FDA/EPA GLP compliance?

FDA/EPA Quality Assurance (GLP/cGMP/QA)?

Answer this question ‘Yes’ if the proposal involves any of the terms below or requires adherence to any FDA/EPA quality assurance program. If the project you are proposing involves the manufacture of a medical/therapeutic product, the evaluation of an FDA grant “Test or Control Article”, or collaboration with another researcher/institution upon research requiring FDA/EPA quality assurance program enrollment please contact Research Laboratory & Safety Services at rlss-help@arizona.edu. Visit the Good Laboratory Practices web pages for additional guidance.

At this time, the RLSS maintains a voluntary GLP preparation program (training & inspections), the UArizona has not constituted an institutional Quality Assurance Unit and would need reasonable time to do so to accommodate anyone with an FDA/EPA quality assurance program requirement.

  • Good Laboratory Practices
  • Good Manufacturing Practices
  • Quality Assurance
  • 21CFR
  • Title 21
  • EPA Quality Program
  • GLP
  • GMP
  • cGMP
  • Test Article
  • Control Article
FAQ Page

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