Sponsored Project Services
United States Postal Services (USPS) Mail Payment Address Only payments are accepted at this address: | Legal Physical Address for Award Documents and Notices Only award notices are accepted at this address: |
UArizona - Sponsored Projects Services Checks Made Payable to: The University of Arizona | Sponsored Projects Services
Contact sponsor@email.arizona.edu for intercampus or express mail (FedEx, UPS) information Telephone: 520-626-6000 |
Applicant/Applicant Organization
Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona
Organization Type
A land-grant PUBLIC/STATE CONTROLLED INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION; Law passed 1862; established in 1885
Tax Exempt Status
Federal: The University of Arizona is tax-exempt as an integral part of the State of Arizona; Tax Status Letter to Donors and Sponsors
Arizona State Sales and Use Tax: The University of Arizona is not a tax exempt entity for this purpose. Determination of exemption is made on a purchase-by-purchase basis; State Tax License #: 20221243
Financial Services Office Arizona Sales and Use Tax - Frequently Asked Questions
DUNS Number
Employer Identification Number (EIN)
Entity Identification Number (ALL NIH/PHS proposals)
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)
EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) Indicator
Authorizing Official for the University of Arizona
Sangita Judge, PhD, MBA
Vice President, Operations
Research, Innovation and Impact
University of Arizona
PO Box 210158B, Rm 538
Tucson, AZ 85721-0158
Telephone: 520-626-6000
E-mail: sponsor@email.arizona.edu
Administrative Official/Financial Official
Marcel Villalobos, Director Postaward Services
Sponsored Projects Services
University of Arizona
PO Box 210158B, Rm 538
Tucson, AZ 85721-0158
Telephone: 520-626-6000
E-mail: sponsor@email.arizona.edu
State Legislative District
House of Representatives Congressional District
Congressional/Legislative District Locator
DHHS Rate Agreement Date
FY 24: April 20, 2023
FY 25: May 21, 2024
ASAP (Automated Standard Application for Payments) Recipient ID: 0448408
CAGE (Commercial and Government Entity): 0LJH3
Contractor Establishment: 04-201-7848
European Commission PIC (Participant Identification Code): 987798046
FICE (Federal Interagency Committee on Education): 00-1083
NAICS (North American Industry Classification): 611310
Formerly SIC (Standard Industrial Classification): 8221, NAICS replaced the SIC system in 1997.
NSF (National Science Foundation) Organization: 00-1083-5000
OPE (Office of Postsecondary Education) Number (U.S. Department of Education): 00108300
Assurance Numbers:
SAM.gov (System for Award Management)/CCR (Central Contractor Registration): Expires February 3, 2026.
SAM.gov Registration Verification:
PHS Animal Welfare Assurance: D16-00159 (A-3248-01); Expires 08/31/2027
Human Subjects FWA (Federalwide Assurance): 00004218; Expires 11/19/2023
See IRB Assurance and Registration Information for additional detail.
Research Misconduct Policy Assurance: DHHS ORI (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office of Research Integrity) Certification Expires 04/30/2022
Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Cost Rates (Indirect Cost)
For periods after 6/30/2020, use same rates and conditions as those cited for fiscal year ending June 30, 2020, until the rate agreement is amended.
Project Type | Effective Dates | Rates |
On-Campus Organized Research | 07/01/2016 – 06/30/2020 | 53.5% |
Off-Campus Organized Research | 07/01/2016 – 06/30/2020 | 26.0% |
On-Campus Instruction | 07/01/2016 – 06/30/2020 | 50.0% |
Off-Campus Instruction | 07/01/2016 – 06/30/2020 | 26.0% |
On-Campus Other Sponsored Activities | 07/01/2016 – 06/30/2020 | 47.0% |
Off-Campus Other Sponsored Activities | 07/01/2016 – 06/30/2020 | 26.0% |
For periods after 6/30/2024, use same rates and conditions as those cited for fiscal year ending June 30, 2027, until the rate agreement is amended.
Project Type | Effective Period | Rate (MTDC) |
On-Campus Organized Research | 07/01/2024 - 06/30/2025 | 54.5% |
07/01/2025 - 06/30/2026 | 55.0% | |
07/01/2026 - 06/30/2027 | 55.5% | |
Off-Campus Organized Research | 07/01/2024 - 06/30/2027 | 26.0% |
On-Campus Instruction | 07/01/2024 - 06/30/2027 | 40.0% |
Off-Campus Instruction | 07/01/2024 - 06/30/2027 | 26.0% |
On-Campus Other Sponsored Activities | 07/01/2024 - 06/30/2027 | 38.0% |
Off- Campus Other Sponsored Activities | 07/01/2024 - 06/30/2027 | 26.0% |
MTDC Base: F&A rates above are applied to a Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC) base as defined in the current Rate Agreement.
