Social Science & Law

Stronger Democracy Award - Lever for Change

UArizona is encouraged by the sponsor to institutionally coordinate and submit a single proposal.

The Stronger Democracy Award will grant a total of $12 million to proven, scalable, and game-changing solutions that address one or more of the following key solution categories: Voting & Elections: Implement structural reform around voting rights and access, redistricting, voting architecture, and campaign finance. Policy-Making: Strengthen legislative processes and tools to improve bipartisan relationships among politicians, increase access to policy expertise through nonpartisan think tanks and research engines, and promote the passing of policies representative of the broader electorate.Civic Engagement: Improve civic education and participation to support citizens, communities, and society as they inform policies and hold representatives accountable.

K. Allread

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2021 U.S. Mission to Indonesia Annual Program Statement

UArizona may submit one proposal. The U.S. Mission to Indonesia is pleased to announce that funding is available through its Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program. The U.S. Embassy's Public Affairs Section (PAS) in Jakarta invites proposals for projects that further and support the strategic partnership between Indonesia and the U.S. through educational, cultural, informational, and media programming that highlights shared values and promotes bilateral cooperation. All programs must include an American cultural or media-related element, or a connection with American expert/s, organization/s, or institution/s in a specific field that will promote increased understanding of U.S. policy and perspectives.

A. Dhar

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Strengthening Media for Accountability in Zimbabwe Program (SMAZ)

UArizona may submit one application. The program seeks to find innovative ways to help the media encourage democratic and accountable governance, reveal corrupt practices and illicit financial flows, and promote constructive dialogue to make democratic processes more accessible to citizens. Program implementation strategies and approaches are expected to be flexible and innovative to respond to challenges and dynamics in Zimbabwe as they evolve.

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Digital Forums on Terrorism Prevention

UA may submit one application. Through this solicitation, SS-TC aims to assist in the development of science-based policy, programs, and technologies in support of the DHS Strategic Plan 2020-2024Strategic Framework for Countering Terrorism and Targeted Violence1; specifically, Goal 1 (Counter-Terrorism and Homeland Security Threats), Goal 3 (Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure) and Goal 5 (Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience). This solicitation is also in support of the 2; specifically Goal 3 (Prevent Terrorism and Targeted Violence). Objectives of this effort will identify high-quality data to understand the nature of terrorism and targeted violence (as defined in the above-referenced documents) prevention, mitigation, and response to these activities in the United States through use of the internet and emerging technologies, while providing an independent, objective assessment of activities to ensure that state and local stakeholders can continually improve and integrate new evidence and basic research in pursuit of the general welfare of our citizens.

No applicants.

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Insider Threats in American Law Enforcement

UA may submit one application.

Through this solicitation, SS-TC aims to assist in the development of science-based policy, programs, and technologies in support of the DHS Strategic Plan 2020-20241; specifically, Goal 1 (Counter-Terrorism and Homeland Security Threats) and Goal 5 (Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience). This solicitation is also in support of the 2020 Strategic Framework for Countering Terrorism and Targeted Violence. Objectives of this effort will identify high-quality data to understand the risks posed to the United States by the potential for violent extremist organizations or lone actors to infiltrate law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and other government institutions. Findings from this research activity aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of insider threats drawn from historical precedent, existing practices and policies, and training.

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DoS Partnership for Nuclear Threat Reduction

UA may submit 1 application. The Office of Cooperative Threat Reduction (ISN/CTR), part of the Department's Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN), sponsors foreign assistance activities funded by the Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and Related Programs (NADR) account, and focuses on mitigating weapons of mass destruction (WMD), related delivery systems, and advanced conventional weapons proliferation and security threats from proliferator states and non-state actors.

No applicants.

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Internal Deadline
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