USDA USDA-NIFA-TGP-009902: 2023 New Beginning for Tribal Students (NBTS)

Research Category

Funding Type

Internal Deadline

Friday, April 7, 2023


K. Sierra-Cajas (Undergraduate Research and Inquiry)

The new Beginning for Tribal Students program (NBTS) makes competitive grants to Land-grant Colleges and Universities to provide identifiable support specifically targeted for tribal students. A Land-grant College or University that receives this grant shall use funds for, but not limited to, recruiting; tuition and related fees; experiential learning; student services, including tutoring; counseling; academic advising; and other student services that would increase the retention and graduation rate of tribal students enrolled at the land-grant college or university. The maximum one state can receive is $500,000 per year. 

Program URL


External Deadline


Solicitation Type


Principal Investigator(s)

K. Sierra-Cajas



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