UAR Update

In the updated UAR system, can documents still be updated during routing?

Yes. As long as an original document was uploaded as an attachment prior to routing, the proposal initiator can replace the attachment with an updated/revised version by navigating to the Attachments section and clicking the Details button on the right side of the page next to the desired attachment. The initiator will then choose the new file to upload and click Save. 

What do you mean when you say to use "title case" for proposal/project titles?

Title case is used to provide consistency in the system and in reporting. Please do not use ALL CAPITALS or all lowercase in proposal/project titles. 

In title case, major words are capitalized and most minor words are lowercase. If your title uses alternate capitalization where a letter other than the first letter of a word is used in the acronym and requires special emphasis, please capitalize as you feel is best indicated for your acronym. 

Major words include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and all words of four letters or more.

Minor words include short (i.e., three letters or fewer) conjunctions, short prepositions, and all articles. 

In title case, capitalize the following words in a title or heading:

  • the first word of the title or heading, even if it is a minor word such as “The” or “A”
  • the first word of a subtitle
  • the first word after a colon, em dash, or end punctuation in a heading
  • major words, including the second part of hyphenated major words (e.g., “Self-Report,” not “Self-report”)
  • words of four letters or more (e.g., “With,” “Between,” “From”)

Use lowercase for minor words that are three letters or fewer in a title or heading (except the first word in a title or subtitle or the first word after a colon, em dash, or end punctuation in a heading):

  • short conjunctions (e.g., “and,” “as,” “but,” “for,” “if,” “nor,” “or,” “so,” “yet”)
  • articles (“a,” “an,” “the”)
  • short prepositions (e.g., “as,” “at,” “by,” “for,” “in,” “of,” “off,” “on,” “per,” “to,” “up,” “via”)

When communicating with Sponsored Projects Services (SPS) about a proposal, do you prefer we reference the Proposal # or the Document #?

Both the Proposal number and Document number were available and acceptable under UAR 5.2.1, however the Proposal number was more difficult to locate so the Document number became the preferred way to reference a proposal. In the updated UAR SaaS environment the Proposal number is more prominent and easier to locate, but SPS will still accept both numbers when referencing your proposal. 

How do I create a new Proposal Development document?

Click on Common Tasks in the left-hand navigation panel. Find the Proposal Development card and select Create Proposal

See the Create and Save a New Proposal video for step-by-step instructions. Be aware that there are additional videos for completing each section of the Proposal Development document and submitting the proposal to routing for review, approval, and submission. 

When I use the Search Records feature, the search is returning very limited information or no information. Why is this happening?

There are a few potential explanations: 

  1. You are searching for items you are not provisioned for. The Search Records feature only displays search results you have access to. You have access to items where you were the document initiator, you were included as personnel on the document, you were provided a specific viewer, editor, or aggregator role on the document, you are provisioned to view or approve documents for any of the included units, or you were added as an Ad Hoc with an Acknowledge, FYI, or Approve action. If you would like to see all search results, you will need to use the specific search functions for Awards, Negotiations, Institutional Proposals, Proposal Development, and Subawards in the Common Tasks section. 
  2. Your search parameters are too narrow. You may need to broaden your search terms to capture additional items. The more search terms you combine (Lead Unit, PI, Title, Deadline Date, etc.), the narrower your results will be. By searching for broader categories, you will obtain more results. 
  3. You are using an incorrect parameter for a given search term. You may need to look in the All Links section for the specific term to find out what possible parameters are and the specific spelling, spacing, and punctuation. 

Will we be able to create our own Institutional Proposals/Negotiations/Awards/Subawards?

No. Campus users may only create Proposal Development documents. Only Sponsored Projects, the Office of Research Contracts, and UAHS Contracts will be able to create Institutional Proposals, Negotiations, Awards and Subawards. You will receive an error message if you attempt to create any of these document types and do not have the appropriate provisioning. 

Is the Medusa screen essentially the same in the updated UAccess Research system?

Yes. The content included/shown on the Medusa page is the same in the updated UAccess Research System. It just has a different look and feel.

You will still have the options of displaying Proposal > Award where the Proposal is the top item and all awards, negotiations, and subawards associated with the proposal fall under it, or Award > Proposal where the Award is the top and all proposals, negotiations, and subawards associated with the award fall under it. You can expand each item by clicking on it, and have the option to open each item directly from the Medusa page (as long as you are provisioned to view that item). 

Can we still look up Negotiations by department in UAccess Research?

You will be able to look up Negotations by department in the current version of UAccess Research (v. 5.2.1) until Thursday, January 20th before 5pm. After that, the old system will go dark. During system conversion, all negotiation records will be transferred over to the updated UAccess Research system. You will be able to look up Negotiations by department in the updated version of UAccess Research (Kuali SaaS) after go-live on Tuesday, January 25 after 8am. 

To search for Negotiations by department in the updated version of UAccess Research, click on the Common Tasks button in the left-hand navigation panel. Find the Negotiation card and click Search Negotiation. Enter the Unit Number in the appropriate field and click search. You will only be able to open a Negotiation if you are provisioned to be able to do so for that unit. 

Will we have access to see the 'Proposals not routing' if we aren't provisioned for the Lead Unit?

You will have access to items in the 'Proposals not routing' card on the dashboard if you:

  • initiated the proposal document
  • are included as Personnel on the project (PI, Co-I, Key Person)
  • are provided viewer, editor, or aggregator privileges through the Access tab of the proposal
  • are provisioned to view or approve proposals for any unit included in the proposal 
  • are added as an Ad Hoc with an Acknowledge, FYI, or Approve action

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