Definition of Off-Campus: The off-campus rate is applicable to those projects that are conducted in facilities not owned, leased or operated by the University. If the project is conducted in leased space and lease costs are directly charged to the project, then the off-campus rate must be used. A project is considered off-campus if more than 50% of its salaries and wages are incurred at an off-campus facility. If a project is determined to be off-campus, it shall be considered wholly off-campus. Separate on and off-campus rates will not be used for a single project.
Clinical Trial Rate: The University will accept a 30% Total Direct Cost (TDC) F&A rate for clinical trials that meet the eligibility requirements and use the standard University agreement. The University must ensure that federal sponsors do not in any way subsidize the indirect costs of other sponsors. The clinical trial F&A cost rate of 30% Total Direct Costs is a fair rate and adequately reimburses the University for the F&A costs associated with conducting clinical trials. Studies not meeting all the eligibility criteria or those studies not using the standard agreement or similar terms will be budgeted at the full on-campus research F&A cost rate. All federally funded clinical trials will be budgeted at the full federal negotiated F&A rate.
Fringe Benefit Rates:
ERE (Employee Related Expenses) 07/01/24 - 06/30/27
UA Employees Full-Benefit: 32%
Ancillary Employees: 17.1%
Student Employees: 2.0%
Graduate Assistants: 13.0%
See the Financial Services Office, Employee Related Expense (ERE) Rates page for more detailed information.
See the Archived Rate Agreements for more detailed information. The rate agreement date changes every year before the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1) when the fringe benefit rates are negotiated.
Graduate Assistant Tuition Remission: As of 06/16/2015 Tuition Remission is included as a mandatory benefit budgeted separate and distinct from ERE/fringe benefits, usually in the Other category of operations. It is still excluded from indirect cost calculations.
FDP Expanded Clearinghouse
The University of Arizona is a participant in the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) Expanded Clearinghouse.
FDP participants should not ask UA to complete subrecipient commitment forms beyond providing project project specific information.
The University of Arizona will not ask other FDP participants to complete a subrecipient commitment form that requests information available in the FDP Expanded Clearinghouse web-based system.
Contract Administration Office (Form 1411 NASA and DOD)
Office of Naval Research
San Diego Regional Office
140 Sylvester Rd, Bldg. 140, Rm 218
San Diego, CA 92106-3521
Telephone: (619) 221-5490
Cognizant Audit Agency
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Office of Inspector General
Office of Audit Services
90 7th Street, Suite 3-650
San Francisco, CA 94103
Jeanette Lu
Telephone: (415) 437-7820
Adequacy Determinations
Contact Sponsored Projects Services for letters as needed
ONR Property Control System Approval: 03/21/2023
ONR Purchasing and Billing Systems Approval: Not Applicable per ONR - UArizona is under the Contractor Purchasing System Review (CPSR) threshold.
DS-2 Cost Accounting Standards Board (CASB) Form DS-2 Disclosure Statement accounting system approval from DHHS: Effective Date: 7/1/25, Approval Date: 05/05/2017
Audit Reports
Fiscal Year 2023 Single Audit Report - University of Arizona has no research findings, and as a state agency is incorporated within the State of Arizona Audit Report.
Previous Single Audit Reports
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports - University of Arizona
University of Arizona Facts
UA Interactive Fact Book
State Clearing House: (Form SF424) Is Application Subject to Review by State Under Executive Order 12372 Process? Program is not covered by E. O. 12372
Hispanic Serving Institution**
The University of Arizona and The University of Arizona South are both Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) under the U.S. Department of Education's Definition of Hispanic Serving Institutions.
Applications under Title V must contain the following information:
Applicant Name | OPE (Office of Postsecondary Education) ID |
University of Arizona (The) | 00108300 |
The University of Arizona, University of Arizona South | 00108302 |
Minority Institution**
- UArizona is a U.S. Department of Education Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) under the Department of Education's Definition of Hispanic Serving Institutions.
- UArizona is listed as an American Indian and Alaska Native-Serving Institution per White House Executive Order 13592 "Improving American Indian and Alaska Native Educational Opportunities and Strengthening Tribal Colleges and Universities", signed December 2, 2011; this category is distinct from the category of institutions that are eligible for the grant programs administered by the Dept. of Education including the Native American-Serving Non-Tribal Institutions (NASNTI) and the Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions (ANNH)
- UArizona is not a Native American-Serving Non-Tribal Institution (NASNTI) or a minority institution as defined by U.S.C., Chapter 20.
**If you require the HSI Designation letter as proof of Hispanic Serving Institution (and/or Minority Serving Institution) status, please reach out to Riley McIsaac in the Office of Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Initiatives at rmcisaac@arizona.edu