
NIH PAR-23-286: 2024 NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Early-Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

 Limit: 4 // Tickets Available: 3 // S. Yeo (Postdoctoral UACC)


The purpose of the NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Early-Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00) program is to increase and maintain a strong cohort of new and talented, NCI-supported, independent investigators. This program is designed for postdoctoral fellows with research and/or clinical doctoral degrees who do not require an extended period of mentored research training beyond their doctoral degrees. The objective of this award is to facilitate a timely transition of these fellows from their mentored, postdoctoral research positions to independent tenure-track (or equivalent) faculty positions. The program will provide independent NCI research support during this transition to help awardees to launch competitive, independent research careers. Researchers in the scientific areas of cancer control, cancer prevention and cancer data sciences are especially encouraged to work with their institutions to apply.

This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is designed specifically for candidates proposing research that does not involve leading an independent clinical trial, a clinical trial feasibility study, or an ancillary clinical trial. Under this NOFO candidates are permitted to propose a research experience in a clinical trial led by a mentor or co-mentor. Those proposing a clinical trial or an ancillary clinical trial as lead investigator, should apply to the companion NOFOs (PAR-23-287 or PAR-23-288).

Each eligible institution (defined as having a unique UEI number or NIH IPF number) may submit up to a combined total of four applications (one in Cancer Data Science, one in Cancer Control Science, one in Molecular/Precision Cancer Prevention, and one in Other Cancer Research) to any companion NOFO or any combination of companion NOFOs (PAR-23-286PAR-23-287, and/or PAR-23-288).

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

NIH PAR-23-287: 2024 NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Early-Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Required)

No Applicants // Limit: 4 // Tickets Available: 4


The purpose of the NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Early-Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00) program is to increase and maintain a strong cohort of new and talented, NCI-supported, independent investigators. This program is designed for postdoctoral fellows with research and/or clinical doctoral degrees who do not require an extended period of mentored research training beyond their doctoral degrees. The objective of this award is to facilitate a timely transition of these fellows from their mentored, postdoctoral research positions to independent tenure-track (or equivalent) faculty positions. The program will provide independent NCI research support during this transition to help awardees launch competitive, independent research careers. Researchers in the scientific areas of cancer control, cancer prevention and cancer data sciences are especially encouraged to work with their institutions to apply.

This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is designed specifically for candidates proposing to serve as the lead investigator of an independent clinical trial, a clinical trial feasibility study, or a separate ancillary clinical trial, as part of their research and career development. Those not planning an independent clinical trial, or proposing to gain research experience in a clinical trial led by another investigator, must apply to companion NOFO (PAR-23-286).

Each eligible institution (defined as having a unique UEI number or NIH IPF number) may submit up to a combined total of four applications (one in Cancer Data Science, one in Cancer Control Science, one in Molecular/Precision Cancer Prevention, and one in Other Cancer Research) to any companion NOFO or any combination of companion NOFOs (PAR-23-286PAR-23-287, and/or PAR-23-288).


Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

NIH PAR-23-288: 2024 NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Early-Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00 - Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required)

No Applicants // Limit: 4 // Tickets Available: 4


The purpose of the NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Early-Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00) program is to increase and maintain a strong cohort of new and talented, NCI-supported, independent investigators. This program is designed for postdoctoral fellows with research and/or clinical doctoral degrees who do not require an extended period of mentored research training beyond their doctoral degrees. The objective of this award is to facilitate a timely transition of these fellows from their mentored, postdoctoral research positions to independent tenure-track (or equivalent) faculty positions. The program will provide independent NCI research support during this transition to help awardees launch competitive, independent research careers. Researchers in the scientific areas of cancer control, cancer prevention and cancer data sciences are especially encouraged to work with their institutions to apply.

This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is designed specifically for candidates proposing to serve as the lead investigator of an independent clinical trial, a clinical trial feasibility study, or a separate ancillary clinical trial, as part of their research and career development. Those not planning an independent clinical trial, or proposing to gain research experience in a clinical trial led by another investigator, must apply to companion NOFO (PAR-23-286).

This Notice of Funding Opportunity is for basic science experimental studies involving humans, referred to in NOT-OD-18-212 as “prospective basic science studies involving human participants.” These studies fall within the NIH definition of a clinical trial and also meet the definition of basic research. Types of studies that should be submitted under this NOFO include studies that prospectively assign human participants to conditions (i.e., experimentally manipulate independent variables) and that assess biomedical or behavioral outcomes in humans for the purpose of understanding the fundamental aspects of phenomena without specific application towards processes or products in mind. Applicants not planning an independent clinical trial or basic experimental study with humans, or proposing to gain research experience in a clinical trial or basic experimental study with humans led by another investigator, must apply to the 'Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed' companion NOFO.

The proposed project must be related to the programmatic interests of one or more of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) based on their scientific missions.

Each eligible institution (defined as having a unique UEI number or NIH IPF number) may submit up to a combined total of four applications (one in Cancer Data Science, one in Cancer Control Science, one in Molecular/Precision Cancer Prevention, and one in Other Cancer Research) to any companion NOFO or any combination of companion NOFOs (PAR-23-286PAR-23-287, and/or PAR-23-288).

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

2024 Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award

No applicants // Limit: 5 // Tickets Available: 5


The University of Arizona Cancer Center (UACC) can nominate five applications for the Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award
For more information please contact: UACC-PreAward.


The Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award supports independent young physician-scientists conducting disease-oriented research that demonstrates a high level of innovation and creativity. The goal is to support the best young physician-scientists doing work aimed at improving the practice of cancer medicine.

