DOE DE-FOA-0003040: 2023 Scientific Infrastructure Support for Consolidated - General Scientific Infrastructure (GSI) Support for Universities

DOE DE-FOA-0003040: 2023 Scientific Infrastructure Support for Consolidated - General Scientific Infrastructure (GSI) Support for Universities

No applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


UArizona may submit one proposal to the  to the GSI track. UA not eligible for research reactor track.



The Office of Nuclear Energy (NE) mission is to advance nuclear energy science and technology to meet U.S. energy, environmental, and economic needs. DOE intends to facilitate the education and training of nuclear scientists, engineers, and policy-makers through graduate and undergraduate study, two-year programs, and R&D that is relevant to the Department and the U.S. nuclear energy industry in general. Within Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP), the specific goals of this Infrastructure FOA are: 

  • To support, maintain, or enhance the institution’s capacities to attract and teach high quality students interested in nuclear energy-related studies;
  • Build the institution’s research or education capabilities; and
  • Enhance the institution’s capabilities to perform R&D that is relevant to NE’s mission.

The average GSI award will be approximately $250,000 for the total project period. No Cost Share / 1:1 Cost Match >$250k**. 

Contact RDS 

(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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