
Arts Projects July 2022 Deadline

UArizona is INELIGIBLE to submit to the July 2022 deadline for this program because the university submitted an application to the February 2022 deadline. UArizona may submit one application per calendar year. Independent Components are eligible to submit separately. Contact RDS with questions

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

2022 Strada Education Network: Beyond Completion Challenge Phase 2

A. McAndrew

Taskforce institutions are invited to submit proposals for innovative initiatives that can help students achieve measurable outcomes focused on employment, economic stability, and fulfillment of purpose. All institutions that are a part of the Taskforce on Higher Education and Opportunity are invited to submit scaling grant proposals. Selected grantees may receive up to $1.5 million each to scale and evaluate their initiatives over a three-year grant cycle. (Strada has committed a total of $6.25 million during Phase 2; $10 million overall.)

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

22JD10: 2022 Evidence-based Workforce Development Partnership Training – Curriculum Development/Conversion

No applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


In order to assist justice-involved adults with maintaining long-term attachments to the workforce, practitioners must be able to assess those at high risk for job loss, identify specific criminogenic risks, and develop programming in response to the identified risk/need areas. In addition, qualified practitioners increase their effectiveness when utilizing programming and service based on developmental and structural career theories. 

Criminal justice practitioners and their stakeholders must maintain a communication style supporting the exploration of the values, thoughts and beliefs impacting an individual’s quality of life. The Evidence-based Workforce Development Training provides practitioners with the knowledge and skills required to assist justice-involved adults as they explore the values, thoughts and beliefs resulting in job loss and high recidivism rates.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

W911NF-22-S-0010: 2022 Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 DoD Research and Education Program for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU/MI)

E. Butcher
J. Thangavelautham
J. Little

UArizona may submit three proposals.

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) aims to (a) enhance research programs and capabilities in scientific and engineering disciplines critical to the national security functions of DoD; (b) enhance the capacity of HBCU/MI to participate in DoD research programs and activities; and (c) increase the number of graduates, including underrepresented minorities, in fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) important to the defense mission.

Projects proposed for funding under this FOA must be for basic research. As defined by DoD, “basic research” is systematic study directed toward greater knowledge or understanding of the fundamental aspects of phenomena and of observable facts without specific applications towards processes or products in mind. It includes all scientific study and experimentation directed toward increasing fundamental knowledge and understanding in those fields of the physical, engineering, environmental, life sciences, and information sciences related to long-term national security needs.

PIs are encouraged to consider innovative approaches for their research projects with a view toward enhancing the ability of their institution to develop stronger science and engineering programs that will enable the institution to participate more competitively in a variety of defense research programs, attract and retain good students by exposing them to state-of-the art research, and encourage them to pursue careers in STEM disciplines.

Methods through which these goals can be achieved are varied. Factors such as research capabilities, facilities, and equipment are unique to each institution. Therefore, DoD will not prescribe the approach for a research project; instead, it expects applications to reflect the unique needs and capabilities of the applicant institution.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

2022 NIFA Equipment Grant Program (EGP)

G. Davidowitz

UArizona may submit two proposals total, regardless of type.

The Equipment Grants Program (EGP) serves to increase access to shared-use special purpose equipment/instruments for fundamental and applied research for use in the food and agricultural sciences programs at institutions of higher education, including State Cooperative Extension Systems. The program seeks to strengthen the quality and expand the scope of fundamental and applied research at eligible institutions, by providing them with opportunities to acquire one shared-use piece of equipment/instrument that supports their research, research training, and extension goals and may be too costly and/or not appropriate for support through other NIFA grant programs. EGP grants are not intended to replace requests for equipment in individual project applications. The program emphasizes shared-use instrumentation that will enhance the capabilities of researchers, educators, and extension specialists both within and outside the proposing organization.

Proposals to the EGP must involve acquisition of a single, well-integrated piece of equipment/instrument. Well-integrated means that the ensemble of equipment that defines the instrument enables specific fundamental or applied research experiments in the food and agricultural sciences, including data science and data systems; separating or removing an element or component of such an integrated instrument would preclude that research from occurring or succeeding. An instrument acquired with support from EGP is expected to be fully operational by the conclusion of the first year of the project.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

2023 LSAMP National Coordination Hub and Louis Stokes Community Resource Centers (LSAMP Hub & LSCRCs)

UARizona may serve as the lead institution on one (1) LSAMP National Coordination Hub proposal or on one (1) Louis Stokes Community Resource Center proposal.

This opportunity is Institutionally Coordinated and the full proposal will be organized by the Director of Societal Impact.

Contact Societal Impact for more information.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

2023 LSAMP National Coordination Hub and Louis Stokes Community Resource Centers (LSAMP Hub & LSCRCs)

Institutionally Coordinated -  Societal Impact// Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 

UARizona may serve as the lead institution on one (1) LSAMP National Coordination Hub proposal or on one (1) Louis Stokes Community Resource Center proposal.

This opportunity is Institutionally Coordinated and the full proposal will be organized by the Director of Societal Impact.

Contact Societal Impact for more information.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type