fellows and K00 postdoctoral scholars to transition into and succeed in mentored postdoctoral research, positioning them to advance in impactful careers in the biomedical research workforce that typically require postdoctoral training (e.g., academic research and teaching at a range of institution types, industry or government research).
Recipient organizations must provide career development and mentoring activities aligned with and appropriate for the disciplinary backgrounds and career goals of scholars supported through the ARC F99/K00 program.

Components of Participating Organizations:
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
Sexual and Gender Minority Research Office (SGMRO)

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

ED ED-GRANTS-072623-00: 2023 Postsecondary Student Success Grant Program (PSSG)

Institutionally Coordinated // Limit: 1 // PI:  M. franco (Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Initiatives)



The submission for this funding program is coordinated by the Office of Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Initiatives.
Please contact Riley McIsaac, Associate Director of Grants Development, for more information.


The purpose of this program is to equitably improve postsecondary student outcomes, including retention, transfer (including successful transfer of completed credits), credit accumulation, and completion, by leveraging data and implementing, scaling, and rigorously evaluating evidence-based activities to support data-driven decisions and actions by institutional leaders committed to inclusive student success.

This grant program seeks to fund evidence-based (as defined in this notice) strategies that result in improved student outcomes for underserved students (as defined in this notice). The program has two absolute priorities that correspond to varying evidence standards. This multi-tiered competition invites applicants that are in the “early phase” or “mid-phase/expansion” of their evidence-based work to support students through degree completion. This grant also supports the evaluation, dissemination, scaling, and sustainability efforts of the activities funded under this grant.

In this competition, eligibility is limited to institutions that are designated as eligible under the HEA titles III and V programs, nonprofits that are not IHEs or associated with an IHE in partnership with institutions that are designated as eligible under the HEA titles III and V programs, States in partnerships with institutions that are designated as eligible under the HEA titles III and V programs, and public systems of institutions. Institutions designated as eligible under titles III and V include Historically Black Colleges or Universities (HBCUs), Tribally Controlled Colleges or Universities (TCCUs), Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) and other institutions with high enrollment of needy students and below average full-time equivalent (FTE) expenditures—including community colleges. The Department believes that targeting funding to these IHEs is the best use of the available funding because these institutions disproportionately enroll students from groups who are underrepresented among college completers, such as low-income students. Supporting retention and completion strategies at these institutions offers the greatest potential to close gaps in postsecondary outcomes. Additionally, these under resourced institutions are most in need of Federal assistance to implement and evaluate evidence-based postsecondary college retention and completion interventions.


Early-phase grants provide funding to IHEs to develop, implement, and test the feasibility of a program that prior research suggests is likely to improve relevant outcomes, for the purpose of determining whether an initiative improves student retention and completion of postsecondary students. Early-phase grants must “demonstrate a rationale” (as defined in this notice) and include a logic model (as defined in this notice), theory of action, or another conceptual framework that includes the goals, objectives, outcomes, and key project components (as defined in this notice) of the project, and that demonstrates the relationship between such proposed activities and the relevant outcomes the project is designed to achieve. The evaluation design will be assessed on the extent to which it would meet What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Evidence Standards with or without reservations. The evaluation of an Early-phase project should be an experimental or quasi-experimental design study (both as defined in this notice) that can determine whether the program can successfully improve postsecondary student success outcomes for underserved students.

Early-phase grantees during their grant period are encouraged to make continuous and iterative improvements in project design and implementation before conducting a full-scale evaluation of effectiveness. Grantees should consider how easily others could implement the proposed practice, and how its implementation could potentially be improved. Additionally, grantees should consider using data from early indicators to gauge initial impact and to consider possible changes in implementation that could increase student outcomes.


Mid-phase/Expansion grants are supported by moderate evidence (as defined in this notice) or strong evidence (as defined in this notice), respectively. These grants provide funding to IHEs to improve and/or expand initiatives and practices that have been proven to be effective in increasing postsecondary student retention and completion. Mid-phase/Expansion projects should provide vital insight about an intervention's effectiveness, such as for whom and in which contexts a practice/intervention is most effective. Mid-phase grantees should also measure the cost-effectiveness of their practices using administrative or other readily available data.

Mid-phase/Expansion grant projects are distinctly situated to provide insight on scaling an initiative to a larger population of students or across multiple campuses.

These grants must be implemented at a multi-site sample (as defined in this notice) with more than one campus or in one campus that includes at least 2,000 students. Project evaluations must evaluate the effectiveness of the project at each site.

