Resources for PIs and Research Teams

These workshops, programs and online resources are designed to help PIs and research team members successfully navigate the full research cycle, from finding and securing funding, negotiating contracts, and managing the award, to ensuring compliance with relevant laws and policies and publishing research results. For more information, please contact or call 621-0598.

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Compliance Training

Depending on the nature of your research or your funding, you and your research team may be required to complete one or more of the following trainings.

Conflict of Interest Required Disclosure Training 
Who is required: All investigators, where "investigator" is any person who is responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of research, regardless of his or her title or position at the University. 
Deadline for completion:

  • Prior to proposal submission for all PIs receiving funding from any federal source, including sub-federal awards
  • Prior to participating in the Conduct of Research for all other PIs
  • Every four years thereafter or as directed by the University.

    Validity: Valid for 4 years.

Export Controls 
Who is required: All UA employees working on an export controlled project secured with a Technology Control Plan.
Deadline for completion: Prior to the start of the project and thereafter annually throughout the duration of the secured project or for as long as the TCP remains in place.
Validity: Valid for 1 year

Protecting Human Research Subjects
Who is required: All members of research team
Deadline for completion: Prior to conducting any activities related to the human research.
Validity: Valid for 4 years

Good Clinical Practice
Who is required: 
NIH-funded investigators and staff who are involved in the conduct, oversight, or management of NIH-funded clinical trials.
Deadline for completion: Prior to start of project, and no later than 30 days after employment on an NIH-funded clinical trial.
Validity: Valid for 3 years

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee/UA Lab Animal Welfare
Who is required: All members of research team
Deadline for completion:Prior to conducting any activities related to research involving animals.

HIPAA Certification
Who is required:   HIPAA Training is required for all employees, students, trainees, volunteers and other Workforce members who work or come into contact with protected health information and perform work/research in a UA Health Care Component as part of their job responsibilities.
Deadline for completion: The required HIPAA training must occur within 30 days of initial employement, placement, or enrollment of the individual.
Validity: Valid for 1 year. Must be renewed at least annually. 

Biosafety Protection
Who is required:  All individuals who work with and/or supervise the use of recombinant and biohazardous material.
Deadline for completion: Prior to working with biohazardous material.
Validity: Valid for 1 year

Laboratory Chemical Safety
Who is required:  All faculty, staff, students, and volunteers working with hazardous chemicals in a Laboratory
Deadline for completion: Prior to working in laboratory using hazardous chemicals.
Validity: Valid for 1 year

Radiation Safety
Who is required:  All Faculty, staff, students, and personnel working with various radiation equipment in a laboratory    
Deadline for completion: Prior to working in laboratory using hazardous chemicals.
Validity: Valid for 1 year

Responsible Conduct of Research
Who is required: Most students and postdoctoral researchers funded by NIH, NSF, and NIFA; and early career faculty funded by NIH. See RCR Federal Requirements page for details. 
Deadline for completion: Must begin the certification program within 30 days of being funded on an applicable grant. One year to complete all requirements. 
Validity: Valid for 4 years

Online Resources
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)
The Office of Research Integrity

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Career Development Programs

NSF Career Grant Preparation Program

This program offers a guided program and  proposal development assistance to those that chose to submit a full proposal to NSF. Learn more about this program here.

NIH R Series Grant Preparation Program

This program comprise the largest category of funding by many of the NIH Institutes and Centers. Learn more.

Arts and Humanities Fellowships

This program provides introductory workshops and writing groups for those interested in submitting NEH and ACLS fellowships.Learn more.

Other Opportunities:

In addition to the regularly scheduled grant-specific programs, Research Development Services offers a variety of programs suitable for faculty and researchers interested in pursuing extramural funding. For more information visit here.

Online Training
Engaging DARPA
PIVOT Training Webinars

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Research Administration for PIs

Online Video on demand: Postaward Management for PI's: A panel discussion with a PI and research administrators 

Sponsored Projects & Contracting Services is in the process of rebuilding its training curriculum. Please contact for personalized training for your unit.

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Publishing Resources

Managing NIH Public Access Compliance
Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)


The Hastings Center Report
The Hastings Center Report explores the ethical, legal, and social issues in medicine, health care, public health, and the life sciences. 

The Journal of Research Administration
The Journal of Research Administration publishes articles covering the changing research environment worldwide, focusing on quality and innovation in research administration.

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