Kuali Research

What is an Assistance Listing Number (ALN, formerly CFDA)?

The Assistance Listing Number (ALN), formerly known as the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number, is a five-digit number assigned in the award document for all federal assistance award mechanisms, including federal grants and cooperative agreements. It is used for governmental reporting and auditing.

How can I search UAR for an investigator with both a primary and preferred name?

If you work with an investigator who has a preferred name in addition to their primary legal name, and who may have had proposals, awards, negotiations or subawards under both names, use the vertical line ‘or’ operator, “|”, in lookup screens accessed via Common Tasks in the UAR left hand navigation pane. This will allow a search for all names the person might have used in past records.

Why don't late night proposal approvals update the UAR dashboard?

There is an overnight process that runs behind the scenes in UAccess Research (UAR) to make sure dashboard cards like “Proposals not routing,” “Proposals routing to me” and “Proposal Workload Assignments” are updated with the latest changes. This process usually begins a little after midnight AZ time. Proposals approved after midnight may not be reflected in the UAR dashboard cards that day, they will update with the next overnight update.

UAccess Research System Update - New Features, Available Training, and Office Hours

Get to Know the New Kuali Research SaaS

New Features, Training, and Office Hours - January 2022   

The UAccess Research System (Kuali Research under the hood) will be updated to Kuali Research Software-as-a-Service on January 25, 2022. You will find below an overview of the new features and training opportunities available to you.

New Features

New Systems Information for COI, COC, HSPP, and Proposals

Beginning this summer, the Office of Research, Innovation and Impact will sequentially roll out and upgrade new systems designed to make your work related to Conflict of Interest and Commitment matters, the Human Subjects Protection Program (HSPP), and research proposals much easier.

Rollout of new Conflict of Interest, Human Subjects Protection Program, and Research administration systems

Implementing New Systems to Make Your Work Easier

Beginning this summer, the Office of Research, Innovation and Impact will sequentially roll out and upgrade new systems designed to make your work related to Conflict of Interest and Commitment matters, the Human Subjects Protection Program (HSPP), and research proposals much easier. Because these changes are relevant to all of campus, from students to staff to faculty, please check your email inboxes in the coming weeks and months for information about training sessions and transitioning to the new systems.

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