NAT-RD-24-0003 PFAS Reduction and Innovation in Semiconductor Manufacturing (PRISM) Call for Proposals (CFP)
Limit: 2* // Tickets Available: 0
Wastewater Focus Area - Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 0
S. Savagatrup (Chemical and Environmental Engineering)
Air Focus Area - Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 0
M. Phillips (Wyant College of Optical Sciences)
The submission for this funding program is coordinated by the Center for Semiconductor Manufacturing.Please contact Dan Moseke, Project Director, for more information.
An organization may only lead up to two proposals maximum (one for each Focus Area - air and wastewater) but may participate on more than one team.
Concise Description of Funding Opportunity:
NSTC’s PRISM program aims to enhance the sustainability of semiconductor manufacturing by addressing the challenges posed by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) usage. The objective of the PRISM program is the successful creation of end-to-end PFAS mitigation capabilities, integrating advanced analytical methods, abatement technologies, and predictive modeling to address the environmental impact of PFAS usage in semiconductor manufacturing.