There are specific requirements for NSF proposals that may impact the resources or interests of a federally recognized Tribal Nation. Detailed guidance and FAQs for the University of Arizona process for NSF proposals can be found here.
Answer the Native or Indigenous research and/or engagement question ‘Yes’ if this proposal falls into one of the categories described below:
- the research or institutional engagement intentionally involves participation by members of a sovereign tribe or indigenous community and may foreseeably result in research results with implications specific to a tribe, indigenous community, or to individuals as members of the tribe or community. Note: Such engagement may occur with native or indigenous peoples outside the U.S.
- the research or institutional engagement takes place in Indian Country, or Alaska Native homelands, and/or on land under the control or jurisdiction of a sovereign tribe or indigenous community. Note: Such engagement may occur with native or indigenous peoples outside the U.S.
- human research is conducted in Indian Health Service (IHS) facilities or involving IHS staff or resources. Note: Additional engagement with the IHS, tribal Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), or other entities may be required.
- the research involves human subjects, including genetic testing or testing of blood, tissue, or other biological materials if the individual's membership in or affiliation with a tribe or indigenous community is identified, and that is intended to or may foreseeably result in conclusions or generalizations about a tribe, indigenous community, or individuals as members of the tribe or community.
- any research or institutional engagement involving human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony that are subject to the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act.
If the answer is 'Yes,' then you must also enter the full name of any tribe(s) that will be involved.
- Federally recognized Tribal Nations should be selected/added from the drop-down provided. You may add additional federally recognized Tribal Nations by clicking the + box below. You may remove added federally recognized Tribal Nations by clicking the - box to the right of the Tribal Nation.
- Other Tribal Nations and indigenous communities (including those external to the United States) should be entered in the text box provided. Please be aware that this information is used for reporting, so your best efforts at providing useful, accurate information are appreciated. You can reach out to Claudia Nelson for assistance/guidance with what to enter in this text field.

For questions or to learn more, please contact Claudia Nelson, Director, Native Peoples Technical Assistance Office (NPTAO) in Research, Innovation & Impact (RII).
For more information and resources, visit the Research & Engagement page on the Native American Advancement Initiatives & Research (NAAIR) website.
As a core service unit, Native Peoples Technical Assistance Office (NPTAO) serves as a primary research and resource liaison for Native affairs for the Office for Research, Innovation, and Impact (RII). This includes the Human Subjects Protection Program and Sponsored Projects review for compliance with ABOR 1-118 Tribal Consultation Policy and the UArizona Tribal Consultation Policy.