Analytical Chemistry Shared Resource (ACSR)

The Analytical Chemistry Shared Resource (ACSR) provides Cancer Center investigators with centralized resources and expertise in performing analytical chemistry assays and pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data analysis and interpretation. The Analytical Chemistry Shared Resource has been built around chromatography based instrumentation which provides the sensitivity and selectivity needed for the analysis of small molecules in pre-clinical drug discovery, chemical structure ID/confirmation, and analysis of inorganic chemicals.

Tissue Acquisition and Cellular/Molecular Analysis Shared Resource (TACMASR)

The Tissue Acquisition and Cellular/Molecular Analysis Shared Resource provides expertise in histological and immunopathological techniques and expert pathological analysis of both human and research animal tissues and cells. TACMASR assists researchers with experimental design and the interpretation of pathological findings. TACMASR is also responsible for the collection, banking, annotation and distribution of surgical biospecimens obtained through the Cancer Center Biospecimen Repository.

Biostatistics & Bioinformatics Shared Resource

The Biostatistics & Bioinformatics Shared Resource provides support in the following areas: analysis of genomic, genetic, proteomics, and other types of molecular data sets of cancer cells and tissues; analysis of large cancer molecular datasets and clinical annotated datasets from NIH consortiums, medical institutions or public resources; biological interpretation of data, including pathway and ontology analysis, systems analysis, genetic vulnerabilities for drug targeting, predictive patterns for outcome, and data modeling; and informatics support for Cancer Center projects and other

University Animal Care (UAC)

University Animal Care (UAC) provides humane and appropriate animal care, ensuring that the highest standards are met so that each animal's well-being is attended to. This includes providing for the animals' daily needs for clean, safe housing and access to fresh food and water; the provision of necessary veterinary care; and the monitoring of the use of animals by principal investigators and their personnel.