EPA EPA-R-OEJECR-OCS-23-03: 2023 Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program (EJ TCGM)

EPA EPA-R-OEJECR-OCS-23-03: 2023 Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program (EJ TCGM)

No applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


Multiple Applications: Applicants can submit up to two applications under this RFA so long as each application is separately submitted and is for a different geographic area(s) (e.g., an applicant cannot submit two applications for geographic area 1). 

EPA is issuing this solicitation to request applications for the design and management of a new Environmental Justice (EJ) competitive pass-through program where EPA will competitively select multiple pass-through entities to provide grant funds via subawards to community-based nonprofit organizations and other eligible subrecipient groups representing underserved and disadvantaged communities. The definition of the term Pass-through entity in 2 CFR 200.1 provides that a pass-through entity is a non-Federal entity that provides a subaward to a subrecipient to carry out part of a federal program. The EPA provides extensive guidance to pass-through entities in the EPA Subaward Policy and related materials available on the EPA internet website.

EPA plans to award cooperative agreement(s) to pass-through entities (referred to as Grantmakers by the program) who will collaborate with EPA to design and build their own processes to receive and evaluate competitive community project applications from communities for EJ Thriving Communities Subgrant activities. These activities consist of assessment, planning, and/or project development activities addressing local environmental and/or public health issues. Grantmakers will provide EJ Thriving Communities Subgrants (i.e., subawards) to Eligible Subrecipients.

Consistent with EPA’s mission and Administration priorities, including those set forth in Executive Orders 13985 and 14008, and using funding available for environmental justice, and other potential funding as available and appropriate, EPA is seeking applications from eligible entities as described in Section III to become an Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaker. EPA is making available up to approximately $550 million total for the EJ TCGM program. EPA expects to make up to 11 awards for the Grantmakers.

EJ Thriving Communities Subgrants will be available for three distinct phases:

  • Phase I = Assessment projects for up to $150,000 for a one-year project period
  • Phase II = Planning projects for up to $250,000 for a 1-2 year project period, and
  • Phase III = Project Development projects for up to $350,000 for a two-year project period.


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