STEM, Education, Training

2022 Women in STEM2D Scholars Program (Johnson & Johnson)

Engineering: S. Song
Science: L. Condon
Mathematics: OPEN
Design: OPEN

Technology: J. Su
Manufacturing: A. Zuniga-Teran

UArizona anticipates a submission limit of 6 proposals, one per award category: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Manufacturing & Design. The anticipated sponsor's deadline is September 30, 2022, based on previous award cycles. When the 2022 solicitation and guidelines are posted by the sponsor, the internal competition will be updated.

The Johnson & Johnson Scholars Award Program aims to fuel development of female STEM2D leaders and feed the STEM2D talent pipeline by awarding and sponsoring women at critical points in their careers, in each of the STEM2D disciplines: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Manufacturing and Design. The awards will fund one woman per STEM2D discipline who has completed her advanced degree, who is working as an assistant professor (or global equivalent faculty position) and who is not yet tenured at an accredited university, institution or design school. The goal is to fuel the research passion of the awarded women and inspire career paths in their respective STEM2D fields. Johnson & Johnson is looking to identify global women leading in both their research fields and leading as mentors, to be a vision for girls and other women in STEM2D.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline
09/30/2022 (anticipated)
Solicitation Type

NSF 22-602: 2022 HSI Program Network Resource Centers and Hubs (HSI-Net)

Institutionally Coordinated - UArizona HSI Initiatives // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 

M. Franco (UArizona HSI Initiatives)
UArizona may submit one application as the lead to HSI-CCC, one to HSI-CERS, and one to HSI-Hub.

This opportunity is Institutionally CoordinatedUArizona HSI Initiatives will be the lead submitter for the university for all proposals for this NSF funding opportunity.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
11/14/2022 (Required LOI)
Solicitation Type

ED-GRANTS-052622-001: Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Higher Education Programs (HEP): Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE): Open Textbooks Pilot Program, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.116T

No applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


The Open Textbooks Pilot program supports projects at eligible institutions of higher education (IHEs) that create new open textbooks (as defined in this notice) and expand the use of open textbooks and course materials in courses that are part of a degree-granting program, particularly those with high enrollments. Applicants are encouraged to develop projects that demonstrate the greatest potential to achieve the highest level of savings for students through sustainable, expanded use of open educational resources in high-enrollment courses (as defined in this notice) or in programs that prepare individuals for in-demand fields.

No applicants.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

NSF 20-554: 2022 ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE)

No applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


The NSF ADVANCE program goal is to broaden the implementation of evidence-based systemic change strategies that promote equity for STEM faculty in academic workplaces and the academic profession. The Partnership track is designed to support the work to facilitate the broader adaptation of gender equity and systemic change strategies. Partnership projects are expected to result in national or regional transformation in STEM academic workplaces and the academic profession and demonstrate significant reach. Partnership projects can focus on the transformation of institutions and organizations and/or the transformation within one or more STEM disciplines. UArizona may submit one proposal as the lead organization for a partnership grant. UArizona is not eligible for an IT, adaptation, or catalyst grant because of previous funding for an ADVANCE grant.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

ED-GRANTS-061322-001: 2022 Promoting Postbaccalaureate Opportunities for Hispanic Americans (PPOHA) Program, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.031M

F. Tax

Contact RDS with questions

The purposes of the PPOHA Program are to: (1) Expand postbaccalaureate educational opportunities for, and improve the academic attainment of, Hispanic students; and (2) expand the postbaccalaureate academic offerings, as well as enhance the program quality, at the institutions of higher education (IHEs) that are educating the majority of Hispanic college students and helping large numbers of Hispanic and low-income students complete postsecondary degrees.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

NSF 22-611: 2022 September NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI Program)

UArizona may submit one full proposal to Track 3 only.

Track 3: The Institutional Transformation Projects (ITP) track supports institution-wide structural or systemic changes to enhance undergraduate STEM education at the proposing HSI. The ITP must be grounded in STEM education research and broadening participation research and be designed to make institutional infrastructure and policy changes to support long-term institutional changes that encourage and support faculty in implementing evidence-based practices that enhance student outcomes in STEM at the proposing HSI.

Due to the institutional infrastructure and policy requirements, this opportunity is Institutionally Coordinated. Proposals should be coordinated with HSI Initiatives and RDS. Contact RDS for more information

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

2022 APS Foundation Grants (August deadline)

Ticket #1: J. Castek
Ticket #2: E. Gornish

UArizona is invited to submit two proposals. Submission will be managed by the UA Foundation.

The APS Foundation supports programs that enhance academic achievement in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Since 1981, the Foundation has invested more than $44 million in projects throughout Arizona that help prepare students to compete in a 21st-century economy.

A workforce proficient in STEM skills is critical to attracting and retaining high-quality businesses and industries to the state. The APS Foundation targets projects that help educators increase content knowledge in STEM subjects as well as the ability to transfer this knowledge effectively to students.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

2022 Strada Education Network: Beyond Completion Challenge Phase 2

A. McAndrew

Taskforce institutions are invited to submit proposals for innovative initiatives that can help students achieve measurable outcomes focused on employment, economic stability, and fulfillment of purpose. All institutions that are a part of the Taskforce on Higher Education and Opportunity are invited to submit scaling grant proposals. Selected grantees may receive up to $1.5 million each to scale and evaluate their initiatives over a three-year grant cycle. (Strada has committed a total of $6.25 million during Phase 2; $10 million overall.)

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type