UAR Update

What is an Assistance Listing Number (ALN, formerly CFDA)?

The Assistance Listing Number (ALN), formerly known as the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number, is a five-digit number assigned in the award document for all federal assistance award mechanisms, including federal grants and cooperative agreements. It is used for governmental reporting and auditing.

The first two digits of the Assistance Listing Number reflect the federal grantor agency followed by a decimal point. The final three digits following the decimal) indicate the federal program funding the project within the agency. The partial list below represents some common funding agencies for UArizona. Assistance listing format examples: ##.###, 93.866

    10: U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA)
    12: U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)

    15: U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI)
    43: National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)
    45: National Endowment for the Arts & Humanities (NEA, NEH)
    47: National Science Foundation (NSF)
    64: Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
    81: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
    84: U.S. Department of Education
    93: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS)

The US Federal Government renamed the "Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance" (CFDA) to "Assistance Listing Number" (ALN). Agency websites and awards may transition to the new labeling. In June, 2023 this label change appeared in the UAccess Research (UAR) system, most notably in Proposal Development, Institutional Proposal, and Award. UAccess Financials continues to use the "CFDA" label. No matter which label is used, it is the same identifier!

How can I search UAR for an investigator with both a primary and preferred name?

If you work with an investigator who has a preferred name in addition to their primary legal name, and who may have had proposals, awards, negotiations or subawards under both names, use the vertical line ‘or’ operator, “|”, in lookup screens accessed via Common Tasks in the UAR left hand navigation pane. This will allow a search for all names the person might have used in past records.

In the past, UAR only populated a person’s legal/primary name as it was entered into the UAccess Employee system. As of the January 25, 2022 UAccess Research (UAR) system update, both primary legal name and preferred name are brought into UAR, with the default being preferred name. As a result of added flexibility, people who have a preferred name or who have changed their name over time may have older records under a different name.

Example: john den|ja*den finds John R Den, Johnna Alden, OR Jack Den, Jason Hayden.


Lookup Wildcards



Compatible Data Types














Not equal to



If used repeatedly, an && is assumed. Ex: !1490!1491 is like !1490&&!1491

?, *




? matches one character.  
* matches any number of characters.
?, * are used even if ! is used, but not if any of range operators below are used.


Greater than or Equal to and Less than

String, Number, Date




Greater than

String, Number, Date




Less than

String, Number, Date




Greater than or equal to

String, Number, Date




Less than or equal to

String, Number, Date




Why don't late night proposal approvals update the UAR dashboard?

There is an overnight process that runs behind the scenes in UAccess Research (UAR) to make sure dashboard cards like “Proposals not routing,” “Proposals routing to me” and “Proposal Workload Assignments” are updated with the latest changes. This process usually begins a little after midnight AZ time. Proposals approved after midnight may not be reflected in the UAR dashboard cards that day, they will update with the next overnight update.

If a looming deadline cannot wait for the next overnight update, please email Sponsored Projects Services (SPS) at to request assistance. Include the Proposal number or UAR document number in the request.

When a document is "Returned for Edit", the notification email to the Initiator says "APPROVE Required", not "Returned for Edit". How do I ensure that these notifications are brought to my attention so I can make the necessary changes in a timely manner?

We are working with Kuali to determine what we can do to improve these notifications to be clearer/more in line with a "Return for Edit". In the meantime, you can create a rule in Microsoft Outlook which marks the message as high importance and flags the message for follow-up that same day. 

  1. Create Rule - In Outlook, Rules is in the top toolbar under the Move Section. 

  1. Mark initial parameters and then select Advanced Options…

  1. Select any additional parameters or refine existing

  1. Select actions Mark it as importance and Flag message for follow up at this time. Then if you click on the hyperlinked text follow up at this time you can select Follow up Today and importance you can select high importance.

  1. Provide exceptions to refine or ensure you’re not applying the action to replied/forwarded items (when others are asking question) or copied items (where you’re not the main recipient).
    Perhaps “except if the subject contains certain words” and include RE: and FW: as a filter criteria? Would help filter anything that was forwarded to them from others with a question.


  1. Name the rule and then check “Run this rule now” to run the actions against anything meeting those criteria currently in their box.

Why was my ad hoc FYI/Acknowledge/Approve action removed from my Action List when my proposal was recalled/returned for edit?

A recall or return for edit action removes any pending workflow Approval and Ad Hoc FYI/Acknowledge/Approve actions and basically resets routing. 

If you are using an Ad Hoc FYI or Acknowledge to track a proposal in your Action List once it leaves your "Proposals not routing" card, you can take the Ad Hoc action and it will transfer to your Action List Outbox, where it will remain even if the proposal is recalled or returned for edit. 

To turn on our Action List Outbox:

  • From your Action List, click the preferences button in the upper right corner.
  • Ensure Use Outbox is checked in your Fields Displayed in Action List
  • Be sure to click the save button at the bottom of the page!


At times your Action List Outbox may get very large and may take more time to load and process pages. You can delete older items if and as desired to pare down your Outbox and make it run more efficiently. 

To delete old items from your Action List Outbox: 

  • From your Action List, click Outbox.
  • Check each item you wish to delete.
  • Click delete selected items.

Why don't the number of results I receive from Search Records match the results from the individual searches in Common Tasks (Awards, Negotiations, Proposals, Subawards)?

The Search Records feature will return results excluding disapproved and cancelled documents, while the individual searches in Common Tasks (Awards, Negotiations, Proposals, Subawards) will return all results, including disapproved and cancelled documents. 

Additionally, the Search Records feature is limited by your access/role, whereas the individual searches are not. Search Records will only return results for items you have access to, either because you created the document, you were provided an access role to the document, you are listed as personnel on the document, or you have been provisioned as a unit viewer/approver. You should be able to open any document that appears in your Search Records results. Individual searches in Common Tasks (Awards, Negotiations, Proposals, Subawards) will return all results, regardless of access, however you will only be able to open items for which you have access.  

What are the standard maintenance/outage times with the UAccess Research System?

UArizona will receive security updates and new system features for UAR on a continuous basis.  The standard UAR system maintenance windows are:


  • Daily from 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM MST
  • Sundays from 6:00 AM - 10:00 AM MST

If you choose to work in UAR during the maintenance periods, please save your work often.  While the system updates, you may have an interruption in service and unsaved work will be lost.

Do we need to route to Key Persons now, and also include them in Award Credit and F&A Revenue allocations?

Key Persons should always have been added to the proposal and included in routing for review and approval of their role and commitment on the project. Unit Details had to be added manually and were not included or required for Key Persons previously and they were not included in Award Credit and F&A Revenue allocations except in special circumstances.

With this update, the Key Person's HR Home Unit will automatically be pulled in and they default to being included in Credit Allocations. You may simply enter 0% for Award Credit and F&A Revenue allocation for these individuals, or you may uncheck the box "Include in Credit Allocation" to remove them from allocations altogether. 

I noticed the word "Compliance" in red next to some proposals. What is that for and is any action required?

In some proposals on the Dashboard you will see a small red Compliance pill:  . There is no action required on these proposals. It's simply a visual indicator that the project involves Human Subjects or live Vertebrate Animal Subjects. If you click on the Compliance pill you will see what Type (Animal Subjects or Human Subjects) and Status (Exempt, Not Yet Applied, Pending) were included in the proposal. 

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