RAMTalk Listserv

Sponsored Projects Services (SPS) moderates the RAMTalk listserv, which is used to inform subscribers of events (including the monthly Research Administration Forum), deadlines and timelines, funding opportunities, policies and procedures, training opportunities, and other research related communications. 

To subscribe, go to https://list.arizona.edu/sympa/subscribe/ramtalk, enter your UArizona email address, and click submit. 

You can also subscribe, unsubscribe, and manage your subscriber options by going to https://list.arizona.edu/sympa/info/ramtalk, logging in using your UANetID and password, and selecting the appropriate option from the left navigation panel. 

screenshot of list serve options

For more information on University Email List services, go to https://uarizona.service-now.com/sp?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0010095