Employee Related Expenses

Employee Related Expenses (ERE) (also known as fringe benefits) are the expenses the University is responsible for as an employer. ERE is comprised of FICA, retirement, health/dental/life insurance, employee tuition benefits, worker's compensation, unemployment compensation, liability insurance, employee wellness and termination leave. These costs must be included in the cost calculations for proposal personnel costs.

If your sponsor does not allow ERE or fringe benefits, your department will be responsible for ERE charges if the proposal is selected for funding. Include the sponsor stipulation stating that they will not pay ERE with your proposal, along with department head approval.

Rates for the various classes of employees are:

Employee ClassRates
UA Employees Full-Benefit32.0%
Ancillary Employees17.1%
Student Employees2.0%
Graduate Assistants13.0%

The rate agreement date changes every year before the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1) when the fringe benefit rates are negotiated with the Department of Health and Human Services.

See the Financial Services Office, Employee Related Expense (ERE) Rates page for more detailed information.