UAccess Research (UAR)

Work abroad on a U.S. military base?

If a project involves work on a U.S. military base abroad, additional international travel insurance requirements may be required. For expert guidance, contact the UA Export Control Program well in advance of travel.

Defense Base Act (DBA) Insurance is a federal requirement for international travel that is associated with the U.S. federal government. There are two primary triggers when DBA must be obtained:

  • Travel abroad as part of a public work or service contract with the U.S. federal government where the UA is a contractor or subcontractor
  • Travel to conduct work on a U.S. military installation abroad

DBA is generally NOT required for travel under federal research grants, cooperative agreements with federal agencies, or other authorized university travel unless one of the two triggering criteria listed above are applicable. 

To arrange DBA insurance, ask your departmental Business Officer to complete a DBA Insurance Application Form and submit it to Risk Management Services a minimum of 30 days in advance of departure. Email confirmation of DBA coverage will be sent to the traveler and their department. Contact Risk Management Services at (520) 621-1790 or for additional forms information.

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Are companies or nonprofits involved in the project?

Answer this question ‘Yes’ if this proposal involves companies or non-profits as partners if they are not already listed as a sponsor or prime sponsor. This would be the case for proposals where a company or nonprofit is a subrecipient, consultant, advisor, etc. If the answer is ‘Yes’ then it is required in the UAccess Research (UAR) proposal to list the full name(s) of any company or non-profit organization that will be involved as a partner, separated by commas.

Answer this question ‘No’ if the partner is already captured in the UAR proposal as the sponsor or prime sponsor.

Company and non-profit information helps RII to identify researchers, companies and non-profits interested in partnerships to strengthen responses to future sponsorship opportunities Contact Research Development Services (RDS) at sends e-mail) for additional guidance about this question.

FAQ Page

HSI required/encouraged or involves minority populations?

Answer this Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) question 'Yes' if the proposal falls into one of the three categories described below.

HSI Grant requests for proposal (RFPs) generally fall into three categories:

HSI Required: These funding opportunities are exclusive to HSIs and require proof that the university is an HSI. A digital copy of proof from the U.S. Department of Education can be provided upon request. Direct inquiries to Riley McIsaac,

Minority Serving Institution (MSI) Required: These funding opportunities are not exclusive to HSIs, but instead require that a submitting institution have MSI status (HSIs are included under the umbrella of MSIs). Proof of HSI status may or may not be required. Minority or underrepresented students (e.g., first generation, Pell grant recipient/low income) and/or communities/populations are often expressed as the targeted populations of interest.

Intentionally Involves Minority Students and/or Communities/Populations: These funding opportunities are not exclusive to HSIs or MSIs, but they explicitly call for or encourage the engagement of minority or underrepresented students, and/or communities/populations. Engagement of these students/communities/populations should be coupled with asset-based recruitment strategies, culturally relevant learning experiences, inclusive mentoring practices, and much more.

For questions or to learn more, please contact Riley McIsaac, Associate Director of Grants Development in the Office of Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Initiatives (
Visit HSI Initiatives at:

The University of Arizona was federally designated as a Hispanic Serving Institution in Spring 2018, having reached the 25% undergraduate Hispanic enrollment requirement. UArizona was the first four-year public university in the state of Arizona to become an HSI and one of 16 R1 HSIs across the nation.

FAQ Page

Native or indigenous research and/or engagement?

Answer the Native or Indigenous research and/or engagement question ‘Yes’ if this proposal falls into one of the categories described below: 

  • the research or institutional engagement intentionally involves participation by members of a sovereign tribe or indigenous community and may foreseeably result in research results with implications specific to a tribe, indigenous community, or to individuals as members of the tribe or community. Note: Such engagement may occur with native or indigenous peoples outside the U.S.
  • the research or institutional engagement takes place in Indian Country, or Alaska Native homelands, and/or on land under the control or jurisdiction of a sovereign tribe or indigenous community. Note: Such engagement may occur with native or indigenous peoples outside the U.S.
  • human research is conducted in Indian Health Service (IHS) facilities or involving IHS staff or resources. Note: Additional engagement with the IHS, tribal Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), or other entities may be required. 
  • the research involves human subjects, including genetic testing or testing of blood, tissue, or other biological materials if the individual's membership in or affiliation with a tribe or indigenous community is identified, and that is intended to or may foreseeably result in conclusions or generalizations about a tribe, indigenous community, or individuals as members of the tribe or community.
  • any research or institutional engagement involving human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony that are subject to the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. 

If the answer is 'Yes,' then you must also enter the full name of any tribe(s) that will be involved. This information is used for reporting, so your best efforts at providing useful, accurate information are appreciated. 

For questions or to learn more, please contact Claudia Nelson, Director, Native Peoples Technical Assistance Office (NPTAO) in Research, Innovation & Impact (RII) ( 

For more information and resources, visit the Research & Engagement page on the Native American Advancement Initiatives & Research (NAAIR) website.

As a core service unit, Native Peoples Technical Assistance Office (NPTAO) serves as a primary research and resource liaison for Native affairs for the Office for Research, Innovation, and Impact (RII). This includes the Human Subjects Protection Program and Sponsored Projects review for compliance with ABOR 1-118 Tribal Consultation Policy and the UArizona Tribal Consultation Policy. 

FAQ Page

Recombinant DNA/microbial pathogens?

Answer this question ‘Yes’ if the proposal involves any of the terms below or involves any biohazardous and/or recombinant materials. For assistance, contact Research Laboratory & Safety Services at (520) 626-6850 or sends e-mail) or visit the Recombinant and Biohazardous Materials web page.

