
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Consortium (UROC)

UA Entity
Research Category
Funding Type

The Graduate College UROC administers a number of undergraduate research programs, including NSF-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs). In addition, the program supports opportunities for research training and graduate school preparation through faculty mentorships, professional development and graduate admissions workshops, GRE workshops, social opportunities, and presentation opportunities.
Applicant Type

Undergraduate Biology Research Program (UBRP)

UA Entity
Funding Type
2/1, annually

The Undergraduate Biology Research Program (UBRP) enhances undergraduate education by partnering with the research resources of the University of Arizona to provide opportunities for students to participate in mentored, self-directed work, which contributes to the fund of new knowledge.
Applicant Type

College of Science Graduate Scholarships

UA Entity
Funding Type

The College of Science lists graduate scholarships in general science, astronomy, biochemistry and molecular biophysics, biochemistry, chemistry, ecology and evolutionary biology, geosciences, laboratory of tree-ring research, physics, and speech, language and hearing sciences.
Applicant Type