Mid-phase/Expansion grants must meet the “moderate evidence” threshold or “strong evidence” standard and include a logic model that demonstrates the relationship between the key project components and the relevant outcomes the project is designed to achieve. Mid-phase/Expansion grants are also required to submit an evaluation design that will be assessed on the extent to which it would meet WWC Evidence Standards without reservations.

Note that all research that meets the strong evidence standard also meets the moderate evidence standard. As such, the effective evidence standard for Absolute Priority 2 is moderate evidence. However, we encourage applicants to propose projects based on strong evidence and to expand services even beyond the scale requirements under Absolute Priority 2. We have combined the two types of grants into a single tier given funding limitations and the fact that this is the first year of implementing a tiered evidence structure in this program.

All Grant Tiers

PSSG applicants should consider how these evidence-based practices are implemented and the impact these practices have on their student population given their context. PSSG applicants seek to explore the effectiveness of practices/strategies that can improve student persistence and retention, leading to degree completion.

The evaluation of a PSSG project should be designed to determine whether the program can successfully improve postsecondary student persistence, retention, and completion. As previously stated, the evaluation design for early phase applications will be assessed on the extent to which it could meet WWC Evidence Standards with or without reservations while the evaluation design for mid phase/expansion applications will be assessed on the extent to which it could meet WWC Evidence Standards without reservations.

The Department intends to provide grantees and their independent evaluators with technical assistance in their evaluation, dissemination, scaling, and sustainability efforts. This could include grantees and their evaluators providing to the Department or its contractor updated comprehensive evaluation plans in a format as requested by the technical assistance provider and using such tools as the Department may request. Grantees will be encouraged to update this evaluation plan at least annually to reflect any changes to the evaluation. Updates must be consistent with the scope and objectives of the approved application.

PSSG applicants should consider their organizational capacity and the funding needed to sustain their projects and continue implementation and adaptation after Federal funding ends.

Priorities: This notice contains two absolute priorities and one competitive preference priority. We are establishing the absolute priorities and competitive preference priority for the FY 2023 grant competition and any subsequent year in which we make awards from the list of unfunded applications from this competition, in accordance with section 437(d)(1) of the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA), 20 U.S.C. 1232(d)(1). Applicants have the option of addressing the competitive preference priority and may opt to do so regardless of the absolute priority they select.

Absolute Priorities: For FY 2023 and any subsequent year in which we make awards from the list of unfunded applications from this competition, these priorities are absolute priorities. Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(3), we consider only applications that meet one of these priorities.

These Priorities are:

Absolute Priority 1 (AP1)—Applications that Demonstrate a Rationale. “Early-phase”.

Under this priority, an applicant proposes a project that demonstrates a rationale to improve postsecondary success for underserved students, including retention and completion.

Absolute Priority 2 (AP2)—Applicants that Demonstrate Moderate Evidence, “Mid-phase” or Strong Evidence, “Expansion”.

Under this priority, an applicant proposes a project supported by evidence that meets the conditions in the definition of “Moderate Evidence” or “Strong Evidence,” to improve postsecondary success for underserved students, including retention and completion. Projects under this priority must be implemented at a multi-site sample or include at least 2,000 students.

(a) Applicants addressing this priority must:

(1) identify up to two studies to be reviewed against the WWC Handbooks (as defined in this notice) for the purposes of meeting the definition of moderate evidence or strong evidence;

(2) clearly identify the citations and relevant findings for each study in the Evidence form; and


(3) ensure that all cited studies are available to the Department from publicly available sources and provide links or other guidance indicating where each is available.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

OSHA SHTG-FY-23-01: 2023 Susan Harwood Training Grant Program: Targeted Topic Training Grants

No applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


The Susan Harwood Training Grant Program aims to advance the job quality of the American workforce by providing disadvantaged, underserved, low-income, or other hard-to-reach, at-risk workers hazard awareness, avoidance, and control training to protect them from on-the-job hazards, and to inform workers of their rights and employers of their responsibilities under the OSH Act.

The program and this funding opportunity announcement prioritizes investment and funding to train workers and employers impacted by working in high-hazard industries, industries with high fatality rates, or whose workforce has historically had disadvantaged access to occupational safety and health training, including young workers, temporary, minority, low literacy, limited-English speaking, and other disadvantaged and hard-to-reach workers and worker communities. The Susan Harwood Training Grant Program seeks to increase access to life-saving training by encouraging grantees to provide the training in other languages.

Applications submitted under this FOA are competing for a Targeted Topic Training grant. Targeted Topic Training grant applicants must propose to develop and conduct instructor-led training addressing one of the OSHA-specified training topics for an audience identified in this funding opportunity.