Forms and Templates

  • Office for Responsible Outside Interests (OROI):
    • Conflict of Interest (COI) or Conflict of Commitment Forms:
      • UA Disclosure (Link)
      • Non-UA COI Information (Link)
  • Export Control (Link)
  • HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (Link)
  • Human Subjects Protection Program (Link)
  • Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (Link)
  • Research Laboratory & Safety Services (Link)
  • Research Laboratory & Safety Services - Field Research Safety Plan Template 

  • Accelerated Clinical Trial Agreement (pdf)
  • Arizona Choice 1 (Word)
  • Arizona Choice 2 (Word)
  • Contract Submission Cover Sheet (Word)
  • Material Transfer Agreement Review (pdf)
  • Sales and Service Transmittal Sheet (pdf)
  • Standard Two-way Confidentiality Agreement (Word)
  • Standard Sponsored Research Agreement (Word)
  • UBIT Questionnaire for Sales/Service Contract/Agreement (pdf)
  • Uniform Biological Materials Transfer Agreement Implementing Letter (Word)

  • Guide for Reviewing Cost Share Source Accounts-Analytics (pdf)
  • Guide for Reviewing Cost Share Source Accounts-Financials (pdf)
  • F&A Proration Worksheet (Excel)
  • Budget and Cost Share Worksheet (Excel)
  • Third Party Cost Sharing Certification (Word)
  • Worksheet for Analyzing Total Compensated Effort (pdf)
  • HHS Salary Cap Cost Share Worksheets: (Excel)
  • NSF Example - PI Salary Support (pdf)
  • NSF Example - PI Role in Other Resources (pdf)
  • NSF Example - Research Appointment Requesting Salary (pdf)
  • NSF Example - Doctoral Dissertation/Fellowship Proposal (pdf)

  • Advance Account (PreAward)/Backstopping (pdf)
  • RPPR Estimated Unobligated Balance Worksheet (Excel)
  • Budget Authority (pdf)
  • Correction of Error Certification (Word)
  • Overview of Supplemental Compensation (pdf)
  • Request for Approval to Rebudget Admin/Clerical Salaries (pdf)
  • Request for Approval to Rebudget Admin Operating Costs (pdf)

  • UA Major Proposal Changes Guide (pdf)
  • UA Proposals Timeline (pdf)
  • NIH Modular Budget Examples (pdf)
  • Verification of Human Subjects Training (pdf) (Word)
  • Non-Federal Payment Policy Waiver Request (pdf)

  • (Link)
  • Office of Management and Budget (Link)
  • Arizona Biomedical Research Commission (Link)
  • Environmental Protection Agency (Link)
  • National Endowment for the Humanities(Link)
  • National Institute of Food and Agriculture(Link)
  • National Institutes of Health(Link)

  • FDP Subrecipient Commitment Form (pdf)
  • NASA Assurance of Compliance (pdf)
  • Statement of Intent to Establish a Consortium - General (Word)
  • Statement of Intent to Establish a Consortium - NIH (Word)
  • Subaward 90 Day Closeout Deadline (pdf)
  • Subaward Disclosure Template (Word)
  • Subaward Intake Smartsheet (SIS) - for new outgoing subaward requests and modifications
  • Subaward Modification Programmatic Details Form (pdf)
  • Subaward Payment Authorization (pdf)
  • Subaward Payment Authorization Adobe Sign
  • Subaward Subcontractor Property Survey (pdf)
  • Subrecipient Commitment Form (pdf)
  • Subrecipient Monitoring Guide (pdf)
  • Subrecipient Qualification Form (pdf)

UAccess Research is the University of Arizona's electronic proposal submission and management system. It facilitates the preparation and processing of Pre- and PostAward tasks electronically, reducing the need for paper transactions. All proposals are submitted using UAccess Research and routed for review/approval by the Principal Investigators/Co-Principal Investigators, Departments, Colleges, and the Sponsored Projects & Contracting Services Office. A UA NetID and password is required to login to the system. 

  • Instructions for Approving Proposals in UAR (pdf)
  • New Sponsor Request (eForm)
  • NSF Science Codes (pdf)
  • UAccess Research Proposal Data Guide (pdf)
  • UAccess Research Proposal Provisioning Guide (pdf)
  • UAccess Research Proposal Routing Flowchart (pdf)
  • UAccess Research Route Log Guide (pdf)
  • UAccess Research User Guide, Version 5.2.1 (pdf)