UAccess Research (UAR)

Live vertebrate animal subjects?

Answer this question ‘Yes’ if live vertebrate animals are involved in the proposal. A protocol must be submitted for approval to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) before an award is made, but not at the time of proposal.

IACUC oversees the university’s animal care and use programs. This unit ensures the humane and ethical treatment of the animals used in research, testing and education.  IACUC reviews all requests to use vertebrate animals to ensure compliance with federal regulations. 

Principal Investigators who plan to use animal subjects as a part of their research should contact a member of the IACUC early in the project design stage to determine appropriate species as models for research and appropriate procedures to be used in the course of research (from UHAP). Visit the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) program pages of the Research Support website for additional guidance.

FAQ Page

Human subjects?

Answer this question ‘Yes’ if human subjects are involved in the proposal. The University is required to safeguard human participants that are involved in research projects. For any project involving the use of human participants, a protocol must be submitted to the University’s Human Subject Protection Program (HSPP) and the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for review and approval. 

The HSPP and IRB ensure that Human Subjects rights and welfare are protected, the risk and potential benefits are weighed accurately, subject selection is fair and that the participants have an informed consent.  Approval is required before any work with Human Subjects is initiated.

Visit the Human Subject Protection Program section of the Research Support website for additional guidance.

FAQ Page

Additional space, space changes or renovations?

If additional space is needed to conduct the project, the Principal Investigator must make arrangements for the additional space prior to routing the proposal.

If the answer to this question is yes, the PI must request space or space changes through their department or college.  Real Estate Administration makes certain that an equitable amount of space is available through a measure of faculty involvement, grant funding and the needs of the discipline. See Policies related to buildings, equipment, and safety for additional guidance.

FAQ Page

Submitted proposal will go through competing review?

This data point will help campus units more accurately calculate proposal success or win rates. Units want to know what percentage of proposals that are reviewed and competitively scored against others for an open funding opportunity are ultimately funded.


Answer 'Yes' if the proposed project...

  • is an incoming subaward which is part of a proposal submission going in for review with the prime proposal at another institution
  • will be reviewed and might or may not be awarded based on merit or a competition

Answer 'No' if the proposed project...

  • if UArizona knows in advance that funding will be awarded, a funding decision has already been made and UArizona employs a certain person with unique expertise to accomplish project goals
  • is a subaward from another institution that already received a prime award and UArizona is being asked to complete part of the work afterward
  • will definitely be funded because UArizona has particular professional expertise
  • is an administrative supplement that requires an application but funding is pre-approved

If you have any questions please contact sends e-mail).

FAQ Page

How do I create a new Proposal Development document?

Click on Common Tasks in the left-hand navigation panel. Find the Proposal Development card and select Create Proposal

See the Create and Save a New Proposal video for step-by-step instructions. Be aware that there are additional videos for completing each section of the Proposal Development document and submitting the proposal to routing for review, approval, and submission. 

When I use the Search Records feature, the search is returning very limited information or no information. Why is this happening?

There are a few potential explanations: 

  1. You are searching for items you are not provisioned for. The Search Records feature only displays search results you have access to. You have access to items where you were the document initiator, you were included as personnel on the document, you were provided a specific viewer, editor, or aggregator role on the document, you are provisioned to view or approve documents for any of the included units, or you were added as an Ad Hoc with an Acknowledge, FYI, or Approve action. If you would like to see all search results, you will need to use the specific search functions for Awards, Negotiations, Institutional Proposals, Proposal Development, and Subawards in the Common Tasks section. 
  2. Your search parameters are too narrow. You may need to broaden your search terms to capture additional items. The more search terms you combine (Lead Unit, PI, Title, Deadline Date, etc.), the narrower your results will be. By searching for broader categories, you will obtain more results. 
  3. You are using an incorrect parameter for a given search term. You may need to look in the All Links section for the specific term to find out what possible parameters are and the specific spelling, spacing, and punctuation. 

Will we be able to create our own Institutional Proposals/Negotiations/Awards/Subawards?

No. Campus users may only create Proposal Development documents. Only Sponsored Projects, the Office of Research Contracts, and UAHS Contracts will be able to create Institutional Proposals, Negotiations, Awards and Subawards. You will receive an error message if you attempt to create any of these document types and do not have the appropriate provisioning. 

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