If the project you are proposing involves the handling or storage of Risk Group 3 biohazardous and/or recombinant materials that would require the use of a BSL-3 laboratory, please contact Research Laboratory & Safety Services at BSL-3 work must be approved in advance by the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC). You can access the documents needed to submit to the committee at  Institutional Biosafety Committee | UArizona Research, Innovation & Impact. Access and training for the BSL-3 spaces is a lengthy process, so reaching out to RLSS early in the process is optimal.

  • Adenovirus
  • Adenoassociated Virus
  • AAV
  • Cloning
  • Gene therapy
  • Genomic library
  • Microarray
  • Plasmid
  • Probes
  • Recombinant
  • Retrovirus
  • Restriction fragment polymorphism (RFLP)
  • Sequencing
  • Southern / Northern hybridization
  • Transformed cells
  • Vector
  • Bordetella pertussis
  • Campylobacter
  • Cell Culture
  • Coccidiodes
  • Chlamydia
  • Clostridium
  • Coxiella
  • Cryptosporidium
  • Cyclospora
  • Giardia
  • herpes
  • HIV
  • Influenza
  • Monkeypox
  • Mycobacterium
  • Yesinia pestis (plague)
  • Salmonella
  • Toxin
  • Vaccinia
  • SARS-CoV-2
  • Risk Group 2
  • Risk Group 3
  • Virus
  • Bacteria
  • Fungus
  • Parasite
  • Rickettsia
FAQ Page

Bloodborne pathogens?

Answer this question ‘Yes' if the proposal involves handling any human derived products (tissue, saliva, organ, semen, vaginal secretions, feces, urine, blood, cells, etc.), or any other potential infectious materials (PIM) that could carry and transmit bloodborne pathogens. For assistance, contact Research Laboratory & Safety Services at (520) 626-6850 or sends e-mail) or visit the or visit the Recombinant and Biohazardous Materials web page.

FAQ Page


Radiation (Radioactive Material, Sealed Source, Radiation Generating Machine)?

Answer this question “Yes” if this proposal involves the use of Radiation.

Your work will need to be approved by the UA Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) before you can start work.  You can access the documents needed to submit to the committee at, “Application for (Radioactive Material/Radiation Machine/Sealed Sources) Approval.”

Training is required before any person can handle Radioactive Material, Radioactive Sealed Sources or Radiation Generating Machines.  Radiation Safety Training can be found on If you have any questions please reach out to

Non-Ionizing Radiation (Laser)?

Also answer this question “Yes” if this proposal involves the use of any laser or laser product.

Your work will need to be reviewed and approved by the UA Laser Safety Officer (LSO) and Laser Safety Committee (LSC).  You can access the documents needed to submit to the committee at

Training is required before any person can operate a laser. Laser training (Laser Radiation Protection Course (LRPC)) can be found on If you have any questions please reach out to

FAQ Page

FDA/EPA GLP compliance?

FDA/EPA Quality Assurance (GLP/cGMP/QA)?

Answer this question ‘Yes’ if the proposal involves any of the terms below or requires adherence to any FDA/EPA quality assurance program. If the project you are proposing involves the manufacture of a medical/therapeutic product, the evaluation of an FDA grant “Test or Control Article”, or collaboration with another researcher/institution upon research requiring FDA/EPA quality assurance program enrollment please contact Research Laboratory & Safety Services at Visit the Good Laboratory Practices web pages for additional guidance.

At this time, the RLSS maintains a voluntary GLP preparation program (training & inspections), the UArizona has not constituted an institutional Quality Assurance Unit and would need reasonable time to do so to accommodate anyone with an FDA/EPA quality assurance program requirement.

  • Good Laboratory Practices
  • Good Manufacturing Practices
  • Quality Assurance
  • 21CFR
  • Title 21
  • EPA Quality Program
  • GLP
  • GMP
  • cGMP
  • Test Article
  • Control Article
FAQ Page

Hazardous chemicals?

Answer this question ‘Yes’ if the proposal involves the use and storage (including cleaning and sterilizing of equipment) of any quantity of any solvents, oxidizers, corrosives, compressed gases, cryogenics, heavy metals, dust-generating compounds, ATF regulated materials, DEA Controlled Substances, pesticides, fertilizers, and/or hormones/steroids. Visit the Chemical Safety Program web page for additional guidance or contact Research Laboratory & Safety Services at sends e-mail) with questions.

Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Ethanol
  • Methanol
  • Tetrahydrofuran
  • Acetone
  • Potassium permanganate
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Sodium/Calcium hydroxide
  • Sulfuric/Nitric/Acetic acid
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Argon
  • Liquid nitrogen
  • Arsenic
  • Mercury
  • Mine tailings
  • Silica powder
  • Praxair FE-271 (or other brand additive manufacturing metal powder product)
  • Nitrotriazolone (NTO)
  • Nitrocellulose
  • Ketamine
  • Testosterone
  • Cannabidiol (CBD)
  • Round-Up (or other brand glyphosate product)
  • Microthiol (or other brand sulfur fungicide product)
  • Pyrethroids
  • Novel mode-of-action insecticide
  • Urea
  • Mono-ammonium phosphate (11-52-0)
  • Iron/Zinc/Molybdenum chelates
  • Zoetis (or other brand estradiol product)
  • Corticosteroids
FAQ Page

Cancer Center facilities used (including shared resources)?

As a National Cancer Institute Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center Facility, any and all use of the facilities of the Cancer Center must be reported to the National Institutes for Health (NIH) on an annual basis. This includes any use of Cancer Center Facilities, including use of the Common Equipment Rooms and/or the Shared Services of the Cancer Center.  use of any lab, office, common equipment or shared services or any part of the Cancer Center Facility requires approval.

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