
NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Program (S-STEM)

12/18/2018 UPDATE: NSF has reversed itself and reopened the S-STEM solicitation based on the 17-527 FOA. Engineering: V. SubbianSocial and Behavioral Sciences: C. LukinbealScience: G. BeslaEducation: R. Deil-AmenCALS: G. Lopez

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Consortium (UROC)

UA Entity
Research Category
Funding Type

The Graduate College UROC administers a number of undergraduate research programs, including NSF-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs). In addition, the program supports opportunities for research training and graduate school preparation through faculty mentorships, professional development and graduate admissions workshops, GRE workshops, social opportunities, and presentation opportunities.
Applicant Type

Professional Opportunities Development (POD) Funding

UA Entity
Research Category

The GPSC supports professional development initiatives of graduate and professional students through Professional Opportunity Development Funding. Such initiatives and events include, but are not necessarily limited to academic seminars, conferences, meetings with industry representatives, etc.

Applications must be submitted by at least three graduate/professional students.
Applicant Type

George H. Davis Travel Fellowship

UA Entity
Research Category
Funding Type

The Fellowship supports promising tenure-track faculty members (in any field) in becoming more widely recognized for their work and more closely connected with colleagues, nationally and internationally. In particular, the fellowship defrays up to $5,000 in costs associated with invited participation in a national or international professional meeting, where the awardee will present research findings, scholarship, and/or creative activities. Davis Fellowship proposals are due in October, 2018. Check back for an exact due date.
Applicant Type

The Distinguished Scholar

UA Entity
Research Category
Funding Type

The Distinguished Scholar awards are granted to three outstanding recently tenured and mid-career faculty who are making transformative contributions to their disciplines and to our University’s teaching, research, and outreach priorities. The Call for Nominations is issued annually in mid-September.
Applicant Type

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