Getting Started

What is a sponsored project?

Generally, Sponsored Projects are externally funded activities that have a defined statement of work with identified deliverables and a budget that allows for direct costs and F&A costs. Other sources of funding are Gifts and Sales and Service Agreements.

Am I eligible to submit as an investigator at the University of Arizona?

The role of Principal Investigator is a privilege granted to certain individual employees, dependent upon the individual's relationship with the University of Arizona. To see if you qualify, please read the Principal Investigator/Principal Director/Co-Investigator (PI/PD/Co-I) Eligibility page.

Where can I find appropriate funding opportunities?

There are many research funding sources available to you.  Those external to the University are available on our External Funding- Search Databases and Funding Sources site. There are also a number of opportunities available within the University, as shown on the Internal Funding page. PIVOT is a searchable database in which you can create a personal profile and search for funding information from private foundations, public agencies, national and local governments, corporations, etc., based on your expertise and interests. Another useful tool is UA Experts, a research catalog that allows users access to faculty profiles and expertise within the Arizona state university system.

Do I need any special training?

Many funding agencies have training and education requirements for individuals conducting sponsored research. Most of these requirements need to be fulfilled before a project may begin. Depending on the type of research and your role in the design and conduct of the research, you and members of your team will have to complete training in areas such as conflict of interest, human subject protection, animal subject protection, export control, and the responsible conduct of research. For more information, please visit the Compliance Training page.

Where can I get help with my proposal?

You are encouraged to contact the appropriate staff at the granting organization early in the process to learn about their grant programs, receive advice on preparing and submitting the application, etc. The research administrator in your college, school or institute and Sponsored Projects Services are also there to assist you.

College or School:

University of Arizona Health Sciences (UAHS)

UAHS Research Administration provides support to the following:

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