The Clinical Investigator Award responds to three recognized realities:

  • Though there has never been a more pressing need or more promising time for clinical cancer research, fewer young physicians enter this area of investigation every year.
  • The number of institutions committed to training young physicians in the scientific discipline and methodologies of clinical investigation is critically low.
  • The burden of medical school debt (averaging over $100,000) discourages many physicians from pursuing clinical investigation.

The Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation’s award offers solutions to these realities. The awardee will receive financial support for three years, as well as assistance with certain research costs such as the purchase of equipment. The Foundation will also retire up to $100,000 of any medical school debt still owed by the awardee.

The Clinical Investigator Award program is specifically intended to provide outstanding young physicians with the resources and training structure essential to becoming successful clinical investigators. The goal is to increase the number of physicians capable of moving seamlessly between the laboratory and the patient’s bedside in search of breakthrough treatments.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

NOAA NOAA-NOS-OCM-2024-2008212: 2024 National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) Collaborative Science Program

No applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


The NERRS collaborative science program is intended to deliver highly credible and relevant information to the coastal management community by incorporating user input into the design and implementation of research projects, ensuring that the outcomes support the needs of stakeholders. This program will also increase the capacity of the NERRS management, research, education, stewardship, and coastal training sectors to transfer information and skills to end-users and more effectively support coastal and estuarine resource management. 

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
12/01/2023 - Required Letter of Intent (LOI)
Solicitation Type

Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program

The purpose of the Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program is to support high-caliber scholarship in the social sciences and humanities, making it possible for the recipients to devote time to research and writing that addresses pressing issues and cultural transitions affecting us at home and abroad.

There are four broad topic areas that include a wide range of suggested subtopics:
Global connections and global ruptures
Strengthening U.S. democracy and exploring new narratives
Environments, natural and human
Technological and cultural creativity—potential and perils
Research Category
Funding Type
Opportunity type
Opportunity ID
External Deadline
11/14/2024 (Anticipated)
Deadline or Target Date

ROSES 2023: Nancy Grace Roman Technology Fellowships for Early Career Researchers

The goals of the Nancy Grace Roman Technology Fellowship (RTF) program in astrophysics are to provide early-career researchers the opportunity to develop the skills necessary to lead astrophysics flight instrument development projects, including suborbital investigations, in preparation to become Principal Investigators (PIs) of future NASA astrophysics missions; to develop innovative technologies for space astrophysics that have the potential to enable major scientific breakthroughs; and to foster new talents by putting early career instrument builders on a trajectory towards long-term positions. NASA is committed to supporting deserving early career researchers by selecting several Roman Technology Fellows every year. This program is not linked to the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (formerly WFIRST).

This program consists of two components with two different submission procedures. The first component is the one-page application from an early career individual to be named a Roman Technology Fellow (RTF), see Section 2. The second component is the subsequent submission of a proposal for up to $500K in Fellowship Funds by a previously selected RTF once that individual obtains a permanent or permanent-track position, in order to start a laboratory or develop a research group at the Fellow’s institution (see Section 3). Please see Section 2.1 for the definition of an early career position, and Section 4.1 for the definition of a permanent or permanent track position.
Funding Type
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Opportunity ID
External Deadline
Deadline or Target Date

RARE Grant Program (Research Accelerating RUNX1 Exploration) Early Career Investigator Grant and Exploration Grant

The purpose of the RUNX1 Early Career Investigator Grant is to promote the establishment of a new generation of translational and clinical researchers interested in tackling inherited hematologic malignancy predisposition disorders with a focus on RUNX1-familial platelet disorder. We believe that providing capital to early career investigators not only injects funding into where it is needed most, but also cultivates a new cohort of investigators who will be invested in an area of research that historically has had limited attention.
Funding Type
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Opportunity ID
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Deadline or Target Date

Early Career Investigator Grant

Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance is requesting Letters of Intent for the Early Career Investigator Grant (formerly called the Liz Tilberis Early Career Award). The Early Career Investigator Grant (ECIG) is for junior faculty with a strong commitment to an investigative career in the field of ovarian cancer research. The intent of these grants is to support a substantial time commitment to research and academic endeavors in ovarian cancer.
Funding Type
Opportunity type
Opportunity ID
External Deadline
03/29/2024 (Anticipated)
Deadline or Target Date

NIDCD Early Career Research (ECR) Award

The NIDCD Early Career Research (ECR) Award (R21) is intended to support both basic and clinical research from scientists who are beginning to establish an independent research career. It cannot be used for thesis or dissertation research. The research must be focused on one or more of the areas within the biomedical and behavioral scientific mission of the NIDCD: hearing, balance, smell, taste, voice, speech, or language. The NIDCD ECR Award R21 grant mechanism supports different types of projects including secondary analysis of existing data; small, self-contained research projects; development of research methodology; translational research; outcomes research; and development of new research technology. Irrespective of the type of project, the intent of the NIDCD ECR Award R21 is for the Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) (PD(s)/PI(s)) to obtain sufficient preliminary data for a subsequent R01 application.

Only one NIDCD ECR Award (R21) application may be submitted by a PD/PI per due date. PD/PIs who successfully obtained an NIDCD Small Grant award are ineligible for an NIDCD ECR Award (R21).

Applicants may not submit an NIDCD R01, R15 or R21 application for the same review cycle that the NIDCD ECR Award application is submitted. In such cases, the NIDCD ECR Award R21 application will be withdrawn.

Funding Type
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External Deadline
Deadline or Target Date

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